Chapter 41: Problems problems problems

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    I stand in front of Mr LaRusso pondering what to say. The look on his face concerned.
  "Did you... run over a kid?" he says.
   I wish. "No." I respond. "Listen I don't want to discuss it with everyone in the room next to us."
  "It's that bad huh?" he says.
"Yes." I respond.
   "Okay." he says, walking towards the next room. "Everyone we will come back to this discussion tomorrow morning. Hawk you can go ahead and get your bag from the van and get settled in the pool house."
  "Okay. Miguel Robby come on." Sensei Lawrence says.
  "What time in the morning?" Tory asks. "I have to work tomorrow that's why I ask."
  "How does 10 sound?" he asks everyone.
"Sounds good I don't have to go in til 12."
  "Okay see you all in the morning." Mr LaRusso says to everyone in the room.
  Miguel walks up to me and hands me a piece of paper. "We need to talk about something. Text me. Anyways see you tomorrow."
   "If you wanna get technical it is tomorrow."
"Knee slapper. See you later Kate."
   "Okay see ya." I respond. I look down to the piece of paper, and I see a number on a sticky-note. I hurry up and put it in my phone then go to the trash can beside the front door and put it in there.
   I wonder what he meant. Oh well. I have to focus on this right now, I don't have time for that.
  "Okay. Everyone is out. What is it you have to tell me." Mr LaRusso says.
  "Woah woah woah, what do you mean?" Mrs LaRusso says.
  "I don't know, what do I mean?" he says, looking to me.
  "I need to talk to the both of you. On one condition." I say.
  "What would that be?" Mr LaRusso says.
"If you don't tell anyone we had this conversation and you don't tell anybody about what I say, not even my dad. I will tell you." I say.
  "Deal." Mrs LaRusso says. Walking to the sitting room.
  Samantha, Hawk and Anthony enter the house from the outside.
  "What's poppin." Anthony says.
   "You are such a dork." Samantha says to Anthony.
  "You know what, you are just upset because your little boy-toy had to leave." Anthony says.
  "Oh shut up." Samantha says.
"I will when you grow up." Anthony says.
   "Oh gosh you are so annoying." Samantha says.
  "Hey hey hey. We all need to have a private discussion. Anthony Samantha upstairs now. Go to your rooms."
  "Fine." Samantha says. Going to walk upstairs.
"Okay. Dammit Sam you always screw me over." Anthony says.
  "Oh just shut the hell up." Samantha says, with them walking upstairs.
  "GO UPSTAIRS." Mr LaRusso says. Sending them upstairs in silence.
  Hawk stands there in silence. "Soooooo...."
"Yes sir." Hawk says to Mr LaRusso, walking outside fast.
  Mrs LaRusso walks into the kitchen and returns with a glass of water. "Here you go." she says, putting it on the coffee table in front of me.
   "Thank you." I respond. Even though I didn't ask for a glass of water.
  I sit in the center of the couch. Mrs LaRusso on one side, and Mr LaRusso on the other.
  "Well, I know you know about the kidnapping a few years ago, but there is some details that nobody except for really close and important people know. Not even my dad knows about one of the details."
  "Okay. Just remember whatever you tell us we will keep it secret. We just want you to feel comfortable and safe." Mrs LaRusso says, putting her arms around me, giving me a sense of comfort.
   "When I was kidnapped... I was." I realize that I never actually said that word about the situation before.
  "Raped." I say, looking to Mrs LaRusso. Whose looking at me with sympathy.
  "Is that what you didn't tell your dad?" Mr LaRusso asks.
  "He knows about that, because not long after I got back home. I ended up pregnant." I respond.
"Oh my god." Mr LaRusso says.
"After about 3 weeks into being pregnant I had an abortion. My dad doesn't know, he only thinks it was a miscarriage. The only person who knows about the abortion is my Mom, who passed away a few weeks ago, and my brother Noah.... and Hawk found out a few hours ago in the hospital." I say. Pouring my heart out to them.
  "Honey." Mrs LaRusso says, hugging me.
"I.. I can't believe that happened." Mr LaRusso.
  "I know, but I killed an innocent child." I say, starting to cry.
"Everything will be okay." Mr LaRusso says.
"Is everything okay? I heard crying." Samantha says, entering the room.
  "Everything is okay. We are all about to go to bed." Mr LaRusso says.
  "Okay, goodnight mom and dad." Samantha says. "Also, goodnight Kate." she says looking to me. Then going to walk out of the room. I look at her. Mr LaRusso and Mrs LaRusso looking at each other.
  Samantha looks back to me, then mouths. "Look at your phone."
  I nod and turn around. Her exiting the room.
  "We need to discuss something in the other room." Mrs LaRusso says. "Daniel." she adds, walking out of the room and into the kitchen.
  Hawk enters and walks to me. "They know, don't they?"
  "Yeah, I got upset and was talking about all of the bad stuff I done and it all slipped out." I say.
  "How about when you are done coming to the pool house?" he says.
  "I'll think about it." I say.
"Okay, well if you decide not to. Goodnight." he says, grabbing my chin and lifting it to his, pushing our lips together.
  "Goodnight." I say, watching Hawk leave the room. I wonder what's happening in the kitchen. I wonder what they are saying. I look to my phone. Realizing I have two people to talk to on my phone.
   I text the new number. "Hey, it's Kate. What do we need to talk about?" I send.

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