Chapter 59: Code Black

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"You have a gun?" Hawk asks.
"I can explain-"
"Kate, listen I know that you are going through a lot but you do not need a gun. What in the hell are you thinking? Do you understand how much trouble you can get in for having one? You are a minor. If you don't know, that means if you get caught with something bad, LIKE A GUN, then you will be in BIG TROUBLE. Not to even mention that you could hurt yourself or someone else that doesn't deserve it."
"Hawk, I-"
"How long have you had it?" Hawk asks.
"Since Utah." I respond.
"How did you transport it without your dad seeing it?"
"I uh... hid it in the bottom of my tampon box. I knew he nor Noah would look in there."
"Where is it now?" he asks.
"In my bedside table in the top drawer."
"Listen Kate. When your dad returns from New York and you go back home. You get rid of the gun. Deal?"
"No." I say.
"Do you understand how dangerous it is to have a gun?"
"Yes I do, but I know that I can protect myself with it."
"You know how else you can protect yourself. By texting me 911 and I come over to your house and end it. You shouldn't need to even be near a gun. Please tell me you will at least hide it better."
"I promise." I respond.
"And will you also not use it unless you absolutely positively have to?"
"Yes, I promise."
"Ok, but I don't agree with any of it."
"Okay." I respond. "I just know it will make me feel better if I have it." 
  "Ok. As long as you feel safe." Hawk says, getting closer.
  I stare into his eyes, and he stares into mine. Our eyes are locked to each other. I try to look away but can't. I am drawn to his attention. He gets closer and closer and before I know it, we kiss. Hawk pulls away.
  "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have-"
"It's okay. I'm sorry too." I respond.
  "I should probably go get you some food. What would you like?" I ask, changing the subject.
  "I would like some Doritos."
"That isn't food." I say.
  "Well the only thing that is in the Cafeteria at the moment is the Jell-O and they probably haven't changed their foods taste since a week ago." he said.
  "That's true." I respond.
Hawk and I stand there for a moment, looking at each other as if nothing has changed, as if we haven't changed. I gaze into his emerald eyes.
  Suddenly I hear a loud banging sound, I look to Hawk and he removes his hand from my face and looks to the door.
  "CODE BLACK!" I hear someone yell.
I'm consuming all of the air inside my lungs, but all I can think about doing is figuring out how to get somewhere safe.
"Shit." Hawk says, walking to the door. He shuts it and turns off the lights, then looks to me. "Kate. I need you to be calm or else we are going to die. You need to listen to me. Ok?"
  "Okay. What do we do?"
"Can you get one of those cotton balls real quick." he says, taking out his IV.
  I hurry and give him a cotton ball. He looks to the side of the room and gets some athletic tape and puts it around his arm. He then closes the blinds to the outside of the room. He looks to me.
  "We need to put as much stuff as we can possibly move infront of the door." He says, taking the locks off of the wheels for the bed.
  We move the bed infront of the door, then put the locks back down on it. We move the side tables after that.
  "Ok this should be good, come with me." he says.
We walk into the bathroom, he then locks the door behind us.
  "Put your phone on silent incase they get through the door."
  I look to the side of my iPhone and move the 'Silent mode'  button over. Hawk walks close to me.
  "We need to get in the shower and move the curtain in front of us." Hawk says, in a quiet tone.
  We both get into the shower and then sit down.
I still hear banging outside of the room. It makes me jump and my eyes water. I get out my phone and go to my messages. I then text my dad.
  "I love you daddy."
Then I go to my brothers contact.
  "Noah, I know we argue and we aren't on the best terms rn, but I want you to know I love you and I'm sorry that I wished for you to die and not mom." I text.
  I then put my phone down and I look to Hawk, who has been looking at me. I hear another bang and find my body shaking uncontrollably, my heart feels like it is going to pound out of my chest. Hawk moves over to me and puts my head on his chest and holds me.
  "I got you, they won't hurt you." he says soft and quietly.
"I know, but I'm so scared." I whisper .
  "I know you are. I got you, so if they want you, they will have to go through me." he whispers back.
  We lay there about 15 minutes and we hear a banging on the door to the hospital room. I start to panic. Hawk covers my mouth.
   "It's okay Kate." Hawk says, holding me tightly.
  Hawk then stands up and goes underneath the sink and gets a washcloth, then brings it to me.
  "Put this over your mouth. Just know I love you Kate." Hawk says.
  "Hawk please no." I whisper and start to cry.
"Just put the washcloth over your mouth."
  I lie down on the bottom of the shower with the washcloth over my mouth. I am scared for him.
  He opens the door.
  "Are you ok son?" a cop asks.
"Kate, everything is ok you can come out now." he says coming over to the shower.
   "It's over."

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