Chapter 80: First Day...

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I get ready for my first day at school. I feel pretty prepared. I'm not quite sure what to think about last night. Noah seemed pretty mad. Oh well forget about him, today's going to be so awesome.
"Good morning." says my dad.
"Hey Dad." I say.
"Your brother already left. Looks like you're gonna have to find a ride today. I can't because I have to do some work."
Of course the workaholic can't take me to school. It's quite evident that Noah still is mad at me. I can't even wrap my head around it. All I did was stand up to him. I am having a freaking awesome first day of junior year.
You know what. I will find my own way Noah.
I text Sam hoping she'll come pick me up. "Hey, Noah left me stranded at home, can you come pick me up?" I text, hoping she will.
"Actually, Hawk said he was going to pick you up." of course Hawk is going to take me.
I text back, "Ok, thanks! See you at school!"
She only responds with a thumbs up emoji, well okay then.
"Your boyfriend is waiting for you outside, have an amazing day Katie Kat." my dad says, kissing me on the cheek.
"I love you dad."
"I love you too."
I go to walk outside, and it feels like I am a completely new person. I absolutely love my life here in LA. Mom, I think that I am going to make it.
"Hey." Hawk says. "Let me get your bag for you." He walks up to me and pushing his lips to mine.
"Thanks." I say, walking to the passenger side of the truck.
"I decided I was going to be generous and let you play the music this morning." Hawk says.
"FINALLY, this is going to be so much better than your music." I say.
"Woah, no music is better than mine."
"Whatever floats your boat." I respond.
The first song I play is More by The Eiffels. I love the song, and Hawk looks like he is liking it as well, so that's a good sign.
We make it to the school and I get out of the truck. My feet touch the pavement and I have a good feeling about today.
"Have a good day, be safe." Hawk says, handing me my bag.
"I hope you have a good day as well. Bye!" I say, giving him a kiss. I get out my schedule and start to look at it.
I see that I have College and Career Readiness first block, which will be hard to find in this huge building. I take a deep breath and open the door.
I then walk in and try to find my class in this huge hall. It takes me about 20 minutes to find my class, which makes me feel embarrassed.
"Miss Salvatore, glad you could finally join us." says the teacher. I walk in and find my seat.
"Hey." Demetri whispers.
"Hey, I'm glad one of my friends is in here." I say, relieved.
"Me too. Miguel, Samantha, and Robby all have first block together." Demetri responds.
"How do you know that?" I ask.
"Group chat."
"Oh yeah, I put that group on DND because you guys were spamming."
"Which leads me to showing you what was said this morning about ten minutes ago." Demetri says.
"What was said?" I ask.
"Apparently Natalie is after you." Demetri says, making my stomach feel weak and my mind a wreck.
"I don't know why, she is the one who got up in my face at the party." I say. "She already got her final say."
"Well, if you don't remember the last thing she said, I will gladly remind you." Demetri says, showing me a video.
"I said I'm not scared of you." I say, then punching Natalie.
"Really princess, that's the best you got?" she asks.
I then see on the tiny screen a police car approaching.
"I'll see you at school you little bitch." Natalie says.
I look up from the phone and the announcements start. "... and don't forget today is tryouts for the swimming team! They will be at lunch! Good luck students."
I am so prepared. I am going to swim so good they will only put me on the team.
The next little bit in my day goes by pretty fast. I just can't get what Noah said out of my head. "Mess with fire and you're going to get burned Kate."
I suddenly hear the bell for lunch, and dart to where the aquatic center in the school is located, eventually I find the girls locker room and don't get welcomed, or even anything else for that matter. They are all people that is in Cobra Kai.
Shit. This is not going to be what I expected at all. I walk to the changing rooms right around the corner from the front of the door I entered. I go into one of the changing rooms and get into my bathing suit, which is black and has a white curved line on each side of my body. I then put my old varsity shorts to go with my old varsity shirt.
We walk outside and the coach doesn't seem to be in here yet. Dude if you say you are going to be here at lunch then BE HERE. God I just want to try out and get away from these cobras.
"Well look who it is." says a familiar voice. I turn around and see Rory, one of the Cobra Kai's. Remember what Mr Larusso said.
"Confidence is key to every aspect of your life. If you don't have that you have nothing."
"Yeah, I'm here. I'm a State Highschool champion for swim. Obviously I'm going to be here." I say, fighting my fears.
"Listen here Princess, we don't do swim here like how your old school does. We actually have to have talent." She says.
"Actually, I know that I am good. I think you are just scared that I might take your spot." I say, making the other girls gasp.
"I'm not scared of you. I have no reason to be, it seems to me that you are just a dumbass who doesn't know her right from her left." she says, grabbing my arm. I grab her wrist and throw it off.
