Anxiety (Louis)

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*Impotant authors note at the end <3 * please read, would appreciate it, if not also fine ofc xx


Requested by:LouisTommoLover91 💕💕


Louis has struggles with anxiety since high school. Some days he will be pacing around the house he and Harry live in, asking Harry tons of questions and feeling uneasy, and other days he will be carefree, dancing around and not feeling restless at all!

Harry loves Louis for this. Well, he doesn't like it when Louis isn't feeling too well due his anxiety, but luckily it's mostly one day a month or so, depends on what is going on in their lives at that moment.

Louis struggles with this due to the events that happened in his past. Harry knows about those but he also knows that Louis doesn't like to talk about it to other people.

"Louis sweetheart it's time to sit down, you don't have to worry about anything, it's the weekend." Harrys pats beside him on the couch, gesturing Louis to sit down next to him.

Louis paces around, seeming pretty stressed out. He sighs as he sits down next to Harry, cuddling him from the side as he burries himself into his husband's side.

Harry smiles at that. "We have two options right now. Either we talk about why you're stressed now or we are gonna get ice cream and talk about it after." He feels Louis smile into his side. "Ice cream sounds amazing."

"Perfect." They stand up get dressed properly, even though they both wouldn't mind going into their pj's.

After they are ready to go they walk down the street, holding hands. Louis quicky spots a ice cream truck and jumps up in joy. "Look hazz, the ice cream truck!" Harry chuckles. "Yes love, what flavour are you gonna get? I'm thinking of watermelon for myself.

Louis gulps, he has a hard time making choices when he has a 'anxiety day' like this, as he calls it.

"Shh love, don't stress, we can just look at what they have and choose then, I will guide you through it."

Louis nods, grateful he has such a great husband who understands him better than anyone else.

He stops in his tracks and gives Harry a soft kiss, making Harry chuckle again. "Thanks hazz, you're the best." Harry squeezes his hand. "No problem at all, you know I don't mind helping you."

Once in front of the truck they greet the man friendly, who greets the boys back. "Hello lads, what can I get you today?"

Harry smiles and squeezes Louis' hand again in reassurement. "Ehm I would liks watermelon and strawberry ice cream please."

"Coming right up!" The man says and goes back into his truck to get the ice cream.

He sees Louis looking at the paper where there are pictures of all the flavours. "Look bub they got chocolate! Don't you like that a lot?"

Louis murmers something which Harry doesn't understand completely. "Sorry what's that babe? Speak up please."

He puts a arm around Louis's shoulders. Louis fiddles with his hands. "I t-think I would l-like c-chocolate and strawberry." He says and Harry nods.

"Good choice! Proud of you." The man comes back and hands Harry his ice cream, Louis telling the man what he wants.

After they paid they walk back home together. Harry picks the strawberry that sits on top of his ice cream and waves it in front of Louis's mouth. "A strawberry for my sweet strawberry, you want it?" Harry smiles as Louis blushes slightly.

"Don't you want it?" Louis looks at his shoes for a quick second, then looking up at his husband again.

"No, I'm offering it to you, baby-" before he can finish his sentence Louis jumps and catches the strawberry with his mouth, a big giggle escaping his lips.

Harry looks suprised at his hubby but then starts laughing loudly. "I love you so much, you're so funny."

Louis has his hand in front of his mouth, still giggling. "I love you too, love the ice cream by the way, great idea of you, thanks bubba."

Harry kisses his cheek, then realising Louis now has a watermelon mark from the ice cream on his face.

Louis wipes is away and dips his finger in his own ice cream, then booping Harry's nose.

"Oh you're gonna get it now!" Harry laughs as they chase each other home.

Once home they settle in front of the tv, both satisfied and belly full of ice cream.

Louis then remembers he promised Harry to talk about why he was a bit stressed today. "I think I had a hard time letting work stuff go now that it's weekend, was a bit stresses about that." He says suddenly.

Harry nods as Louis explains what's going on at work and how everyone is very sweet and patient, but that he just wants to do everything well.

When he's done Harry pulls him into a big hug. "I understand it honey, but we can always look at it monday and make a to do list maybe?" Louis humms in agreement.

"Good idea, thanks again for taking me to get ice cream, I feel a lot better now and had a great time, it's always fun when I'm with you."

Harry smiles. "You're the funny one, I enjoyed it as well and thankyou for communicating with me about your needs, I love you."

Louis smiles and kisses Harry. "I love you too, shall we get ice cream again tomorrow?"

Harry chuckles as he nods. "Sounds amazing."


Hi guys,

As you see I'm starting to write some requests again, thanks for the support! On the other hand I wanted to shortly talk about my own anxiety and things that keep my mind busy at times, I love to write these books but sometimes I get the feeling that the books I wrote around 2019/2020 or some time later were better and people seemed to love it more. Maybe it's in my head but I sometimes feel like my 'talent' fades away at times, and I love to make you guys happy so I want to continue doing that. I could never even dream that my books would become so popular as that they are now, but the new ones seem to be less popular than the old ones haha but with my books people mostly seem to read it a while later after publishing haha. I don't do this for the 'fame' or followers or vieuws or comments but when I see things go down I sometimes feel sad or stressed about it because due a follow or a nice comment you get that motivation to write more and its confirmation that people love your stuff. This will always be my passion and I hope that ya'll support me and like my old books as much as the new ones (there will always be things that we dislike tho which is ofc fine xx ) just wanted to get this off my chest, please be kind and thanks again, appreciate all of you wouldn't have come so far without you and sorry for the long message oops (hi) if you read this far extra thanks to you <3

I will ofc continue writing!

Cya soon!


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