Chapter 73: Bonfire

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I walk up to Samantha's car and see Tory's outfit and I love it. She is dressed as Madonna in the 80's. A full black outfit with a cross necklace.
"Hey Kate, cute outfit." Tory says.
"Thanks, I went for the 70s and not the 80s." I say.
"It's okay, we know you can't pull off the best era." Tory laughs.
"Tell yourself whatever helps you sleep at night." I respond in a jokingly manner.
"I love your discussion about which era is the best, but look." Robby says.
"Oh my god." Samantha says, looking to everyone.
Miguel walks over to Sam and grabs her arm, Robby doing the same with Tory.
Demetri walks up to me and grabs mine.
"Just because you don't have anyone to protect you." he says.
"I don't understand what's the problem." I say.
"Cobra Kai. There is a lot of kids from that dojo here." he says.
"Oh the hell well." I say, turning to everyone, "So what, they are here. Tonight is supposed to be fun, not a big fight. We leave them alone and they will hopefully do the same. We don't talk to them and they don't talk to us. Let's have fun." I say.
"You know what, she's right." Miguel says, "We are always looking for a fight to happen, but tonight let's just cut loose."
"The irony that you are saying that while the song is 'Footloose' is hilarious." Demetri says, pointing out the joke.
"You know when you say that it isn't funny anymore." Hawk says, sneaking up on us.
"There's my Binary Brother." Demetri says.
"You will never cool it with the nerd shit now will you?" Hawk asks.
"Not in a million years." Demetri responds.
"Let's go." Tory says, leading the way.
We walk down there and become one with the crowd, we are dancing to 80's music and then someone in the crowd yells.
"PLAY THE CHA CHA SLIDE." really loud, and then suddenly the music stops.
I look around and realize that the person who said that was none other than Miguel Diaz. Samantha's face is more red than a fire truck.
The music starts playing and the Cha Cha Slide song comes on. Samantha pulls me and Tory to the side of the invisible dance floor that everyone has formed. She walks over to a guy who's pouring beer from a tap and then tells him.
"I'm driving."
"One wine cooler for the lady." the guy says.
"Thanks Ben." Samantha says.
Ben says, "No problem Sam. So, what's your poison tonight Tory?" he asks Tory.
"I want something good. Pick for me."
"Here you go." he pours her a shot of Tequila.
"You know me so well." she says.
"Well they don't make me the bartender for just any old reason." Ben says, then shifts to me. "We have a newcomer, what's your poison?"
"I don't really drink, so what do you suggest?" I ask.
"A good old fashioned beer for you." he pours, "And remember lady's, if the cops come..."
"You had nothing to do with serving drinks, in fact who even are you?" Samantha and Tory say congruently. That was actually pretty impressive.
"Thank you ladies. Also, you have a familiar face, what's your name?" he asks me.
"My name is Kate." I respond.
"Well Kate, I hope to see you around sometime." Ben says, smiling at me.
I return the smile and walk away with my friends.
"How can he get alcohol?" I ask.
"His family owns a liquor store franchise, his friends give him money to sneak in and get the drinks during closing hours, but you never heard this from me." Samantha says.
The song ends and we get back on the dance floor. The night consists of dancing, laughing, and singing as loud as I can. I have had 3 cups of beer and start to feel a little drunk, but I don't let it get in my way. I keep on drinking and drinking.
I yell, then I see Hawk approach me. "Hey Kate."
"Hey." I say.
"Are you drunk?" he asks.
"Nah." I respond, as I go to take a sip of my beer and Hawk snatches it out of my hand.
"No more drinking." Hawk says.
"You aren't any fun." I say.
I see Hawk disappear into the crowd and I start to dance again when I bump into someone while dancing.
"I'm sorry." I say.
"It's okay." says a guy. "You are that new girl everyone has been talking about. Kate right?"
As much as I am concerned about what they are saying about me, I'm too drunk to ask. "Yeah." I respond.
"I'm Kyler." the guy says.
"Oh okay." I respond.
Kyler and I dance around each other for a while then says, "Wanna get away from all of the sound?"
"Not really." I say, continuing to dance.
"Oh come on." he says.
I look around and it seems that all of my friends are having a good time and so why not? Nothing bad can possibly happen.
I stumble and he catches me. "You have had quite a bit to drink tonight."
"I guess." I responded.
Time passes and next thing I know I am making out with him in the back of his car.
He starts to move his hand up my thigh, I don't feel this is right and I try to move his hand off but I'm too weak.
"Kyler stop it." I say, as he continues.
"Kyler I said stop it." I say louder, but he continues and starts to brush his lips on my neck.
I roll down the window a little bit and yell for help. Kyler then rolls the window back up.
"You need to just let it happen." he says, grabbing my wrists and pinning them down.
"Stop it." I say, trying to wiggle my way out of his grip.
"Stop being such a bitch and let it happen." Kyler says.
Someone jerks his door open and pulls Kyler by the back of his shirt out of the car. Then someone pulls open my door and grabs me.
"You good?" Hawk asks, pulling me out of the car.
I nod.
"Noah she's okay." Hawk says.
Noah heard? Maybe I should put aside our differences and just let it go.
"Stay right here." Hawk says.
He comes back with Robby and Miguel.
"Take her to Noah's car. Here's the keys." Hawk says.
Miguel grabs my left side, and Robby my right. We go to start walking and I ask.
"Why are you guys taking me to the car?" I ask.
"Because when Noah's done he's going to take you home." Robby says.
"Why?" I ask.
"Because you had 3 shots of vodka, and 5 cups of beer. It's time for you to go to sleep." Miguel says.
"What are they going to do to Kyler?" I ask.
"Well, they are going to teach him a lesson, a few years ago he tried doing the same thing to Sam in a movie theater when they were dating."
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah, then when she pushed him back into his seat he started spreading lies about her. That was when I got into my first fight." Miguel says.
"Cool." I say.
We get to Noah's car and then I get into the passenger seat. I then hear Miguel and Robby talking.
"Where did he say the bin was?" Miguel asks.
"In the side of the trunk, right beside the jack for the car." Robby says.
"Got it." Miguel says, walking up to the door.
"This is for you." Miguel says.
"Did I ruin tonight?" I ask them.
"No, we all figured that after your first taste of freedom that you would get this way. We just didn't expect the Kyler thing to happen." Robby says.
"What happened?" Miguel asks.
"I don't even know." I say. "We were around each other for the night and then for some stupid reason I let him take me to his car."
"I'm just glad Noah kept an eye on you." Samantha says walking up to us.
"You guys thought this would happen too?" I ask Samantha, Demetri, and Tory.
"I did." Tory says.
"Yeah, same here." Samantha says. "We should've forced you to be around us all night."
"I told you guys, but you never listen." Demetri says.
"You seriously choose now to gloat?" Samantha asks.
"Look who's coming." Samantha says.
I turn my head and see my brother and Hawk approaching us.
Noah walks up, "Thanks guys."
"No problem." Robby says.
"Alright, Derek get in the car we will follow Samantha." Noah says.
"Do you mean Demetri?" Demetri asks.
"Same thing, get in." Noah says.
"Say goodnight to everyone Kate." Noah says.
"Night." I say.
He shuts the door then I see him talking to my friends for a few minutes.
I roll down the window. "Hey bud, you said we were going home."
"Coming." Noah says.
We get into the car and after a few minutes I feel sleepy and the next thing I know, everything goes black.

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