"Unless you want your ass handed to you on a silver fucking platter, I recommend that you leave me alone. If you don't shut up then I will shut your little mouth for good." I say, looking at her dead in her eyes so she knows that I'm serious.
"Your brother was right, you are a little entitled bitch."
"Wow I can't believe you would talk about yourself about that. At least you realize that you're an entitled bitch, now I don't have to say it for you." I say, trying to burn her like she did me.
"Okay fine." she says as she takes off her jacket and handing it to a girl beside her. "Let's go Crazy Katie." she says.
"How many times do I have to fucking tell you to stop that? Are you just retarded?" I say.
"Oh hell no, nobody speaks to me that way. Especially your little pansy ass."
She pushes her fist into my chest, knocking the wind out of me. I fall onto the ground, trying to catch my breath
"Stay there bitch." she says, walking away.
I stand up, then run to her body. I go low and wrap my body around her legs, pushing her torso, then throwing her to the ground. I then move my body up and push my fist into her face multiple times.
She throws me off, then thrusts her fist into my face. I then punch her in the shoulder and push her off of me. She stands before me.
I look to her and feel like I should be the bigger person. "Look, let's just start over. Hi, I'm Kate Salvatore." I say, putting my hand in front of her face.
She slaps my hand, "Get your hand out of my face, and get your face out of my sight."
Fine then, I guess I will just have to kick your ass.
I turn around and do a 360 kick, which sends her to the ground. I then grab her hair and look at her.
"I have always wondered why nobody wanted to fuck you, then I suddenly remembered that you are a fugly mean girl." I say.
Rory then grabs my arm and spins around, pinning me to the floor, "Who would ever fuck you is the real question. I mean I guess you aren't what you seem, huh?"
"You must've had practice putting out as early of an age as you did." another cobra hisses at me.
I grab Rory's shoulder and push her off and circle around to end up on top of her. I am on top of her with my hand on her throat.
"That's not fair, that wasn't my choice." I say, looking to the other cobra as I start to punch Rory in the face.
After I punch her a few times, she puts her hands on my waist and moved my body off of hers. She then continues to stand up right over my body.
"Oh, by the way, I fucked your brother at the party." she said, starting to walk away. I stand up and grab her ear, pressing it hard and pushing her to the floor.
"Who do you think you are? You are just a little bitch who's full of herself."
"I'm a what?" she says, grabbing my arm and hits the center of my elbow. My bodice away from hers. "Nobody calls me a bitch, especially not some no-good freak like you. Speaking of freaks, how's your boyfriend?"
"At least I have a boyfriend, nobody wants to be with your trashy ass." I respond.
She stands up and tries to thrust her arm into mine, but I end up grabbing her wrist. I push her arm and kick her in the back, forcing her into the pool.
I need to get out of here. I go to the door and open it.
"You aren't going anywhere Princess." says one of the girls. A bunch of them come outside of the door and they all circle me, I don't know what to do, so I do what any person does. I try to fight back. I kick one in the chest and it sends them into a window. Then they get the best of me. I go to kick another one of them in the torso, and the person to my left grabs my leg and punched my knee to the ground. The rest of them get me. A punch in the face, a kick in the stomach, and a kick to the side of my knee. Then I remember something Sensei Lawrence said, "If your opponent fights dirty, then you do as well. Not every karate move should be done for a tournament. If it's a bad fight, you fight like your life depends on it. Is that clear?." Yes Sensei, yes it is. It gives me a reason to try harder.
I stand up and start to put my body into a fighting stance. A girl runs towards me and I punch her in the torso. I then grab the girls arm, then snap it like a twig. "Such a pussy." I say, getting up and spitting on her.
I see someone in the corner of my eye, it's Rory. She walks up to me.
"Well well well, look who's actually kicking someone's ass. I'm surprised that Miyagi shit can actually do something other than a little dance." I swiftly kick Rory in the chest, knocking the wind out of her, the rest come for me at once. I kick one into the pool, and get my feet on the ground.
I punch another in the torso, and perform a flying Eagle move that Sensei Lawrence taught me. I lift my body, and grab a girls shoulders, then kicking two of them in the face, then grabbing the girl that I have my shoulders on and kick her in the face, pushing her body to the floor. I look around and everyone is on the floor.
"KATE, is everything okay? I heard there was a fight in the aquatic center so I got the girls and we came over." says Samantha. "Wait, they are already down." Samantha said sounding surprised.
"I handled it." I say.
"That is fucking crazy." says Tory.
"It's so impressive." says Devon.
As soon as she says that, more cobras come slithering in. I run into the into one of the hallways. Next thing I know, we are all fighting. I move my fist into one cobra's chest, then waxing off and on. Then I hear a familiar voice.
