Chapter 26: The Necklace

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   "Your car is nice." I say, trying to make conversation.
  "Thank you, I actually had it detailed a few days ago." she says.
  "How much did that cost?" I asked.
"Nothing, my dad owns LaRusso Auto." says Samantha.
  "HOLY CRAP! I've seen like 3 of those dealerships already, they have some nice looking cars." I add.
"Thanks. They love their business and have had it since before I was born." she says.
  "Oh okay." I say.
"Anyway, so did you like.. die? I mean like you lost a lot of your blood and stuff." Anthony asks.
  "No, I didn't die. I just felt really bad." I say, trying to answer his question appropriately.
"Oh ok. Well that answers my next question." he says.
  "Which would be?"
"I was going to ask if you turned into a vampire or something, but you didn't die so nevermind." he says. You would think he would be happy that I lived but OKAY Anthony.
  ".... He's weird. Anyways, we are here. Are you ready to see Hawk?" Samantha says.
  "Yeah actually, I'm really glad I get to see him." I say, struggling to get out of the car, then starting to walk.
  "Hey hey hey, what do you think you are doing?" Samantha says.
"I'm going to the dojo?" I say.
  "Not walking you aren't." she says.
"Oh come on, just let me walk a little bit." I say.
  "Hell no, my dads already going to be asking me why I brought you in this condition, I'm not pushing it." she says.
  "Ugh, okay." I say, getting in the wheelchair, her starting to push me. "Can I at least wheel myself?"
  "Yeah, just be careful, Miyagi Do is very, well, not wheelchair friendly. You can go through this way." she says, opening the door to the inside of the hut. "We usually do practice outside but it'll be much easier for you to get through to the back this way." she says.
   "Okay." I say, pushing myself through the building.
  "The hell? How am I supposed to get through this?" I say, facing stairs. "At least let me walk down two stairs."
  "Fine but hurry before my dad sees you." Samantha says.
  "Okay." I say, standing up and going down the stairs, getting behind the wheelchair and pushing it down the stairs.
  "Kate?" Miguel says, walking over in disbelief. "Hawk is going to be glad when he gets here. How you doing?" he asks.
  "I'm doing fine, not the best but I'm okay." I say.
"Ok, well, what are you doing here?"
  "I came to watch a class. Samantha let me come." I said.
"Let you? Oh well, I gotta go, bye!"
  "Bye!" I respond. That was odd.
I look to my right and I see Hawk walk around to the back of the dojo, greeting everyone. "Hey guys."
  "Someone is here." says Demetri, pointing to where I was.
  "Kate's here? I will be right back." he says, walking over to me. "Hey, how you feeling?" Hawk says, greeting me.
  "I'm feeling better." I said.
"I'm glad you're here, I wanted to give you back the necklace that you told me to hold onto at the hospital." he says, walking away.
  "Where you going?"
"To my truck. Be right back." Hawk says.
  I can't believe he stayed with me at the hospital all that time. I wish there was a way I could thank him, but, nothing will be as sweet and caring.
  "I'm back, here you go." Hawk says, returning with the velvet box I remember seeing what felt like yesterday but was apparently two weeks ago.
  "Thanks." I say. "Can you put it on?" I ask.
"Sure." he says, getting it out of the box then handing me the box, then putting the necklace on me.
  "It's beautiful." I say, looking down at it.
"I'm glad you like it." he says, following by giving me a kiss on the forehead, then walking over to his friends. "I'll talk to you after class." says Hawk, looking back at me.
  I see Sensei Lawrence walking to the back. "QUIET." he says, shutting every mouth  that is in front of him. "Fall in." he says, everyone getting into lines. Wow, he really does know his shit.
  "Today, Sensei Daniel LaRusso won't be here, he had some business to take care of at work. So today we are going to be sparring on the deck in the back. Eagles versus Trees, or whatever the hell it's supposed to be." he says, walking over to the deck, everyone following. I see that the path is clear and it doesn't look to bad so I am going to go over there.
   I make it over there to being greeted by Sensei Lawrence. "I'm glad to see your out, when will you start learning to fight?" he asked.
   "I have no idea honestly, all I know is I'm stuck with this wheelchair because I can't over exert my body. My blood hasn't fully recovered from the.... you know..."
   "EVERYONE." he says, as everyone has their eyes on him. "This is a new student. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS TO YOU WHEN YOU CANT DEFEND YOURSELF FROM COBRA KAI. Everyone in this dojo, including this girl, will not only learn defense, but offense as well. You always have to be prepared for what is next. Whether it's a baby on the way, or a fight that you can't control. The best defense is more offense, so today. Be more offensive when you step onto that mat."
   "YES SENSEI." the entire class says congruently. Wow this is pretty impressive.
  "Now line up, and get ready to spar."

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