Chapter 24: Freedom at last

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It's currently June 28th, and I'm finally getting out of the hospital after the longest 9 days of my life.
"I'm here to take your IV out." says the nurse.
"You excited to finally get out of here?" says Samantha.
"Yes, I'm so glad, I'm still kind of tired though." I say.
"As soon as you get home you are getting straight into your bed." says my dad.
"Can I at least have my friends come over?" I ask him.
"You can have whatever you want Katie-Kat." my dad says, feeling guilty about hardly being at the hospital while I was in here.
"I'm not going to leave your side until you beg me to hahah." Hawk says.
"Well, whenever you aren't at Miyagi-Do to do karate lessons. You have already missed 4 lessons being in here." says Samantha.
"Well, I needed to be here." says Hawk, giving Sam the weirdest look.
"That's true." says Samantha.
"Okay, everyone out of the room." The doctor says as she walks in. "The parent or legal guardian needs to stay in here though."
"Okay, we will be right outside." Hawk says, holding Samantha's back, gently pushing her outside. Samantha looks depressed, the water starting to flow out of her eyes. As soon as they get to the hallway, Hawk gives her a big hug, I can see his lips moving, but I can't hear what he is saying.
"So we need to discuss Kate's situation. So she can move, but she doesn't need to over-exert her body for the next 2 days. I recommend you get a wheelchair, or just stay at home for the next two days, after that, you are free to do whatever you want, but, if something starts to go wrong, here is my number. If you feel numbness in your legs, arms, or torso call me immediately. Because we will need to test you as soon as we can get you." she said. Well, I mean, I guess it could be worse. They could've kept me in here longer, god, I would hate that.
"Well doc, I'm not going to be in town for the next two weeks, I'm going to New York for a business trip. I have already discussed with my son and he is going with me so he can check out NYU to check out the campus." Wait, him and my brother are going to be out of town? What am I going to do?
"Actually, she can stay with us." Mr LaRusso says.
"Will you be able to properly take care of her? She is very unstable in her condition." the doctor says.
"I can assure you we can take care of her." says Mrs LaRusso, chiming in.
"Okay then, you are officially discharged. I hope you get to feeling better." the doctor says, then starts to yell, "OLIVIA COME TAKE ROOM F 218 TO THE EXIT NOW." Then gesturing to us in the room, us shocked. "Stupid interns am I right?" she laughs in an embarrassed way, then quickly walks away, interns following her.
"Are you sure that she can stay with your family while we are away?" my dad says. "We can just take her to New York with us and have her travel around in a wheelchair."
"No no no, it's fine, she needs to rest and in the city that never sleeps she will never get that. We can give her the help she needs." Mrs LaRusso says. "We have a spare room anyway, it would be a pleasure to have her stay with us." she says.
"Okay, well honey, I guess we can go home and then I can take you to their house because we have to leave at 3:30 in the morning to make it to the airport in time for our flight at 5:30." says my dad.
I still have drugs in me, so some of this is not really making sense to me.
I say. "Why don't Samantha take me to our house then to hers. I love love LOVE her."
"Okay, that sounds good." says my dad.
Mrs LaRusso looks to Mr LaRusso and my dad and says, "The drugs should probably wear off by in the morning, she will be fine, we will take great care of her."
"Thank you, I feel bad about this, but being a co-owner of a big business. I have to be gone a lot." says my dad, "I would usually have Noah take care of her, but with him being a grade ahead of her he needs to go ahead and go on college tours." says my dad.
Mrs LaRusso looks like pissed, it's so funny though. I start hysterically laughing.
"She is as high as a kite, she will go out as soon as she gets to our house." Mrs LaRusso says.
"Okay, if anything goes wrong though please call the doctor and then call me. I will get on the first plane I can find." my dad says.
"I will call you every night dad." I say.
"Okay, I will see you for a second when you get home."
"Okaaaaaaaaay." I say, watching my dad leave. Watching him leave starts to make me sad. I start to cry.
"Hey it's ok." Hawk says running in.
"My dad just left meeeeeeeeeee." I say, crying.
"She still has drugs in her system, it's not her saying this Hawk." Samantha says, following him into the room.
"Hey I'm Olivia, I'm here to take you to your car." says the girl.
"I'm going to pull my car around to the front. See you down there." Samantha says, leaving.
"Okay let's get you out of bed." says the girl. Me moving along, getting on my feet.
"Why can't I walk. Wheeling around sucks ass." I say. The girl looks around, trying to find an explanation.
"Because it's fun." says Hawk. "Come on, have some fun."
"Okay." I say, getting into the seat. "Give me my phone."
"Ok." he says, handing me my phone.
On the way down I ask the intern questions.
"Here you go, we are finally to the car." Olivia says.
"You are so amazing, I wish we could hang out more, but you definitely need to fix that shit show that you call hair-"
"Okay let's get you in here." says Hawk. "Sorry, she's a little-"
"Say no more. She's just tired and stuff. Have a good evening." She says, leaving with the wheelchair.
"Hey, you can't take that. Her dad bought it." Hawk says.
"I'm not leaving with it, I'm folding it to put in the trunk." says the girl.
"Ok. Be careful." says Hawk.
I don't remember what happened after I got in the car.

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