Chapter 74: The Hangover

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   I open my eyes and my head feels like it just got pounded against the ground. My mind feels foggy and I look around to see that I'm in the living room of my home.
   "Good morning party animal." Noah says.
  I groan.
   "Here, take this." Noah says, handing me a pill.
  "What is it?" I ask.
    "Fentanyl." he responds sarcastically, "What do you think it is?"
   "I don't know that's why I was asking." I say.
  "It's Tylenol. For your headache." he responds.
    "What happened last night?" I ask.
   "What's the last thing you remember?" he asks.
    "Taking a shot of vodka and then dancing around some guy named Kyler." I ask.
    "So you don't remember..." Noah says.
   "Remember what? What happened?" I ask.
    "Apparently you became such good friends with Kyler that you let him take you to his car."
   "Oh my god, did I-"
    "No, but he surely wanted to. If it wasn't for me and Hawk he would have raped you last night." Noah says.
   "Oh my god." I say.
    "We heard you scream for help then saw him holding you down in his car. So we beat the shit out of him." Noah says.
   "Wow." I say.
  Noah sits down on the edge of the couch and says to me. "You really screwed up last night Kate. Seriously what were you thinking drinking that much?"
   "I don't know." I say.
  "If you don't know how to drink responsibly, then you might not need to do it at all. I'm not shaming you, I'm just saying it wasn't a good decision." Noah says.
    "I know." I say.
  "I'm not going to tell dad, because I know that nothing this bad will happen again. However, that doesn't mean that you are just off the hook." Noah says.
   "What is my punishment?" I ask.
  "You have to pay me 30 dollars and clean the kitchen." Noah says.
   "Why?" I ask.
  "Because I had to pay 30 dollars for them to clean the interior of my car after what you did to it last night. Not to mention what you did to the kitchen when we got home." Noah says.
   "Fine. What did I do to the kitchen exactly?" I ask.
  "All I know is there are Oreos all over the island, milk is all over the floor, there are candy rappers scattered across the table. Thats not even to mention all of the trash that you scattered around." Noah says.
   "Damn." I say.
  "And the reason you are wearing my old football jersey is because you threw up on your dress."
   "Did you-"
  "They are in the dryer as we speak."
   "What time did you wake up?" I ask.
  "6:00." Noah responds.
   "And what time is it now?" I ask.
  "9. You passed out after your meltdown." Noah says.
   "Meltdown?" I ask.
  "You had a complete breakdown after you threw up on your dress in the car. Something about how you couldn't do anything right and it costed you your relationship, your family, and about how much you miss dad." Noah says. "It morphed into a lot of things."
   "I thought I would be a happy drunk." I say.
"You were way off. In fact, you actually busted yourself last night." Noah says.
   "Busted myself? What did I tell you?"
  "Oh just about how I should get your gun from your nightstand drawer and take you out back and put you out of your misery like we did with Spot when he got sick." Noah says.
   "Oh my god." I say.
"Yeah, so the next time you say anything like that I'm taking your gun and putting it in dad's study with all of his guns."
  "I cannot believe I told you about that." I say to him.
   "Yeah, well you told me a lot of things that you probably shouldn't have."
   "Like what?" I ask.
  "About how when we were little you are the one who took my Nerf gun and threw it into the trash because you were scared that I was gonna get you. You also told me about how you replaced great grandma Edna's vase when you broke it." Noah says.
   "Please tell me that's all I told you." I say in a desperate tone.
   "Oh and you also told me that in our old house you took my weed and sold it to some kid named 'Jack' and made a, and I quote, 'a hella ton of money.' I expect my 2,000 dollars back for that." Noah says.
   "Okay." I say.
  "What did you even do with that money?" Noah asks.
   "I spent it on Gummy worms and a 'My Little Pony' limited edition play set." I say.
  Noah says, "You mean the play set-"
   "That you broke when I ratted you out for drinking." I say.
   "Are you kidding me?" Noah says.
    I just laugh, and so does he.
  I hear the door open and Hawk walks in.
  "Hey." Hawk says.
   "I'll let you two talk. I'll be in the kitchen." Noah says, exiting my living room.
    "Hey." I say.
   "Here you go." he says to me, handing me a cup of hot coffee.
   "Thanks." I say.
  "About our conversation last night.." Hawk says.
"Let me tell you, I don't remember much." I respond.
   "So you don't remember asking me if I was your boyfriend or your babysitter?" Hawk asks.
   "I said that?" I ask.
  "Yep, right after you were drinking a liquor bottle like it was water." he says. "Kate, I don't know what got into you last night, but when I saw you in that car with Kyler." he pauses and looks into my eyes.
   "It made me realize that I never want to see you with anyone other than me. I know you have a lot on you right now, but we can get through it together." Hawk says.
    "What are you saying?" I ask.
   "I'm saying that I would love if you would be my girlfriend again. Will you be my girlfriend... again?" Hawk asks.
   Without another thought going through my head, I respond.
   "Yes." I say.
    Hawk smiles, "I was really hoping you would say that."
   "Of course." I say. "We never should have broken up in the first place. That was my fault."
   "It's okay." Hawk says.

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