Chapter 47: Why can't I breathe?

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I sit on my bed, exhausted, but I am still thinking about one person. Hawk. He was with me and defended me to my dad. He always seems to be there when I need him. I wonder if anyone is up. I'm going to open the door and try to sneak to the pool house.
I open the door. I look in the hallway and the coast is clear. I go to walk down the stairs and I hear my dad.
"Fine, I'll go. I just want you to tell Kate that I am going to try harder to be there for her, there's just a lot going on."
"That's where your wrong." Mr LaRusso says. "It should be an easy choice but for some reason you are making it hard. Have a good night Jerry."
I hear the door slam. "Kate? What are you doing?" Hawk says, walking behind me.
"I was about to go to the pool house to see you, I just didn't want to get caught." I say.
"Oh okay. Well I am here now, what do you want to talk about?"
"It's not really what I want to talk about. It's about what I want to do." I say.
"Oh." he says, looking to the stairs. "Are you sure you want to do this for the right reasons? Or are you just wanting to do this because-"
"I'm doing this because I want you." I say.
"Okay. I'll text you when the LaRusso's go to bed. I will go to the truck and get some stuff." he says.
"Okay." I respond.
He looks to me in a worried way. Then holds my hand and proceeds to walk away. I let go of his hand.
I go into the bedroom. A million thoughts run through my mind. What if I can't? What if I am terrible at it? What if I don't do it right? I just want to get close to him. I want the feeling of his body next to mine.
Hawk makes me feel safe, he makes me feel like nobody has made me feel before. Anything is possible when we are together.
I decide to just relax until he texts me. Then I hear a knocking on the door. I thought he was going to send me a text. I go to the door then open it.
"Kate come to the truck." Noah says.
It's- it's him. My heart jumps out of my body, my heart rate drops. I- I don't know what to do.... what to say. I step back.
"Kate come on." Noah says, grabbing my wrist.
"Let go Noah." I say, him continuing to pull me.
He pulls me down the stairs.
"Noah stop." I say, him not caring.
"NOAH." I yell, as he continues to pull me.
"Hey hey hey what's going on here?" Mr LaRusso says.
"What's happening is she is coming home." Noah says, starting to pull me.
"Let me GO." I say.
"HEY." Hawk yells walking in.
"Oh look who it is. Little miss make-out's buddy."
"Shut the hell up. Let her go."
"Eli. Go to the pool house." Mr LaRusso says.
Hawk walks away, and then Noah continues to pull me to the door.
Samantha stands in front of the door.
"Move." Noah says.
"That's not happening." Samantha says. Mr LaRusso walks over where Samantha is and tells her to move. Once she moves she walks over there to where he's holding my wrist and pulls them apart. Then she wraps her arms around me and pulls us away from the situation.
"Are you okay?" Samantha says. My body is in shock. I just look to her.
"Hawk take her to the pool house." Mr LaRusso says. "Take Sam and Amanda with her."
"Yes Sensei." Hawk says.
Noah laughs. "Sensei? You call yourself a Sensei and you believe in that 'defense' bullshit. Cobra Kai is real karate."
"Are you.... drunk?" Mr LaRusso says.
My dad walks in. "Noah I said to let her stay."
"Smell his breath." Mr LaRusso says.
"You drove drunk? I'm very disappointed in you Noah. Get your ass into the car before I run you over with it." My dad says. Did my dad actually just get onto my brother? That's SHOCKING. I have never seen that side to my dad before.
"Before I do." he says, then walks up to me. "Just wait until I see you again."
I look to him. My dad walks up behind Noah and hits him in the head. "IN THE CAR." he yells. Noah smirks at me and walks away.
"I'm sorry Katie-Kat. I'll talk to him I swear."
"It's okay dad. It's not Noah, it's Cobra Kai."
"It's that and my finest Tequila. So that is the main reason I'm going to get on his ass. I will talk to you tomorrow. Ok?"
"Okay." I responded.
I have never seen this side of my dad. He's always gotten onto me about the little things but he has never gotten onto Noah. Well, not that I have known of.
I see my dad walk out the door and Samantha looks to me.
"Are you okay? What did he say to you?"
"He didn't say anything. He just opened the door and told me to go with him and when I said no he started to pull me. But other than that, nothing." I say.
"Okay we ALL need to go to bed. It's 3:47 AM and we all need to be up and ready by 12. Well, for me and Amanda, 10. Point is we all need to go to bed." Mr LaRusso says.
  "Ok." says Hawk.
"Ugh." says Anthony.
   "Goodnight." says Samantha.
  Hawk looks to me. He whispers, "Maybe we should take a rain check on tonight. We can always do it some other time."
  "Really?" I say.
   "Oh okay then. Goodnight." I say.
  "Goodnight." Hawk says, hugging me. The warm embrace lasts for a minute.
  "Come on Kate." Samantha says.

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