Chapter 49: A silent Car ride

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Where am I? It looks like I am in an abandoned building, I walk around and see the whip, and the chains dangling from the ceiling. Oh my god. I'm back in the building I was kidnapped in!
"Look who it is." says someone in a shadow.
"Who are you?" I say.
"You don't recognize your own self." says the person jumping out of the shadow. Their face looks like mine, except they are wearing a black gee, and I'm wearing a white one.
"What the..." I say.
"Hey there princess. Long time no see huh?" she says.
"Wait... Selki?" I say.
"Wow you can figure out something." she says, as she jumps up and kicks me in the face, sending me to the ground.
"What the hell?" I say, getting up.
"Are you going to be a pussy and let me beat you or are you going to fight back? Choice is yours princess." she says, starting to punch me. I block it.
"Wow I am surprised. Now I can have my own fun." Selki says, grabbing nunchucks. She hits me in the face with them and then when I turn back, the figure is no longer Selki. It's Natalia...
My heart drops to my feet. "Wow. I really expected you to put up more of a fight, but hell you don't even know Karate.. you should've came to Cobra Kai." She kicks me in the stomach then punches me in the face, sending me to the ground again. She grabs my hair.
"No mercy bitch."
"AHHH" I scream, opening my eyes. It was just a dream... more like a nightmare. Why were we in the abandoned building? And why was I fighting Selki? I mean she is MY alter ego. That was fucked up.
I hear a knocking on the door. "Good morning." Mrs LaRusso says.
"What time is it?" I say.
"It's 8 in the morning."
"Why are we up this early?" I say.
"Because we have your OBGYN appointment today." she says. "How are you feeling?" she says.
"I'm fine, ready to show you my mother didn't sterilize me." I say, proving myself.
"Okay. Oh and one of the questions is if you are sexually active. Are you?" Mrs LaRusso says.
"I.. uh."
"Kate? It's a simple question."
"I did have sex recently. Consensual sex, not rape." I say.
"Oh okay. Do you want to talk about it?" she says.
"You don't want to hear about it." I say.
"I do though. I want you to feel like you can tell me anything." she says.
"It was.. Hawk. Please don't tell anyone, especially my dad." I say.
"It's not my place to judge. I think you two are a good fit." she says. "Now get ready it's in 50 minutes."
"Okay. How long is the drive?"
"20 minutes. There was something I wanted to talk to you about on the way." she says.
"Wait... am I going to be able to go to Karate?" I ask.
"We should be back by 11 which gives you an hour in between the appointment and Karate."
"Oh okay that's great actually."
"Alright I'm going to be downstairs see you in 15."
"Okay see you then."
Why was Mrs LaRusso so supportive? And how did she react so well to me saying that I was sexually active. This entire thing is so odd.
I start to get ready. I open my suitcase and it's empty. Why is it empty?
I open the door and walk downstairs. I go up to Mrs LaRusso. "Where's my clothes?"
"Oh I put them in the guest bedroom's closet. You will be staying here a lot more, you might as well stop living from a suitcase."
"Oh okay. Then I will go change." I say, walking away.
I go into the guest room and I change into some clothes. I feel a sense of comfort. I realize in this moment I need to face my problem head on. I need to cut the head off of the snake. I grab my phone and open up my messages app. I decided that I needed to delete every single message that was sent to me from this morning. Every one except for the group chat, Samantha, Hawk, Miguel, and my dad. I swipe every single one pressing the 'clear conversation' button. It feels good to clear it. I swipe and swipe until I see one contact that I forgot I had. Mom.
I open up our conversation.
"Honey did you say we needed toilet paper or paper towels? I can't remember."
"Paper towels lol." I had sent back.
"Okay honey I will be home in about 20 mins. Love you."
"I love you too." I had sent back.
Those were my last words to my mom. I didn't know she was going to get in a car accident that day or that she was going to die. I miss her. Her hugs, her smile, her love. I really needed her love right now.
I hear a knocking on the door.
"Are you decent?" Mrs LaRusso asks.
"Yeah." I respond.
"What's taking you so long?" she asked. "You are on your phone.. let me see that." she looks at the messages, then to me. "Oh honey I am so sorry-"
"It's fine. I was just clearing all of the conversations that people sent me last night then stumbled across an old memory. Those were my last words to her."
"Your last words were better than mine." Mrs LaRusso says.
"What was the last thing you said to your mom."
"I told her that I hated her. She OD'd that night. She was in a coma for a month and the coma won. I have learned to live with it, but right now we need to get you to that appointment. Let's go get in the car." she said.
"Okay let's go." I say.
We get in the car and start to get on the road. I don't really know what to say to Mrs LaRusso. She seemed kind of numb to that conversation. I just don't really understand it, but maybe I'm not meant to.
"So the thing I was going to talk to you about was your dad."
"Oh, him." I say.
"Seeing how he goes on business trips a lot me and Daniel thought maybe you could stay with us when he was out of town."
"I just know most of the time my brother stays in town and he watches over me, but seeing how he has this new 'hating me' phase I think that would be the best option."
"Speaking of your brother, have you two talked this morning?" she asked.
"Not since he barged in and grabbed me."
"Why don't you reach out to him? He might be willing to talk."
"That's not happening." I say. I truly believe that he is a real-life demon.
"He might want to fix this problem with you two."
"All he wants is to ruin me until I join Cobra Kai. He wants me to join so desperately he is willing to go to any lengths to make that happen. It's who he is. He is a narcissistic sociopath who has no respect for others. He only cares about himself."
The car ride got silent.

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