Chapter 72: A fight and a car ride

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I look in my body mirror at my awesome 80's outfit. A short white tennis skirt with a hot pink top, white retro knee-high boots and a thick white headband. I look into the mirror and love how it looks on me.
"Hey, you ready?" Samantha says, walking into my bedroom. "I still cannot believe mom and dad let you come home."
   "Same. I just don't know how to talk to Noah after our argument. All we have is two word conversations."
   "Don't think about that. Tonight is going to be so fun." Samantha says.
I walk downstairs with Samantha and see Noah glaring.
"Where do you think you are going dressed like that?" Noah says.
"We are going to the first bonfire of the summer." Samantha says.
"The summer is almost over, so how could it be the first one?" Noah asks.
"It's the first one with Kate." Samantha says hastily.
"She isn't going out wearing that." Noah says.
"Oh come on Noah, literally everyone is dressing like this."
"You wanna know the difference between you and them?"
"Enlighten me." I say, crossing my arms.
"They aren't my sister. If you want to go to that party, you put on something appropriate. I will go get ready."
"You are kidding me." I say.
"Does it look like I'm joking?" Noah says, going to his bedroom.
"I'm not changing." I yell up the stairs as he is walking up.
"It's fine, because I can see for myself that you are having a safe and fun night." Noah says, turning around to me so I can see that stupid smirk on his face.
I sit down on the couch.
"Are you going to ride with me or Noah?" Samantha says.
"I don't think I have much of an option." I say.
"I'll wait and you guys can follow. I have to pick up Miguel."
"What about Hawk?"
"He's taking his own truck. He doesn't drink at parties anymore."
"Why?" I ask.
"I honestly have no idea." Samantha responds.
Noah comes down the stairs wearing a white blazer with a blue shirt underneath it. He is dressed as Don Johnson from Miami Vice.
"Nice fit." Samantha says.
"Thanks, this is going to be my Halloween costume this year when we pass out candy."
"That's your Halloween costume every year." I respond.
"And? When the 80s come back I can wear this whenever I want wherever I want." Noah says.
"Oh, you will be so trendy... in a hundred years." I respond.
"You are just hating like the hater you are. Let's go."
"Okay, will you follow me Noah?" Samantha asks.
"I mean seeing how I don't know where this bonfire is, I suppose I could let you direct me there."
"Okay Mister Big Words." she responds as we all exit the building.
We get into Noah's BMW and I forget how nice his car is. So dad will buy him a luxury car but I can't even have a car off the used car lot? Wow dad.
"So, you plan on doing something stupid tonight?"
I just look out the window and avoid talking to him.
"Such a crowded room guys, one person at a time." Noah says sarcastically. "Come on Kate say something to me."
"Something to me." I turn to him and say and then gesture back to the window.
"So.. is this going to last a few days, or a few weeks?"
"It will last until you apologize." I say.
"What do I have to apologize for? You are the one who kicked me, twice."
"I wasn't the one bad mouthing our deceased mother though. I believe that was you Noah. You."
"Listen, I-"
"I don't want to hear it. Your pitiful excuse won't make up for what you said about her."
"I am sorry, okay? I shouldn't have said that."
"We can finally agree on something." I say.
"Can we at least put our differences aside for tonight? You can hate me as much as you want tomorrow, but tonight we need to be a team."
"Wow. That is so shocking. Since when have we been on the same team? Months?" I ask.
"Okay fine. At least don't rebel against me." Noah says, looking back to the road.
"Fine." I say.
About 30 minutes later Samantha picks up Miguel, Robby, and Tory, then has Demetri get in our car because she has no more room.
"So guys. Life am I right?" Demetri says about 5 minutes into our drive. "Tough room."
"I'm sorry Demetri, let me enlighten you on our problem. Noah talked shit about our mom and then I beat him up, and now he thinks he can just say a simple little 'I'm sorry' is going to fix it. Well guess what? It won't."
"Well, maybe you should tell Kate that she is being an immature child about this entire situation." Noah says.
   "Oh I know you didn't just try to turn my friend against me?"
   "Oh you know I am because I'm just such a horrible person." he says as his voice gets louder, in a sarcastic tone.
   I just throw myself back into the seat and groan.
   "Maybe I shouldn't have asked, my bad." Demetri says.
   We pull up to the beach and I can hear the music blaring and kids laughing and carrying on. This is going to be fun.
   "Listen." Noah locks his door.
  "Noah unlock the door." I say.
    "Please." Demetri says, ready to get out of this car. I don't blame him, it is bad in here.
   "I love you, and have a good night."
  "I love you too." I respond.
    "If you need me just yell my name, I will always be around."
  "Little creepy but okay." I say.
   I get out and I feast my eyes on this sight. Tonight is going to be legendary.

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