Chapter 16: The young Cobra emerges

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  I am a loss of words. But one sentence peaks outside of my mouth, loud enough for my father to hear, but not loud enough for my brother or my great uncle to hear.
  "No dad, there is no need in putting yourself in harms way." I say.
"I'm not going to put myself in harms way, I'm just going to have a mature conversation with Terry Silver." he says. "Noah, go with your sister into another room."
  "Ok, whatever." says Noah.
"Actually, you both can check out the new theater that is located upstairs to the left." says Terry, "There is a refreshments and popcorn bar on your way."
"Okay." I say. "Let's go Noah." I say, walking up the stairs, Noah following.
  I don't even want to be in the same room as him. I can barely stand to be be around him as it is, but after what he said... how could I? We finally make it up the stairs, and walk towards the room.
  "Can we talk about this?" says Noah.
"You have the audacity to ask that? You insult me and then you join Cobra Kai. You saw what they did to Samantha's car. Did you even hear about what happened to Miguel?" I say.
"I'm sorry about what I said, you didn't deserve that. Also, yes, I do know what happened, but I am 17 years old, I can make my own decisions. I don't need you to tell me what I can and can't fucking do." says Noah.
"It's not telling you about what you should or shouldn't do, it's about what kind of person you want to be here and what kind of reputation you want for yourself."
"Well guess what Kate. You aren't going to change my mind. So give up." says Noah.
  I look in the corner of my eye and I see a butler walk into the room. "Miss and Mister Salvatore," says the man, "your father and Mr. Silver are waiting for you in the formal sitting room." he says, walking us to the 'sitting room'.
  This guy has so much money, so why is he wasting his time with a Karate dojo? He could clearly do whatever else he wanted to.
  "So we have reached a decision." says my dad.
"Indeed we have." says Terry, gesturing to me and my brother to sit down. "Please, take a seat."
  "So it has come to my understanding that you don't want to get involved into a business with a family member, even on a teacher to student basis. I completely respect that, but if something else is clouding your judgment of my dojo, then I should know about it." says Terry.
  Shit.. did my dad rat me out? Great, now my friends will have to suffer.
"No sir, I just do not want to get involved with family. I will be joining a dojo though." shit SHIT SHIT I JUST SAID THAT OUT LOUD! I am so soooo screwed.
"Which dojo would that be?" says Silver, getting intrigued with what I just said. I glanced to my father, and he looked at me like he knew I just over said something and now it will be bad.
  "The Miyagi Fang dojo. I would prefer to take my business there." I said, gaining my independence in this conversation.
"Danny boy's dojo. Well, I wish you luck in your new venture through this chapter in your life." he says, congratulating me.
  "You aren't mad?" I ask.
"A little bit, but I respect your decision to go to a dojo where you have an equal opportunity there. If you came to Cobra Kai, I would probably show favoritism towards you there." says Terry. "Can we speak alone for a second?" he asks.
   "Yes sir." I exclaim.
  We walk outside of the room and he shuts the door behind us.
"I will let you know that Miyagi Fang Karate and my dojo are not on great terms at the currency of this moment." says Silver, starting to get a mad sort-of look on his face. "If I were you, I wouldn't join karate there." he says.
  "I would prefer to take my business there. It's a very beautiful dojo. And it's in nature, so it can help my mental health as well. I looked at the YouTube add and a few pictures that was posted on there a while back." I say.
   "Okay, but just know I don't agree with your decision." says Silver.
  "And I'm okay with that, I came to LA to have a fresh start, and to figure out about my mom. I didn't come here to appease to your standards." I say.
"As long as you are aware of that." he says.
  "I am." I say.
"I got to give it to you, you are a very strong and wheel-powered person. I appreciate your honesty and independence, but at the same time, I kind of don't like it." he says.
  "Thank you." I say to his backhanded compliment.
"Well it is 12, I have to go to the dojo for our 12:30 summer class." he says, opening the door to the room. "I hate to say this, but I have to leave to go to the dojo." he says to my father and brother, who are getting up from their seats.
  "Hey, Uncle Terry?" my brother says, looking to me, then back at him, "Can I tag along with you to your dojo? I want to get a good look at it." says Noah.
  "Of course, I will give you a tour personally." he says. "That's if, your father doesn't mind." he says, gesturing to my father.
   "Of course not, have fun." my dad says to my brother.
   Is he seriously letting this happen? My own father?
"Let's go Kate." my dad says, propping his hand on my back and gently pushing me towards the door.
  "I do hope to see you soon Kate." says Silver.
"I do too." I say.
  The butler opens the door to the outside, and the valet driver pulling up to the front of Terry's house with my dads truck.
  "Have a blessed evening sir and ma'am." the valet driver says.
  "You too, here's a tip." my dad says, handing him a 20.
  "Get in Katie-Kat." says to me.
"What the hell was that?" I say, as we both get into the truck.
  "We reached a decision." says my dad.
"What would that be?" I said.
  "We are going to allow you and your brother to decide whatever dojo you want to go to in the valley. We are simply going to stay out of it." my dad says.
  Is he serious? I remember one time he took away Noah's phone for tweeting something he didn't like, and now he is just going to simply let this go?
  "Now shall we head towards the house? You have that thing with Hawk in about 2 hours."
   "Really? It's already 1:30?" I say.
  "Yep, we have been in there a while." he says, putting the car into drive and pulling out of the driveway
  "What were you and your brother arguing about?" my dad says.
   "Just stupid crap." I say.
  "Oh okay, well let's go home."

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