Chapter 2: Moving in

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     We pull into a suburban neighborhood. Every house looks like a dream home. Beautiful two story houses that go on for blocks. We finally pull into our new driveway.
     I get out of the car, stretching my legs and arms as far as they can go. I see in the corner of my eye, a pedestrian crossing the street. The figure has a Mohawk, and is getting closer with every passing second. He walks up slowly. He looks at me and smiles, then walks in the direction of my father.
     "Hey, I'm hawk. I live in the house across the street. Do you need help getting your stuff in the house?" says the new person.
     "I don't need any help, but my daughter might. She is over there right beside the truck." my dad says to the stranger.
     "Yes sir." Says hawk
     He walks up to me, with a forced look on his body. "Hey, I'm hawk. Would you like some help moving your stuff?"
     "If you are here because your mother forced you, then you don't have to help me." I say, kind of tired and annoyed.
     "Okay." He walks away, kind of slow. As if he is waiting for me to say I need his help.
   I walk to the back of the U-Haul and grab a box titled "Kate's Bedroom stuff, don't open!" I wrap my arms around the box, and when I go to lift it.
    My body kisses the ground. The box along with it.
     Hawk runs hastily towards me, as well as my father and brother.
"Are you okay Katie Kat" my father says, trying to lift my shoulders.
    I push him off. "I'm fine, and I don't need anyone's help with anything."
     My dad looks to me. "Baby, you can't move your entire bedroom setup all by yourself, you let me and your brother do it for you. Why don't you let this generous young man help you?"
     "I let you help me because I was too busy sobbing about my mother, your wife, if you haven't forgotten." I say, with my eyes filling with tears.
     "I miss her too, baby. I miss her more than anything, but we have to move into this house before nightfall. You want to be able to sleep in your bed tonight right?" Says my father, in a hopeful tone.
     "Right." I say, wiping my tears and picking myself up.
      "So, would you like my help?" says Hawk.
  "Fine, but don't go through my stuff." I respond.

We start to move my belongings into the house. By 3 PM, I'm barely moving.
     "Do you need me to take it from here?" says Hawk.
      "You can't possibly move all of this by yourself, I won't allow it." I respond, out of breath.
      "Okay then, let me bring some of my friends to help us. They would be more than happy to help."
      "Are you sure? I don't have any money to give them."
     "I'm positive, give me 20 minutes to make some calls."
     "Okay" I say, throwing my body onto the couch.

After time passes, he walks back into the house.
  "They are in, they will be here shortly."
   "Okay, I will go get dressed. Is my clothes in my room?" I say, with my brain distorted.
    "Yes, we moved it in there, they're already in your closet."
      "Okay, thank you."
     I am fixing to meet some new people, hopefully they will become my friends.

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