Chapter 15: My Great Uncle.. Terry Silver

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   "You're doing what?" I asked.
  "You heard me, I'm joining Cobra Kai." said Noah.
  "That's your way of getting precious revenge on me?" I say.
  "No, I just want to join an offensive dojo instead of a dojo that only defends." he says.
"Seriously Noah?" I say
  "I'm serious." he says.
"You know what, I'm not surprised. Anything to get far away from me, right?" I say.
  "You know what, not everything is about you, Kate."
  "You are right, it's not always about me. Well, you are right. Isn't that what you wanted to hear all along? That you were right? Well awesome job Noah. Let's give a round of applause for brother of the decade." I say, leaving the room flipping him off.
  I walk down the stairs and see Terry Silver and my dad at the bottom of the staircase for me.
  "What took so long?" my dad says.
"Don't worry about it." I say.
  "Again, such a pleasure to meet you Kate." says Terry.
  "Thank you, I wasn't top of my class for nothing haha." I say, starting to laugh.
  "Have you ever been interested in extracurricular activities?" asks Terry.
   "Actually, I was captain of the Soccer Team, the Volleyball team, the Softball team, the Powerlifting team, the Robotics team, and the Swim team. Not to mention I was a violinist in the band and the lead in the play Grease at my school... oh I almost forgot, I was in the choir as well. Soprano I." I said.
  "Wow, you are very involved. I'm very impressed. Did any of the teams you are on win anything?" he asked.
  "Funny you should ask that question. We won state in Powerlifting, Swim, and Soccer. The ones we didn't win state in we got 2nd in state."
  "That's very impressive. What's your GPA?" he asks.
   How does this pertain to anything? My brain doesn't quite understand.
   "I have a 3.2, 8th grade year really screwed up my chances of anything good." I say.
   "That's very impressive." says Terry. "You can get scholarships to any school you want by the time you graduate." he says.
   "Yeah, my dream is to go to NYU and become a Neurosurgeon. They have a killer program."
  "That sounds intriguing. Have you ever thought about adding anything to your long list of extracurriculars?" he asks.
   "Yeah, I'm thinking about it." I say.
"Why don't you come and join my dojo, Cobra Kai? There is a lot of kids your age and-"
    I cut him off, "I'm sorry, but I don't get into any kind of business with my family. I believe in setting boundaries between family and business. I can hope you understand." I add
   "Absolutely, that is definitely okay." Terry says.
"So actually, I have some stuff that Linda, who is my sister, gave to me that was Stephanie's."
  "Wow, thank you Uncle Silver." I say, as I look down and see some old pictures and items that were my mothers.
   "It's no problem, I'm glad that I can help you understand your family better. I understand culture is also a big thing to you, so I found information about mine and your ancestors."
   "You did? What are we?"
"We are Polish, Argentinian, Native American, and German. And a hint of Turkish." he says.
  "Thank you so much for all of this stuff. This really means a lot to me." I say, happy that I finally found it.
  "Anytime, and hey, seeing how you are living here now, maybe stop by and see me more often, I would love to get to know you more." says Terry Silver.
  Maybe he isn't as bad as my friends are making him out to be.
"Hey" says Noah, sliding down the railing of the stairs. "Is that offer in Cobra Kai still standing? Or is it only for Kate?" my brother asks, looking at me and my dad.
   "No, I would love for any of my family to join the dojo. Welcome to Cobra Kai." says Terry.
  My dad stares in awe. He looks mad and confused at the same time.
"Dad? Is everything okay?" I say.
"Kathrine Salvatore, go to the car now." says my dad. "I have business to take care of."
Oh shit, it's about to go down!

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