Chapter 63: You can't hide from the truth

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I look at the world around me, and the lights are too bright to even see anything. Hawk covers my face and gets me through the crowd of reporters.
   I get into the building and I feel overwhelmed, but I keep a straight and strong face as a mask for my true feelings. I look around at all of the flashing lights and feels a sense of panic.
"Come on." Hawk says to me.
I look to him and nod.
He takes my arm and gestures Sam to follow us. He takes the both of us to an empty side room.
"Why did you bring us in here?" Samantha asks Hawk.
"I have kept this in for over an hour." he says. "Why would you try to run away?" he looks at me.
Samantha looks to me, puzzled. "Wait, you tried to run away?"
Hawk answers. "Yes, she did. I walked into her room and she had her passport and computer out. I then opened up the computer to see she was thinking about booking a flight." He then walks up to me. "I just want to know why."
"I can explain." I say, ready to reveal the truth.

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