Chapter 66: Tension

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We walk outside of the judges office and I have so many thoughts running through my brain. One thought sticks out over all of the rest. Hawk has a sister?
It's so weird.. how could he hide a secret this-
  Just give it up Kate.
I walk into a courtroom filled with cameras, the light is so bright that I hide my eyes and walk past. I sit in the very front bench behind the main floor. I look around anxiously and look in the corner of my eye and I see Sam walking up to sit beside me.
"Hey." she says. "Can I sit here?"
"Of course you can." I say.
"Are you okay? You are very jittery." she says, revealing to me that my body can't hide my emotions well.
"I'm just nervous." I say.
"Oh okay. You wanna talk about it?" she asks.
"Not in a room full of reporters." I say.
Sam whispers to me. "Hawks coming."
I look to her and nod in agreement.
Hawk walks up to us and has an odd look on his face. "Kate."
"Yeah?" I casually ask.
"Can you uh..." he pauses a moment to figure out what to say, but this is so unlike him. I have a bad feeling about what is about to happen. "..come with me?"
"Yeah, sure." I say, hastily getting up and walking with him outside of the courtroom.
"Where are you taking-"
"Shhhhh." he says discreetly.
Okay this is not the Hawk I know and love. This is not the man I met that first day in Los Angeles. This isn't Hawk.
We make our way to the janitors closet. I walk in and he shuts the door behind me.
"Kate." he says, looking at me.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"You know." he says.
"About what?" I ask, dumbfounded. I know what he is wanting me to say but not here, not now.
"You know about P.J."
"I do." I say.
"I was planning to tell you-"
"Hawk, it's fine." I say, hoping to cheer him up.
"Is it though?" he says, getting close to me, looking me into my eyes. "I don't want to hurt you."
The air between us is getting thinner by the second, but I can't kiss him... I just can't. I give him a hug, hoping it won't make anything awkward.
"You won't. I understand that it's a personal topic." I say.
"I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." he says.
"It's okay." I say.
    I am standing directly in front of Hawk, our arms held on to one another. I can see into his soul that he is sad, but I can't do anything to fix it. He looks at my lips then back to my eyes... he picks me up and props me on the side table and looks into my eyes. I grab his tie and pull him close to me.
   Are we about to kiss?
  "What the hell is going on in here?" Sensei Lawrence says.
   Oh god.

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