Chapter 58: The Gun

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   There's a moment in your life where you have to make a decision on the spot, whether it's a big one or a small one.
"Hawk I really want us to be together, but I have to take some time for me to reflect on everything that's going on."
"It's okay I understand. Come here." he says, looking to me.
I get on the bed and lay down beside him.
"You know how this helped you sleep while you were in the hospital?"
"Yeah." I respond.
"It helped me too."
"It did?" I ask in curiosity.
"I liked the feeling of you being beside me. You always looked so peaceful, almost as if you never had a problem in the world." he says.
"I'm so sorry I broke everything off."
"It's okay. I know you need some time to recover and get some mental rest."
"Thank you so much for understanding."
"It's no problem." he says.
We lay on the hospital bed for about an hour and then he falls asleep. I get out of the bed and make my way to the chair right beside of it. I look down to my phone.
"Kate.. what in the fuck is this?" Robby texts me, with a video of me buying a gun from someone back in Utah.
Holy shit. I forgot about the gun. What if Noah was going through my room and found it? What if he knew about the gun from the beginning? What if Noah didn't even have anything to do with it? My mind is clouded with thoughts.
"Who all have you told?"
"Nobody yet, but why do you have a gun?"
"To protect myself."
"That still doesn't explain why YOU HAVE A GUN. I'm calling you." he texts.
I see my phone ring, and I hastily make my way to the bathroom.
"Kate. You have a lot of explaining to do."
"I do." I respond plainly.
"Why in the hell do you have a gun? An illegal gun at that. Do you understand that you could get in big trouble if anyone finds out about it?"
"How did you even get that video?" I ask.
"I don't know, some anonymous person sent it to me on Insta. That's not the point. I'm coming to the hospital to get you and we are going to find a place to bury it." Robby says.
"No. I'm not going to." I say, standing my ground.
"And why not?" he adds.
"Because what if someone tries to break into my house again? What if-"
He cuts me off, "What if you accidentally shoot and hurt someone, or worse. Kate we need to get rid of the weapon before anyone gets harmed or killed."
"I'm not going to give you my gun."
"Kate. I'm not asking you, I'm coming to the hospital right now and getting you. Be ready."
"No. I'm not going to meet up with you, and I'm definitely not going to give you my gun."
"Fine. I will go get it myself." he says.
"It's locked and I have the house key." I respond.
"The house key you probably left at the LaRusso house?"
I exit the bathroom and look around the hospital room trying to find it. "Shit."
"I'm going to get it."
"No. Please don't." I say.
"Why shouldn't I?" Robby says.
"Because." I say. "Just please don't go get it."
"Kate.. what are you hiding?"
The gun is in my top drawer, next to all of my other bad stuff that I probably shouldn't even have. I can't tell Robby, and I sure as hell shouldn't let him near that drawer.
"Robby... just don't go get it. Please." I say.
"Kate. What are you hiding?"
I'm hiding my dark truth in there. Everything that makes me... me. I look like a good person but I am a monster.
"Robby. You have to trust me. Do NOT go get my key and do NOT go to my house to find the gun."
"Kate. Are you hiding other stuff?"
"I am.. but-"
"I'm going to go get the gun. End of discussion." Robby says.
  "Robby. The last time I bought a gun and someone convinced me to give it up... something really bad happened, and I couldn't defend myself because I gave up the gun. Please do not go get the gun. I am begging you." I say desperately.
  "Fine, but if someone gets hurt-"
"Nobody will, other than the bad guy obviously."
  "I certainly hope that's the truth." Robby says.
"Robby I'm sorry." I say.
"It's fine, I'm just trying to look out for you."
"I know and I appreciate it, but I can take care of myself."
  "Okay. Well if anything happens please let me know."
  "Will do. Goodnight." I say.
"Goodnight Kate." Robby says, hanging up.
  I get myself together to go out there, but one thing sets in my head. Who sent Robby that video? I can't even imagine what would happen if Noah knew about it, but what if he does? Take a breath Kate. I go to open the door and step out of the room.
  "You have a gun Kate?" Hawk asks as he is standing right in front of the bathroom door.
  Oh my god.

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