Chapter 5: The Conversation

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"Samantha, wait."

"Yes?" she says, turning around.
"What was the yelling about? Are they like secretly sworn enemies?" I say, wanting answers.
She turns to the door and shuts it behind her.
"No, they just have had a few bumps in the road. They used to not like each other but they have recently changed their paths. I don't even know why they started that shit. Unfinished business I guess."
"But, what if they don't get over their unfinished business? What if they do shit like that all of the time." I say, concerned.
"Girl, that is the least of our worries."
"What do you mean?" I say, worried.
"The entire Valley is at war basically." says Samantha, with a guilty look on her face.
"Wait... WHAT? How do you go to war with an entire Valley?" I say, puzzled.
"There is two main karate dojos in the Valley. Cobra Kai and Miyagi Fang."
"Miyagi..... Fang?" I cut her off, "What the hell?" I say, puzzled.
"Two used-to-be sworn enemies became friends and have a common enemy and are trying to take them down. One is Miyagi-Do and the other was Eagle Fang. Miyagi-Do was founded by an Okinawan man and passed it down through generations and then it came to Mr. Miyagi."
I cut her off, "Mr. Miyagi? How do you know so much about this guy?"
"My dad is the head sensei of Miyagi-Do karate. Mr. Miyagi was his sensei growing up. Mr. Miyagi was more than a sensei though, Mr. Miyagi was more like than his mentor, but his father figure as well. Mr. Miyagi was and will forever be a part of the Larusso family." Samantha said.
"So your dad is in war with Eagle Fang?" I asked.
"Eagle Fang wasn't always Eagle Fang. The head sensei Johnny Lawrence, who is Miguel's stepfather and Robby's dad, brought back Cobra Kai and he wanted to make it better than before."
"Better than before? So Cobra Kai was in the Valley before at one time?"
"Yes, it was Originally founded by John Kreese and Terry Silver. Their Cobra Kai was very.... let's just say..... hard core. They have 3 rules. Strike first. Strike hard. No Mercy."
"Okay that sounds extreme. So- why did that Johnny Lawrence try to bring it back if it was brutal?"
"He brought Cobra Kai back to the Valley to teach it in a better way, to make a newer and better Cobra Kai. But then whenever this really big Karate brawl happened at the school and Miguel got paralyzed-"
"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, they don't know I'm telling you this."
*knock* *knock* *knock* "Hey, is everything okay in there? You two have been in there for a while. And I heard yelling." says Hawk.
"Everything is okay, just... uh..." Samantha says.
"Lady issues, we will be out there soon." I say.
"So he got paralyzed?" I say, pondering how something like that could happen.
"A lot of things happened during the fight. If you haven't noticed, I got this big scar on my arm from Tory. A lot of things happened in the fight." says Samantha.
  I knew I had been curious about that scar, but how could something like that happen? How can something get so out of hand?
     "Back to Miguel. How did he get paralyzed, and how can he walk today?"
"He got kicked off the second floor balcony, and was in a coma for 2 weeks, then when I got out of a coma, he was paralyzed for months, and then Johnny helped Miguel regain control of his legs. Johnny to Miguel is like my dads Mr. Miyagi. He helped him whenever his life was bad. Sensei Lawrence means the world to Miguel, well, and me." she chuckles.
"So what about the karate war between Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang and Cobra Kai?"
"John Kreese came back after the school fight and screwed Johnny over. He took the dojo, and everything from Johnny. After the school fight, Johnny went downhill for a while there." says Samantha, feeling sympathetic.
"So how does this pertain to today?" I say, wondering what the point of this story is.
"Terry Silver put John Kreese in jail for no reason. He framed him and put him in jail so he could take over Cobra Kai, and it's working." says Samantha.
"He really will go to all lengths to make sure Cobra Kai is controlled by him." I say.
"Yeah, but you need to watch out for him. He is a bad and dangerous person."
"Okay, so what do I do?" I say, feeling unsafe and insecure.
"Join Miyagi Fang Karate." says Samantha, "we can resume this conversation tomorrow but for now you can't say anything about what you know. We were going to tell you a few weeks into being our friend, that is, if you want to be our friend."
"Yes, I would like to be in your friend group."
"Okay, well, let's go on out so they aren't worried about what we are doing in here." says Samantha.
"You can go on, I need a minute." I say, pondering.
I can't beat people up, or be beaten up, but I have to join a Karate dojo. The pit in my stomach that was temporarily gone came roaring back, my palms were dripping liquid. How can I take part in this? What could happen in the future? What if I turn out like Miguel and get paralyzed, or what if it could be worse than that. I have to pick a side, now.
I walk outside of the bathroom and through the hallway to the living room. I gaze at the 5 people before me. I knew I had to make a decision, and I knew I had to make it immediately.
"After a conversation and close consideration. I have decided that I want to become a member of Miyagi Fang." I say, with hope of being welcome into the world of Karate, but something is off.
The entire room goes silent.

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