Chapter 78: It's a Cruel Summer: Part 1

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    I get in Hawks truck.
   "Hey, are you ready?" Hawk says.
  "Yeah, I guess." I say.
    "Is everything okay?" Hawk asks, staring into my eyes, trying to figure out my thoughts.
  "My dad and I got into it earlier." I say.
   Hawk turns off the truck and unbuckles, he then turns towards me. "Tell me what happened."
    "My dad just assumes that I'm going to join Cobra Kai so I can be in the same dojo as Noah. I can't believe he would think that." I say, opening up to Hawk.
    "Listen, I know it's not my place to say anything, but I think your dad just wants you two to be on the same page." Hawk says.
   "That doesn't mean I have to go against my instincts and morals. I think Cobra Kai is pure evil.. and I won't join that dojo, no matter what my dad says." I say.
   "I know that you won't join Cobra Kai, but I agree with your dad. You and Noah need to get along, especially after what you two went through. You both lost your mother, Kate. Not just you, and not just Noah. You both lost your family when she died. He went into hiding and you isolated your feelings-"
   "I didn't isolate my feelings Hawk. Just-" I sigh, "drive."
    "Okay." Hawk says, cranking up the truck and pulls out of my driveway.
   I look out of the window, watching each light pole pass by, thinking about my brother and my dad. How could my dad want me to join Cobra Kai after everything Terry Silver has done? How could my brother be so okay with going to a dojo that has done so much harm?
   We pull up to the beach to see a person sitting in their car.
  "Where's the party?" I ask.
   Hawk looks to me, "I'm going to go figure out."
  Hawk gets out of the truck and walks over to the car, then talks to him for a few minutes and gets back in the truck.
   "The party is at Moon's house." Hawk says. "I'm going to text the group chat and let everybody know."
   "Okay." I say.
We pass by palm trees, people walking their dogs for the last time in the night, and then Hawk turns into a driveway to a mansion. A beautiful white brick house with a walnut colored wood doorway. Hawk walks around to my side of the truck and opens the door. I look around and it doesn't look right, like something feels off with the vibe as soon as the Los Angeles breeze brushes against my face.
   "You coming?" Hawk says, stepping onto the step, leaning into the truck.
   I just look around and look to Hawk. "Yeah." I say, unbuckling.
   Hawk leans inside and kisses me. "Everything will be okay Kate. Just put all that stuff that happened out of your mind." He then steps down and holds out his hand.
   I grasp onto his hand and get out of the truck. As soon as I get out of the truck, I get weird looks from everyone around me as they pass. It's almost as if the glance they are giving me is a warning to stay away.
   "Let's make the most of this last evening of freedom." Hawk says, pulling me closer to him.
    We get into the party and the music is blaring loudly, I can hear hardly anything.
   "You want a drink or something?" Hawk yells to me.
   "I'm good." I respond. I look around and it seems like everyone around me was looking at me like they were going to jump me. I feel out of place here.
   "Gotcha." Ben says as he pokes my back, making me yell and turn around.
   "My gosh Ben." I say, turning around. "Why aren't you behind the bar?"
   "There is only beer and tequila, I can't really make anything of that." Ben says. "How are you doing? You look like you have seen a ghost."
   "I-" I take a deep breath in. "I'm doing fine." I respond.
  "Do you want to go outside? They have karaoke and it's not as loud." Ben says.
   "I need to wait on Hawk." I say.
  "Oh okay. I can wait if you need a friend around." Ben says.
   A friend? I smile at the comment and then respond.
   "Yeah, thank you." I say.
  "It's no problem blondie." Ben says.
    Hawk then walks back over to us. "Hey Benny, how's your mom?"
   "She's doing much better. If it wasn't for your mom she wouldn't be here. Thanks brother." Ben says, pulling Hawk in for a hug.
   "What happened to her?" I ask, not thinking before I speak.
  Ben looks to me, "My mom had leukemia a couple years ago, and she has now been cancer free for a year thanks to his mom."
   I look to Hawk, puzzled.
  Hawk looks to me, "My mom is actually an Oncologist."
   "That is so amazing." I say, looking to Ben. "I'm glad your mom is okay."
   "I am too." Ben smiles. "Anyways, why don't we go outside? It's loud in here."
   "That sounds great." Hawk says, putting his hand against my back and gently nudging me towards the outside.
   I walk outside and look at everyone laughing and having a good time.
   "Truth or dare is over there, and karaoke is this way." Ben says, walking straight. I pause and look at the people playing truth or dare. Why do they all look so tempted to do something terrible?
   I then continue walking and see Karaoke, I then sit down on the patio furniture next to Hawk.
   "Checking out Truth or dare?" Hawk asks.
  "Yeah." I say, looking to him quickly then back to the screen.
   The person up there is a guy, about 5'11, with a sombrero on singing the song 'Tequila' by The Champs. He doesn't care what people think about him, or at least he doesn't act like he cares.
   "Such a dumbass." Hawk says, laughing.
  I nudge him, signaling him that what he just said was wrong.
   "My bad." Hawk says.
  "Damn." Ben says.
    A girl that I am unfamiliar with walks up to us.
   "Hey Hawk." she says, sitting on the other side of Ben.
  Ben gets a weird look and walks over and sits on the other side of me.
   "Hey Cassidy." Hawk says, in an uncomfortable and questionable tone.
    "So, I like that you went back to red, it looks much better on you." Cassidy says.
   Is she... hitting on Hawk?
    "Hey." I say.
   "What?" Cassidy says in a rude tone.
     Ben says, "She is dating him. Take a hint."
   Cassidy looks to me then stands up. "Well I don't see any competition here. I have both of my parents present and well, and I don't put out to just anyone."
   "Are you bringing my dead mom into this?" I ask, standing up.
   "She probably killed herself so she wouldn't have to see you everyday." Cassidy says, sizing herself up next to me.
   Ben says, "Cassidy-"
  "What? We aren't going to talk about how little miss hotshot just came here and we aren't supposed to act like that isn't weird?" she says, stepping towards me. "How psycho do you have to be to get kicked out of your own town?"
  I stand up for myself, "I didn't get kicked out, we moved because my dad got better opportunities-"
   "The same dad who has been gone the entire time you have been here?" Cassidy says.
   The music stops and it's just dead silence.
   "Hey everyone." Cassidy says aloud, "You all know Katelyn Salvatore, right?"
   People look around and nod slowly, clueless as to what is going on.
   "Hey guys, if you want a piece of ass, all you have got to do is get a van and Kate will find her way in there." Cassidy says.
    There is a mixture of gasps, laughs, and exchanged looks coming from the crowd. I look around in embarrassment.
    "Kate? What the hell are you doing here?" Noah says.
   Oh my god.

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