Chapter 50: Betrayal

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I hear the words I deny and it pains me. I am never going to get that dream of having a family, never going to get anything I desire. How could my own mother betray me? How could she have done this to me, to her own daughter, to her own flesh and blood. My own mother made me sterile.
I get my clothes on and look at my phone. I see that I have gotten a message from Hawk.
"Good morning. I saw you and Mrs LaRusso alr left for the doctor. How is it going?"
I put my phone back down. I don't want to answer his text, I have bigger issues than that.
Mrs LaRusso walks in and hugs me. "You ready to leave?"
I answer her. "Get me out of here."
We walk to the SUV and get in. I look at my phone again, deciding that I need to answer his text message.
"Not as I hoped." I text. Leaving a period at the end so he knows it's bad.
I look to Mrs LaRusso. "Go ahead and gloat. You were right and I was wrong."
"I actually wished that you were right. Are you okay?"
"Just drive, please." I say.
My own mother left me a stray and didn't even tell me that she took away a decision that should be mine to make. She should have taken me to a better hospital, anything other than what she did.
"If you don't feel like going to the dojo today-"
"I need to learn karate. It's not an option, I'm going." I say.
"Nobody would blame you if you didn't."
"Well I already have to go out to talk to my workaholic father so I might as well go and fight." I say.
"Your father is really trying hard-"
"To do what? To abandon his daughter that was kidnapped and almost killed? Yeah right. He just cares about his reputation and his ego. I should've known he was going to come back to fix the shit going on in the media. That's all he cares about."
"It is a big portion of what he cares about but he also cares about you."
"That's horse shit. If he cared he would stay longer and not just be here for the news. He is a fucking hypocrite." I say. I realize that I sound angry, because I am. I mean my own father just came here to straighten out everything that happened. He is never truly going to care for his own daughter. His job is number 1.
"You know I hate coming in second place to a job right?"
"I know. Just know that he loves you and only wants what is best for you."
Bullshit, but I realize she is saying it to try and make me feel better.
"I don't actually believe that, but okay." I say.
Mrs LaRusso looks at me then back at the road. I hear a vibration and look to my phone.
"I'm so sorry, I know that appointment meant a lot to you. How about we go out tonight? Maybe get some Japanese?"
"Can't. I have to be with my dad and brother while they get on the plane."
"I can pick you up from the airport and we can go out after that?"
"I have to drive the truck back to the house then Sam is going to drive me back to the LaRusso house."
"Why don't I pick you up instead of Sam? We can go out then" he texts.
"Okay sounds goo" I text, realizing I the typo after I send it "good* " I send, fixing it.
I look to Mrs LaRusso. "Hawk is going to pick me up after I drive home from the airport." I say.
"Oh okay. Since when were you going to be by yourself? That's a bad idea seeing as what just happened." she says.
"It's fine, Hawk is actually supposed to get me something today to help with that." I say.
"You are not getting a gun." Mrs LaRusso says.
"No god no why would I get one of those? I am getting bear repellent spray." I say.
"Can't that blind someone... like permanently?" she asks.
"Well then that person should've thought twice before trying to grab me." I say. "It's not my fault if it's self defense."
"That's true, but are you sure you want to risk it? What if you miss?" she asks.
"That's not going to happen." I say.
"Okay." she says. "Why don't we listen to some music?"
"That sounds great to me." I say.
I look out the window and wonder why my mother done it. Was it really her just trying to keep it low key, or did she purposely mean to do it. I don't quite understand why. She loved me and cared for me more than anyone else, so why would she hurt one of the people who love her the most? I can't ask her, so I have to figure it out for myself.
She knew how much me having my own family when I was older meant to me, but she sterilized me anyway, and that's the part that hurts the most.
For the rest of the car ride we listen to music while we head back to the LaRusso house.

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