Chapter 32: Risks

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   I enter this building, I look around and it's dark and looks like something out of a horror movie. All of a sudden the lights turn on and I see a big eagle plastered to the wall across from me, and under it, it reads 'Eagle Fang Karate'. This is the dojo? Seriously? It smells like Body Odor and Axe Body Spray made love and this was their child. Gosh I want to gag.
   "Nothing can be worse than this place." I say, gesturing to Samantha.
  "Just wait. He is about to talk about some crazy crap that makes no sense and then have us do something crazy." Samantha says to me.
  I feel myself getting distracted. All I can think about is Hawk. His Autumn skin, the way it feels when it's close to mine. His scent is of a Meadow, his hair soft and groomed. I miss his company, I miss the-
  "An Eagle doesn't wait for it's prey to come to it, it swoops down and takes what it wants. Are you going to wait for your prey and starve to death or are you going to swoop down and take food for nourishment. Every single fight you are in. Are you going to let someone beat you up? Or are you going to grow a pair and kick them so hard that they will be shitting their teeth out for a month." Sensei Lawrence says, interrupting my thoughts. Nasty analogy though.
   "Come on class, let's go to the roof." He says, everyone going upstairs. Do I go with them? What lesson is so important that he has to teach it from the roof?
   We walk up 3 flights of stairs and get to the roof, it looks no different from the inside, except for there being better lighting outside.
   "A true eagle has no regard for its prey, it takes what it wants and doesn't care about someone's stupid feelings or any of that bullshit. Today you are going to be flying like a true eagle. The wind through your hair, and the air under your feet. You want to be an eagle, you have to fly like an eagle." Sensei Lawrence says. "Samantha has already proved that she is a true Eagle. So the question is, are you going to be a bunch of pussies or are you going to jump?"
   "What kind of cushioning is there incase we fall?" Demetri asks. Good question actually.
  "Oh there's some old mattresses I found behind an adult video store. They were free."
   Oh god, definitely do not fall.
  "You should go first, all you need to do is run fast and jump high." Samantha whispers to me.
  I turn to Sensei Lawrence and raise my hand. "I'll go first!"
  "Okay Kate come on up." Sensei Lawrence. "Are you ready?" He asks.
   "Yes." I say.
   I walk to the other end of the roof and turn towards the ledge, as fast as my body can go. I jump and start to feel my body messing up. I start to go down, but I quickly grab onto the ledge of the other building.
   Only thing holding me from falling is my arms onto the ledge. My body dangles from the air.
   "Oh shit. I AM GOING TO THE OTHER BUILDING TO PULL YOU UP." Sensei Lawrence says. Running.
  I feel my hands slipping.

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