Sick on tour (Harry) part 2

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Yeah yeah as we all know by now that I'm no medical proffesional but I think I did a pretty good job here with this!

I had a bursted appendix myself when I was younger (had made a sickfic about it as well I believe) so I kinda know what I'm talking about, but had a bit of a hard time including the cholecystitis as well and want to educate myself further before making a actual sickfic based on it, so kinds excluded it here, sorryy!

Why am I always writing so much when I actually could have so little to say, always feel bad about it to ya'll (': oh well enjoy!


"Hanging in there, babe?"

"Damn I feel so badddd." Harry says, dragging out the 'd', pouting at his boyfriend.

"I think you need to go to the hospital to check him out and see if there's something wrong." Liam then speaks up, squeezing himself into the backseat next to Harry and Louis.

Harry has his head on Louis's lap. "Shall we just go? I'm hurting real bad."

Louis nods, trying not to panic since Harry normal isn't a fan of hospitals so he must be in some extreme pain for him to want to go voluntarily.

He talks to Paul and they decide to drop off the boys at the tour buss and Louis driving Harry to the hospital.

Harry's squirming around, his body aching so much. As soon as the boys are out of the car he doesn't hesitate and gets into the drivers seat, Harry spread out in the backseat.

Louis was lucky he had brought a paper bag with him and handed it to the boy earlier on, because soon enough Harry was throwing up.

"Hang on in there love, we're almost at the hospital." He sped up a bit, wanting to get the boy help as soon as possible and not really caring for a speed ticket.

Once they arrived Louis quickly parked the car and lifted Harry up his arms, hurriying to the entrance, carrying Harry in bridal style.

(A/N we just pretend Louis can carry Harry here, although he did prove it at xfactor! xd).

"Can someone maybe help my boyfriend? He's in a lot of pain." Nurses walked over to them and Louis lifted him on a bed, walking behind the nurses as they rolled Harry to a room to examine him.

"Is he alright?" Louis asked, since no one was telling him anything, two nurses checking him over.

"We have to run some tests, we can't tell anything yet." The lady looked sympathetically at him, knowing it must be frustrating to the boy.

Louis huffed but thanked her and sat down on a chair close by the bed, but far enough so that the nurses could do their job.

"Lou, dizzy." Harry cried out and gagged some more.

Louis took his hand. "I know love, but they are going to make sure you feel better soon."

Harry nodded and Louis saw him turn a bit green-ish, quickly shoving a bucket under his nose. Where he got it that quick? No one knows, still a unsolved mystery to this day.

Louis kept rubbing his back as the boy kept emptying the bit that was left in his stomach, feeling miserable for the boy.

He luckily had now a IV drip in, so he wouldn't get dehydrated, he probably was a bit before since he hadn't drank almost anything at all that day.

"My stomach feels so bad, like it's going to burst at any moment." He told Louis after he was done, pouting and still squirming.

"I know baby, I hope it will be all over soon and then we will cuddle lots alright?"

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