Chapter 28: Rest.

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    We are driving down the road. We are all silent in the car, Anthony is watching Mr Beast on YouTube, and Samantha is just chilling driving. I am not a big fan of silence though. It's almost as if it's natural to them.
  "You wanna listen to some music?" asks Samantha, looking to me.
  "Oh no I'm fine." I say.
"Oh okay. So, sorry about Anthony. He's a little Antisocial." she said.
  "Oh that's fine. My brother just hides weed in his car and chooses not to talk to people." I say.
  "Your brother smokes weed?" she says. Oh shit, I must've not told her yet.
  "Yeah, he does." I say. I feel my phone ringing, "Speak of the devil himself." I say, picking up the phone.
  "What do you want?"
"Well hello there to you too. I haven't seen or heard from you since the hospital. How are you feeling?"
God I'm so tired of that question. "I'm okay Noah." I say, pissed off and annoyed at him. The last conversation we had it didn't go so well. I still can't get what he said out of my head.
"Really Noah, you are the one to talk about growing up. You lost your virginity when you were my current age."
"And you lost yours when you were 11 Kate."
How could he insult me like that? That not only rude, but it also kinda hurt. I mean he knows what that entire situation done to me but it's almost as if he just doesn't care.
"NYU is pretty good." says Noah.
"Yeah, I bet the idea of stealing my dream college also sounds pretty good to you." I say.
"Why are you so against us going to the same college?"
"You know what. I've got to go." I say, hanging up on him.
"You still pretty mad at him huh?" Samantha says.
"Not about what you are thinking." I respond.
"Oh, it's not because he joined Cobra Kai?" she said.
"Well yes, but we also had a huge fight before I last saw him, or remembered seeing him." I say.
"Oh, what about?" Samantha says.
I can't tell her about that. Only person who knows is Hawk.... and the doctor, but I can't tell her. Not now. "Uh, nothing, just about some stuff that happened in Utah...." and some other states.
"Oh, well whatever it is, you need to find a way in your heart to forgive him. Trust me, being mad at family is never going to get you anywhere."
"I guess, it's just he kind of insulted me. It's not one of those 'okay to insult things' either. Like when you eat all of the Uncrustables in the fridge things. Way worse than that." I say.
"It'll be okay." she says. "Anthony and I have had some of those fights recently as well."
"Oh okay." I say.
"Yeah, the thing is to remember that he is going to always be your brother. He won't just go away."
"Yeah. I'll think about it." I say, trying to keep an open mind.
"Hey Sam. I was wondering if you told the person bringing the snacks to get Doritos?" says Anthony, with one earbud out and leaning up.
"I don't know. They probably will bring Doritos."
"If they don't I will be pissed." he says, leaning back, and putting his earbud back in.
We are finally pulling into driveway. I love this part because the spare room is upstairs so I get to walk up the stairs, but for now I'm stuck in the wheelchair until I get in. We finally get in the house.
"Oh no, my temporary room is upstairs, guess I gotta get up and walk." I say.
"I guess, let me walk with you upstairs." Samantha says.
"Hey Anthony, walk the wheelchair upstairs." Samantha says.
"Ok." he says, putting his phone in his pocket and doing that.
She helps me up the stairs, even though I don't need it. When I finally get upstairs.
"Here you go." Samantha says, getting to the top of the stairs and the wheelchair is right there.
"Oh come on, the bedroom is right there."
"Get in it." she says.
"Okay." I say, her wheeling me to my room.
We get in there, "Thanks." I say.
"No problem. I kind of figured you wanted a few hours to rest before everyone gets here." she says.
"Thanks." I say.
"What is he doing here?" I ask.
"Oh, he wanted to come earlier to spend time with you. KATES UP HERE." she yells back. So I guess I'm not getting a nap, I feel so tired.
"Hey." Hawk says walking in. "The pizza will be here at 4:30. Already ordered it on the Pizza Hut app, and it will be delivered then."
"Oh okay. Can I talk with you outside?" Samantha says.
"Sure." Hawk says. They walk outside of the room, leaving me in solitude. I really just want to sleep because I don't feel to good. My face hurts, my body hurts. I just can't stand this feeling anymore.
"Okay, see you in a little while." Hawk says, walking into the room. "Hey, how you feelin?"
"Can everyone just quit asking me that question. I am so sick of that question." I say. Frustrated with the world.
"So something is bothering you. What's wrong?"
"Everything. I don't feel good, I don't remember the past two weeks, I just can't do this shit today." I say.
"Are you feeling numb in your legs or anything?"
"No, I am just not feeling good." I say. "I was hoping to get a nap in before everyone got here because I am just tired."
"If you want, we can take a nap together." he says. "That helped you sleep in the hospital."
"Okay." I say, allowing him to get on the bed.
"Ok." He says getting on the bed.
My body has been through the ringer. I like Hawks body covering mine. I feel warm with him hugging me. I just doze off in his arms.

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