Chapter 61: P.T.S.D

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I wake up and see that I'm in my bed at the LaRusso house. I wake up and see that Hawk is beside me. My head is on his chest and he is holding me.
"Good morning." Hawk says.
"Good morning." I respond. "Thanks again for sleeping with me."
"Well, after whatever it was that happened to you last night, I figured it might not be best to leave you alone." he says. "Do you even remember what happened?"
Yes, I do. I made a complete fool out of myself and had a complete meltdown.
"Yeah." I respond.
"Do you mind explaining it to me?" he asks.
"I was outside of the pool house and I heard a bunch of screaming and stuff down the street. Then when you and I started walking and then I was taken back to the first time I was kidnapped then after that I was taken back to a few days ago when I was kidnapped again. I was thinking about how stupid I was for getting out of that car and running. I am just so scared to see them again today at court."
"I understand why. Kate, what happened to you should never happen to anyone. You went through one of the scariest things that parents fear. That's what makes you one of the strongest people that I know."
"Thank you." I say.
I move my body to sit up and I look at Hawk in his eyes.
"I'm just scared." I say.
"It will be okay. I will be right there and so will Mr LaRusso and Sensei Lawrence. Not to mention the number of law enforcement that will also be there. Everything will be okay."
"That's not what I mean. I mean mentally. I'm just scared to even see them. They will make me go to the front of the room and explain what happened to me, but it's so hard to explain it when you lived through it. Nobody understands what it felt like." I say.
"Exactly. You can say that to the jury. You can tell them that no punishment is worth the pain and suffering you are going to go through for the rest of your life. If you can do that, they will go away for a long time."
"That's not the point of it. I want them people to feel how I felt. I want them to suffer the way I did."
"That's not righting a wrong Kate. That's revenge. Do you want to right a wrong or do you want to get revenge?" Hawk asks.
"I don't know." I say. "I want to get closure and move on from this."
"That's what we all want Kate." Hawk says, looking to his phone. "I need to go to my house to get a suit. I'll be back in an hour." he says.
"Okay." I say, getting up. I walk to the door with Hawk and he turns around and gives me a hug.
"Wait. I need to see if I have a dress to wear." I say.
"Ok. I'll wait in the living room." he says.
"Wait.. what time is it?" I ask.
"It's 6:45 in the morning."
"What time is court?" I ask.
"It's at 10." Hawk responds.
    "So you will be back by 8?" I ask.
   "Yeah." Hawk responds. "But we need to be there by 9."
   "Why 9?" I ask out of curiosity.
  "Because we need to talk to the judge and get everything straightened out before the actual case."
   "Oh okay." I respond plainly.
   He shuts the door softly and then I walk over to the closet. I look and I see nothing I want to wear.
   I walk downstairs, "I don't see anything I want to wear. Can I go with you and get a shower and get changed at my house?"
  "Yeah." Hawk says. "Let's go."
  "Where do you two think you are going?" Mrs. LaRusso asks, walking down the stairs.
  "We are going to our houses to get changed into clothes for the court case."
"Oh that was today? Let me go and get changed." Mrs LaRusso says.
"Wait.. you are going?" I ask.
"Yeah, Samantha and Anthony are also going." she adds.
Wait. Is she being for real? They can't be going. They just can't.
"To support you through this." she responds.
  I start to panic.
  "Okay Hawk let's go."
  "Wait. Are you okay to drive Eli?"
   "I don't know honestly, I think I'm going to be okay though."
  "If you don't think you should, Samantha or I can drive you two."
  "I am feeling good. I can drive." Hawk says.
"Okay. Please be careful." Mrs LaRusso says.
  "Will do." I say, rushing outside.
  We walk outside and get inside of Hawks truck and he looks to me.
  "So.... What was that about?" he asks.
"What do you mean?" I ask, playing dumb and trying to avoid a conversation.
  "Spill it. Why do you not want them to go?"
"I just don't." I say. "I don't even want to explain what happened to me to a courtroom full of people, and them being there too? I just don't know."
  "They are going there to support you. Kate, we all just want you to know you aren't alone through all of this."
  "Trust me, I know I'm not alone. The entire damn United States knows about this." I say.
  "Kate. You know it's not like that."
"It's not? Because it sounds like it." I say.
  "Ok. Whatever." Hawk says, cranking the truck up.
  We get halfway down the road and I feel my phone buzz, and I look down to my phone.
  "Hey." a random number texts.
  "Who is this?" I respond.
   "I see you don't have my number saved." They respond.
  "Evidently not. Who is this?" I respond quickly.
  "It's Tory." she sends.
  OHHHHH. Wait....
  "When have you texted me before?" I ask.
  "The group chat?" she responds.
   "ohhhhhhhh. My bad." I text back, feeling a little stupid.
   "It's okay. Wyd?" she asks.
  "Otw to my house to get some clothes. You?"
  "Getting ready lol. I'm meeting with Miguel and Robby b4 we head to your house." she texts me back.
   Wait.. they are coming too?

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