Chapter 56: Here again, but in a different position

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I sit on a plain blue chair with my lavender purple dress on. I keep on looking at the door they took Hawk back to. I stare into it and wish I can go through it, but I can't. I see Samantha walk up to me.
"Hey." she says. "Want me to drive you home so you can change?"
"No." I respond. I just want to make sure Hawk is okay.
"I will bring you some clothes. If mom or dad comes back tell them I went home to get clothes and an overnight bag."
"Okay. Hawks clothes are beside the futon." I say.
"Okay, I'll get them." she looks to Anthony who is right beside me. "You want to come?"
"I'll stay here." he says.
Samantha walks out the door. I watch her leave hastily.
I stare directly at the wall. I wish that I could do something.
"You know, it's okay to be worried."
"I know. It's just-" I pause. "I just just know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything." Anthony says. "Do you want to talk about everything?" he asks.
"Honestly, yes I do."
"Ok, well I'm here. Let it out." Anthony says, turning his attention to me.
"I just.. I had such a great night with my dad and I felt on Cloud 9, and then when I saw Hawk like that, I fell back down to Earth so fast. This place is so unfair."
  "I completely agree with that." Anthony says.
"I just.." I start to cry, "I just want Hawk to be okay."
  "It's ok, I'm here." he says, hugging me.
"Can I tell you something?" I say
   "Yes, your secret is safe with me." Anthony says.
  "I still have feelings for Hawk." I say.
   "Anyone can see that from a mile away."
  "It's just- it's too late. I don't have another shot." I say.
  "That's not true Kate. You and Hawk go together like Night and Day, like Thelma and Louise. You two just make sense together." Anthony says.
"I need to focus on all of my shit before I think about a relationship." I say.
"Yeah, I don't believe that. You say that you need to focus on 'your shit' before a relationship, yet you are sitting here refusing to go home and change because you simply want to be here with him. You talk about him and I'm assuming think about him constantly. You are not focusing on your 'shit' Kate, you are scared of getting hurt. You clearly broke up with him because you are scared of commitment." Anthony says.
"First of all, ouch. Second of all, bitch. You have no right to say that, you don't even know me."
"I might not, but you are pretty damn easy to figure out. Don't live your life scared, it's going to get you nowhere. You might not like what you are hearing but someone needed to say it."
"You know what. Fuck you."
"Listen, you say that you need to reflect on everything that is happening, and I do agree with that, but that doesn't mean you should end something that you love. I know you love your relationship and you and Hawk do belong together."
"We do, but sometimes people need breaks." I say.
"Kate. I haven't known you that long, but one thing I do know about you is that if you didn't care and have so much love for Hawk than you wouldn't be sitting in this room staring at that door like your life depended on it."
   "Just because I'm sitting here worrying about him doesn't mean that we should date."
  "You are such a terrible liar."
"Come here." I say, going to stand up.
  "Okay, where are we going?"
"Just follow me." I say, leading to the ER Doors outside.
  "Kate why are we out here?" Anthony asks.
  I shove my fist into his face.
  "OW WHAT THE FUCK KATE." Anthony feels his face. "I think my nose might be broken."
  "Good thing we are at a hospital." I say.
  "What was that for?" he asks.
"You kept on." I say. I touch his face, "You might want to get that bandaged up."
   "You think?"
  "Keep on and I will do worse." I say.
   "Okay. Can we go inside?"
  "Yeah, let's go." I say, leading him inside to get his face bandaged up.
  We walk inside and Mr and Mrs LaRusso run to us.
"We have been trying to find you two everywhere." Mr LaRusso says.
  "Oh my god Anthony what happened?" Mrs LaRusso asked.
  Anthony looks to me. "I over stepped my boundaries."
  "Okay Anthony I am going to go with you to get that fixed up. Daniel, can you talk to Kate?"
  "Yes." Mr LaRusso says. "Kate, can we talk?"
"Yes sir." I say.
  "How is he?" I ask desperately.

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