"I hate that I was late to the party." says Natalie.
I stop where I am. It's Natalie. Everything that has happened to me floods back, the bathroom, the bonfire, everything.
"Where are you bitch."
Where do I go? I can't go anywhere. I text Hawk.
"Ran into a bit of trouble at swim, there's a fight. Come quick." I text.
"Otw." He responds.
A lump appears in my throat. I have to get out of here. I run as far as I can, but fear it's not far enough.
I get into the main commodore, the entrance to the school. "FIGHT." Yells a person, everyone pouring out from the hallways and classrooms to watch it.
Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, I have to accept that I had to face her sometime, the first day of school just so happened to be the time.
I turn around and see Natalie before me. "Finally found you, you little bitch."
"I'm not scared of you." I respond, hastily putting my body into a fighting stance.
"Guess we will have to see who has the last laugh."
Natalie kicks at me, me blocking. I punch her in the cheek, pushing my fist to the side of her face. She moves her body and hits me with a fist to the face. I see Hawk in the corner of my eye, pushing through the crowd.
Hawk drops his bag and darts over to us, getting in the middle of the fight, breaking it up. He pushed her to the wall, and holds her there. "Are you ok?" he asks.
"HEY." yells Noah. Noah dashes to Hawk, throwing his fist at him, Hawk blocking.
"You really thought he could help you, you are really stupid." she says, punching me in the throat. I fall to the floor. I go to get up and throw a Haymaker punch into her. "Is that the only way you know how to fight, dirty?" I bark, trying to grab her attention.
"This isn't a tournament, there are no rules." she says, as she gets out a pocket knife. Oh my god.
I look around and everyone is fighting. Samantha, Tory, Devon, Hawk, Miguel, Robby, Anthony, and Demetri are all fighting, but not only them, everyone in the dojo. It's an all out brawl. It's a fight, Miyagi Fang versus Cobra Kai.
"We need security in the main commodore right away." says someone over the intercom.
I see her put the knife back in her pocket.
I'm blocking every move Natalie throws my way. Reverse punch, Haymaker, palm strike, wrist locks. I get her back with a groin strike. I throw kicks and punches, and try to get away, she pushes me onto the staircase, I grab the railing and pull myself up, running up the stairs trying to get away from her. She follows me to the top of the stairs. Her kicking at me, I decide to grab her foot and pull it. It throws her body to the floor, her falling on her back. She stands up and tries to kick me, but I block her kicks and punches. I even block her dirty moves, almost as if Sensei Lawrence and Mr Larusso were both telling me what to do. She holds the balcony as a prop and does a walk-over kick. Sending me straight to the ground. She gets the pocket knife out, and she jabs it at me, I quickly move my body out of the way. I suddenly have a feeling I'm not getting out of this fight alive.
She jabs and jabs again, me moving out of the way each time. She grabs my wrist and brushes the knife against it, tearing my flesh, blood starting to pour out. I yell in pain.
I suddenly have a flashback to something Mr Larusso said to me. "Fear is another reason to try harder, Mr Miyagi preached on 'No be There', so don't be in the fight as Kate, be in the fight as your alter ego." Selki Twiki, it's your time to shine.
A feeling comes over me. They fight dirty, I fight dirty. I don't care and have no remorse for them. They have the intentions to harm me, so I will harm them. I yell, getting into fighting position. I put my hand into a straight line and then throw it into her chest then follow with a reverse head sweep, but as much as I try to be Selki, the Kate inside of me is petrified, and starts to come back.
I look down to the pitiful cobra and grab the collar of her shirt. "No mercy? Looks like I am showing you no mercy." I say flipping her onto her stomach, holding her shoulders to the ground with her arm up, ready to break it.
Then all of a sudden, I realize that the whole no remorse no caring thing isn't me. I'm Kate Salvatore, I can't be that way. Selki is just a bad side of me so I don't feel bad for doing it, if I break her arm, everyone won't see Selki doing it, they will see Kate, and I'm right back to having the nickname Crazy Katie all over again. I drop her arm.
"I'm sorry." I say. I didn't get the reaction I was hoping for, instead, she stands up and kicks me, then punches me me, then kicking me again, but I am next to the balcony.
She kicks me, and my body is pushed off of the balcony.
"KATE." screams Miguel.
They say before you die your entire life flashes before your eyes, but all I saw was the balcony getting farther and farther away from me. I repeatedly .
I try to reach onto something to catch myself but all I am grasping onto is air. I feel my back hitting the side rail passionately, I hear a cracking in my back, then all of a sudden.
Everything went black.

Mastering the Valley: CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now