Chapter 70: Court.. again

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I enter the courtroom for the second time. I feel embarrassed and nervous at the same time. I don't know what to say or do, running out of that courtroom was one of the stupidest things I've ever done.
"Please place your hand on the Bible and repeat after me." the police officer says.
I repeat to him the words I have said before. I look out into the crowd and see my brother.
What if Hawk was right and he is just trying to get close to me so he can hurt me again? But also, what if he was being completely honest? I see in the corner of my eye my attorney walking up to me.
"Miss Salvatore. Are these the men that assaulted you on the night of July 27th?"
I look at the men and look back to my lawyer.
"Yes sir."
"You little bitch." one of the men yells, getting up and walking over to me.
The congregation gasps.
One of the police officers run to him and pin him to the floor.
I drop my head to avoid looking at the situation.
"That's all I needed your honor." my attorney says.
"Next witness to the stand." The judge says.
I get out and see Hawk get up and walk past me to the stand. I glare at him then continue the path I've made. I sit down and my brother is right beside me. He puts his arm around me and hugs me.
"Everything is okay. I'm here." Noah says.
Is he though? Is he really here for me? I'm so confused, I don't know what to do.
Mrs LaRusso looks to me. "We need to go to the Lobby. Now." she says.
"Why?" I whisper.
"Just come on." she says.
As soon as we go to walk out of the courtroom I look back and see a tv screen turn on. She pulls me before I can see what pops on the tv. Once we get out of the courtroom I pull my hand away.
"What's so bad in there that I can't see it?" I ask.
"If I tell you this, you cannot walk back into that room. Do you hear me?" Mrs LaRusso says, with a serious tone.
"Yes. Just tell me what it is." I respond hastily.
"We found surveillance footage." she says.
"What?" I say.
"We found different surveillance cameras from you getting kidnapped, the place they took you to, and the inside of the building." she says.
"You have my entire abduction documented and never cared to tell me?" I ask.
"We didn't want to tell you because we knew you would want to watch it. We didn't want it to be too much on you." she says.
"It doesn't matter. It was my abduction. I was the one who was taken. I was the one who went through that, and I should have the final say in what we do with that video and who sees it." I say.
"They needed it for evidence-"
"And?" I raise my voice. "How dare you not care to tell me there was a video and how dare you for showing it to everyone in that courtroom." I go to walk away, but turn around to say one final thing. "I just can't believe you would do something so mean." I say, walking away.
"Kate, where are you going?" Mrs LaRusso asks in a sorrowful tone.
"Why don't you get a video and see?" I ask.
"Kate, don't leave." she says.
I look back to her, looking at her eyes. "Watch me."
I walk away from Mrs LaRusso and sit in the front lobby.
A video? They had an entire video and didn't care to tell me it existed. I feel so betrayed and so alone.
I go to get up and hear a voice. "Kate?"
I look around. Where is this voice at?
"It is you." Demetri says.
"Demetri? What are you doing here?" I ask.
"Well Robby, Miguel, and Tory left me while I was reading the writing on the walls outside of the building. What are you doing out here? Aren't you supposed to be in the courtroom... wherever that is." he asks, looking around.
"Mrs LaRusso made me leave the courtroom because they found surveillance footage of the kidnapping and didn't ever tell me about it. I am just so upset." I say.
"Where were you about to go?"
"I don't know, just anywhere other than here." I say.
"You can't leave." he says.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because we want you here. We need you here. The entire reason there are people in that courtroom right now is to get them people put away for what they did to you."
"That's sweet, but I'm sorry. I'm leaving." I say, going to walk away.
He grabs my wrist. "You are not leaving this courthouse."
"Demetri, let go." I say.
"Not until you tell me you are staying." he says in a demanding tone.
"Why do you care so much?" I ask.
"Because Kate." he says, letting go. "I'm not letting you walk out that door knowing there is someone out to get you. I wouldn't be a good friend if I did."
I sit down. "You just don't get it." I say.
"Then tell me. I will listen and try to help." he says.
"You can't help me. You can't help that any little thing takes me back to that night. You can't help me anymore than a therapist can. I can't have help. I'm stuck like this." I say.
"No you are not." he says. "You might not think it now, but everything will eventually be okay."
"Will it though? My brother just told me that he is adopted, my dad is never around, my stupid burn marks haven't healed yet, and to top it all off the people who put them there are in that room and I'm too scared to even look at them." I say. "It's pathetic."
"It's not pathetic. You should have every right to be scared. They hurt you."
"Yeah." I say.
  "Now let's go. You can show me where the courtroom is." Demetri says, holding his hand out.
  I grab his hand and we go to the courtroom.

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