Chapter 22: Sensei Johnny Lawrence

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   I stare into my reflection. I don't even recognize myself. Who am I? "Please take me back to my bed." I say to Hawk.
   "What's wrong?" asks Hawk, concerned for me.
  "Nothing, just take me to my bed please." I say.
   "Ok." he says as he picks me up, looking worried for me.
   He picks me up, one arm around my back and the other underneath my thigh. "You still look beautiful." he adds, realizing that I am unhappy.
  It's around 2:45 in the morning, and my day has already been ruined.
  "You want to watch the news?" says Hawk.
"I'm okay." I respond, getting back in my bed.
  "Ok, are you okay?" he asks.
"I'm fine." I say.
  "They have Reese's in the vending machine outside, and I know you like them. Do you want me to get you one?" he asks.
  "I'm good." I respond.
"Ok then." says Hawk.
  I'm never going to be me again, I'm going to be some victim that was attacked. I can't get that girl out of my head though. Her name was Natalie. I wonder if I could tell Terry Silver about her and get her to pay for what she done. I could maybe figure out a wa-
  "So, how are you feeling." says Hawk. Interrupting my thoughts.
  "I feel amazing, you know, 10 out of 10 today." I say sarcastically, then add, "How would you feel if you got attacked for nothing?" I ask.
  "Ok, I realize you are upset about what happened and I-"
  "Upset? I am beyond upset Hawk. I want sweet fucking revenge. I want that bitch to pay for what she done, and want all of her pathetic little friends who took her orders to harm me like she was their boss. I want that bitch to be in the hospital like me, hell, I kind of wish she was dead." I say, with a pissed off and depressed look on my face.
  "Listen, we are going to strike back. We won't just let her get away with it, but you don't ever need to wish death on anyone, trust me when I say that you will regret it." says Hawk.
  "You don't understand. That bitch tore my fucking FACE OFF." I say, my emotions turning into anger.
  "They didn't tear your face off, they just banged it up a little bit, you will be back to how you looked  in no time." says Hawk.
  "I'm so sick of this shit. IM FUCKING SICK OF IT."
"Okay." Hawk says, getting up and walking over to the door, shutting it, then closing the blinds that can see into the room from outside. "Everything is going to be alright, I realize that you are overwhelmed at the , but-"
  "BUT WHAT HAWK? BUT WHAT? That whore FUCKED ME UP. I CANT HANDLE IT ANYMORE." I say, trying to take my IV out, "I'm going home."
  "No no no no, don't do that." Hawk says, grabbing one hand and sealing the sticky stuff around the IV back on with the other. At that moment, I see hawks arm, it looks like he had a needle in it.
  "What happened to your arm." I ask.
"Well, when you first got here, they didn't know your blood type and they couldn't figure out what your blood type was. They didn't have much O positive blood to give you, so I donated mine." he said.
  "Wow, thank you Hawk." I say.
"I didn't want anything bad happening to you." says Hawk.
  I start to tear up, then the tears turn into sobbing.
"Hey hey hey, everything's okay." says Hawk.
In the moment, I look to the door, someone was entering. It was... wait, who is that?
  "Sensei Lawrence." Hawk says, "Glad you could join u-"
  "QUIET." he says, making me jump. "We have a game plan. We just finished our meeting." the new man says.
  "Ok" says Hawk, "So what's the plan?" he says.
"Hold up, you finished a meeting at 3 in the morn-"
  "QUIET." he yells again. Wow, this guy likes yelling quiet. "Your the new girl that got banged up I'm assuming."
  Naaaaaww, it's definitely the girl that's also conveniently named Kate in the hospital... men.
"Yeah." I said.
"Hey Hawk, go outside. There is a few things I need to discuss with her." says the man.
"Okay. If you need anything, just let me kno-"
"Shut up and get out dork." says the man.
  Okay, so this guy is clearly done with this shit already. So I'm not going to piss him off.
  "Hey, I'm Sensei Johnny Lawrence of Miyagi Fang karate." he says. "So I take it you want to be apart of the dojo."
  "Yes sir." I say.
"Sir? I'm sorry.... sir?" he says.
  "Yes?" I respond.
"You always address me as Sensei. I take it where you came from you wasn't so popular." he says.
  "I was, but only because my family had money, you see-"
  "QUIET." says Sensei Lawrence. "I do NOT need to hear your life story. Anyways, as soon as you get better, you can come to the dojo, we need another girl."
  "Okay..?" I say.
"Now that the Sensei side in me has already told you why I am here. The dad side of me wants to know... What the hell happened to you?"
  "Sam, Miguel, Hawk and I were at the Arcade. I had to use the bathroom and Sam went with me so she could touch up her makeup. These people started coming in and starting a fight then started talking shit about me when they didn't even know me, so I went out of the stall and told them to shut up, then like 5 of them went up behind Samantha, picked her up and threw her out, then shut and locked the door and beat the shit out of me. But they was basically talking about my life in Utah, when I don't even know how they figured out about that."
   "What were they saying about Utah?" he said.
  "They called me Crazy Katie." I said.
   "And why was you ever called that?" he said.
  "I'd prefer not do talk about that." I said.
    "I'd prefer to hear it, so speak up." says Sensei.
   "Okay, so after I was kidnapped when I was 11, I came back and somehow everyone knew. There was people who gave me gift baskets, basically feeling sorry for me, and I couldn't handle the shit. I went to school and this bitchy teacher started to point me out to the class and called me a 'survivor' so I done what any kid done."
  "And what is that?"
"I cussed her out, and went to the gym, got a baseball bat, and beat the shit out of her car." I said.
  "Wow, I definitely was not expecting that." he said.
"Either way, I started getting called Crazy Katie. People was posting memes of me beating her car. I was an outcast..."
  "Well that's not bad." he said.
"It gets worse.."
   "How worse?"
"I was on a rampage, and I was sick of my peers feeling sympathy for me, so I went back into the school with the bat to get revenge, and the girl that used to hate me but she was starting to play the pity party card on me was the victim. Let's just say long story short I was suspended for a month and had to pay for her hospital bill."
  "Damn, that's pretty badass." he said.
"Welcome to Miyagi Fang karate."

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