Chapter 36: Overwhelming

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"Okay thank you Mrs Salvatore. We appreciate your communication."
"Thanks." I respond.
"We will need you to testify on their court date. We will get you all of the information you need to know by then. Thank you for your cooperation. Bob from the Evidence Department is going to have those cuffs on your person removed and you can leave. I recommend you go to a hospital and get bandaged up." the woman says.
"How many people know?" I say to her, as she goes to exit the room.
"Half of the United States. The other half will find out in the morning." she responds. Then walks out of the room.
"Can you come with me please?" says the man.
"Bob I'm assuming?"
"Yes ma'am." he says. "Can you come with me please?"
"Yes sir." I respond.
We walk into this lab, I see a bunch of the stuff that was used on me. The whip covered in blood. The lighter. The dagger. The chains that my hands were attached to. Everything. I don't know if I can handle this right now. I stare in disbelief. I can't even-
"Sit right here."
"Okay." I mumble quietly. "Can someone please get me pants?"
"After I remove the cuffs darlin."
"Are you fucking deaf or something I NEED FUCKING PANTS." I start to yell, then fall to the floor, sobbing.
"Okay ma'am we will get you pants I just need you to sit down in this chair." he says.
"Thank you." I say, wiping tears, then causing more to flood.
I see Hawk outside the glass door trying to get in but nobody will let him come in. I look to him and mouth 'I'm okay go sit down' then he shows me shorts. I run to him.
"Ma'am you need to sit down."
"And you needed to get me pants but didn't."
I open the door and take the shorts. "Thanks." I quickly say and shut the door back and run back to the chair as I'm putting on pants.
"Okay now will you stay still?" He says, as he gets out a sharp pair of scissors.
"No." I say.
"I can't physically get them off of you unless I use the scissors." he says.
"Okay." I respond. Looking away.
I hear a popping sound then I jump. "See, that wasn't so bad. I only need to do it 3 more times."
"Okay." I say.
He takes the rest of them off of me.
"Your all fixed up." he says. "Now it's time for me to go get some coffee."
"Sir?" I ask
"Yes ma'am?" he turns around.
"I don't know what time it is. Can you please tell me?"
He looks to his watch. "It's 2:36 AM."
Wow? Really?
"Okay thanks." I ask.
"No problem honey. Just remember that everything will get better." he says, giving me a look I've seen before, a look of pity, as he exits the room.
I get up and walk out of the room. Mr LaRusso and Sensei Lawrence and Hawk rush to me.
"Hey. You ready to get out of here."
"Mhm." I answer, walking towards the door.
"Oh Kate." I turn around to Hawk. "Here's some socks and shoes." he says. Handing them to me.
I sit down at the nearest chair I can find and put them on. We walk out of the police station and the lights are so bright I can barely see. They are flashing at me. I can't handle it. I turn around and run back into the building, hawk following me.
"Hey, everything is ok. Calm down." Hawk says.
I start to hyperventilate. I can't calm down, I can't breathe, I can't comprehend what's going on. I fall to the floor in tears.
"Hey hey hey." Hawk says, looking around then going down to the floor and holds me. "Everything is okay. We don't have to walk out there until you are ready."
"Thanks." I say, crying.
He holds me on the floor for about 15 minutes. Then I wipe my tears.
"Are you alright now?" Hawk says.
No. I'm not alright. I don't think I will be 'alright' for a while.
"I'm fine, I just don't want the media to see me." I say.
"It's okay. I'll block your face."
"Okay." I say, getting up.
Hawk offers me his hand. I take it. He opens the door then covers my face. We walk to Sensei Lawrence's van and get it in.
"They are still watching. I will cover you until we drive off."
Sensei Lawrence turns on the van and all of a sudden 'Back in Black' plays over the radio. He quickly turns it off.
"Sorry about that."
I look at my phone. It's on 23 percent, but I have over 100 text messages from old 'friends' back in Utah. I can't handle it.
"Can you please take my phone?"
"Uh, sure?" he says, taking my phone, then looking at it.
After he looks and scrolls he looks to me. Almost a look of pity, but then puts it down.
"They are all just a bunch of mouth breathers." he says.
I put my head onto his shoulder, then he puts his arm around me.
"You can rest your eyes until we get to the hospital."
Oh god. The hospital?
"Really? The hospital.. is it really that necessary?" I ask.
"All they are going to do is bandage you up and send you on your way. We already called." Mr LaRusso says.
I guess I am going to the hospital. I'm in for a long night.

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