Chapter 42: My life... its over

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    "Hey Kate. So the thing we need to talk about is what I figured out.... about you." Miguel responds.
  "Wdym?" I respond.
"Your brother DM'd me. What the hell is this?" he sends, with a picture of me crying burying a shoebox in my old garden back in Utah.
  Oh god. That's the one that the baby was in. Does he know? Oh my... I'm freaking out.
"Do you care to explain what he told me?"
Shit. He can't know, no no no. How did my brother even have that? I find myself hyperventilating. I can't breathe. I can't do anything. He knows...
   I scream.
Mrs LaRusso run in the room, along with Samantha and Anthony down the stairs, then Hawk running in through the back door.
  "Kate?!?" Mr LaRusso says.
I just fall from the couch onto the floor sobbing.
"Kate? What happened." Mrs LaRusso says, kneeling to the floor where I am.
  "Anthony Samantha upstairs now." Mr LaRusso says.
  "Hell no. What's wrong?" Samantha says.
I get up and run outside, feeling someone run after me.
  "Kate, listen I don't know you that well but something is wrong. What happened?" Anthony asks.
  "I need to get out of here, I need to go." I say, starting to run off.
   Anthony picks me up. "You aren't going anywhere."
  "Put me down." I yell.
He carries me back inside.
  "Thanks Anthony." Mrs LaRusso says.
"Just please. Stay there." he says, looking to me.
"Listen Anthony Samantha go upstairs now." Mr LaRusso says.
  "No, she's my friend. I want to know what's going on." Samantha says.
  "Sam I'm not having this conversation with you. Go upstairs. Now." Mr LaRusso says.
  I sit there lost. I don't know what to do. I don't know what to say, I just want to get out of here. I want to get away from this.
  Hawk walks to me. "Come with me."
  "Okay." I respond.
"We will be right back." he says, grabbing my hand, pulling me with him to the front of the house.
  "Kate what happened."
"My brother." I say, starting to cry again.
  "What did he do?"
"He told Miguel."
   "What do you mean he told Miguel."
  "He TOLD HIM." I yell.
    "Ok ok calm down. What all does he know?"
   I get my phone out of my back pocket. I show him the picture.
  "Fuck." he says.
   "Does Mrs and Mr LaRusso know?"
   "Ok then tell them. They will know what to do."
  "Everyone is going to know. Everyone." I fall to the floor again. Sobbing, and the I scream.
  Hawk picks me up, then hugs me, embracing my body.
  Mr LaRusso walks in. "What happened?"
"Her brother told Miguel. He knows."
  "Has he told anyone else?"
"I don't know, she hasn't stopped crying since I've seen her."
  "Bring her into the living room. Anthony and Samantha are upstairs."
Hawk goes to walk me into the living room, but I pull back.
"Listen, this is just a bump in the road. Everything will be back to normal soon."
"But it won't. It will never be the same. Never."
"Everything is going to be figured out. Come on."
"But it won't. It will never be 'figured out'. That's meant for perfect people. I'm far from perfect."
  "You are perfect to me. You deserve to be happy Kate. You deserve to live a happy life, worry free. Once you come clean about it, you will feel better."
  "But once everyone finds out. Someone will blab about it. It never fails."
  "Listen. With that attitude we aren't going to figure anything out. We have to at least try. Can you at least try?"
  "I'll try, but-"
"Uh uh uh. No 'but' anything. We are going to try. Ok?"
   "Okay." I respond.
  We walk into the other room. "What all does Miguel know?"
  He takes my phone that's in my hand, then turns it backs on and shows it to Mr LaRusso.
  "Oh my.... god." Mr LaRusso says. 
Mrs LaRusso drops her head. She picks it up and looks to Mr LaRusso. "Do we need to tell her?"
  "Tell me what?" I say.
"Mr LaRusso. You are scaring me." I say.
"Just rip the band-aid." Hawk says.
"Turn on the Television." Mr LaRusso says.
  I turn on the TV and look to Mr LaRusso.
   "Turn it on the news." Mrs LaRusso says.
   I turn on the News. I stare at the screen in disbelief. I can't believe what I am looking at. My heart drops to the floor. Tears full my eyes. I feel betrayed. I feel like I have been hit by a bus and thrown into a concrete wall. I can't handle this.. not now, not after what happened tonight. Samantha and Anthony run down the stairs.
   "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS NEWS ON MY PHONE?" Samantha runs down the stairs yelling.
   "Dad turn on the...."
They know. Everyone will know in a few short hours when they wake up. The world is going to know. Know everything.
  I look to Hawk.
  "I need a gun and an airplane ticket."

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