Fight (Louis + protective Harry)

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Requested by: @MultiFandoms45

Couldn't tag you as you see so I just put your name there, hope that's alright! ⬆️😂❤


"Im so excited! Finally we're having a day off," Harry fondly watches his husband rambling about what he wants to get in the mall.

"Are you also excited hazz?" Harry smiles and takes his hand "very much, let's go." Hand in hand they walk to the car and drive the 10 minute ride to the mall, Louis happily singing along to the songs on the radio.

Harry really enjoys these days, they both work quite a lot and although they spend a lot of time together, he likes to have an extra day with his Lou every now and then.

"Harry shall we go to NIKE first?" Louis jumps out of the Jeep they came here with and looks around.

Harry locks the car "sounds good honey." Louis takes his hand and they walk through the crowd to the shops.

"Harry you have to see this one! Really great huh?" Louis is holding up a pair of blue Nikes.

Harry nods. "They look good, go try them on I would say," Louis nods happily and hops to a bench to try on the shoes.

Harry looks around and after a while Louis comes back with another pair of shoes. "The others didn't fit, what do you think about these?" Now he is holding up a pair that is almost the same as the one just now, only these are light pink.

Harry kisses Louis' forehead. "Looking great, honey!" Louis beams and goes back to the bench to put them on.

Once Louis wears them on he sees Harry walking towards him but out of the corner of his eye he sees someone staring at him.

The man walks towards him with a grin. "You're not a girl with your pink shoes, are you? They probably still have them in blue, let me get them for you."

The man wants to grab Louis by the arm but Louis pulls his arm back. "I didn't think so." Harry is watching from a few feet away, knowing that Louis can do this alone but if necessary he will intervene anyway and Louis knows that.

"Oh no? people like you should get slapped." In one second the man hits Louis' cheek with his fist, a hard smack can be heard.

Harry's eyes change from expectant to blazing. He does not hesitate for a second when he looks at Louis quickly and sees that he is okay to which he gives the man a kick in the stomach. "How dare you touch my husband?!" He shouts and grabs the man by the wrists.

The man growls. "Where did you came from?!" Harry smiles. "The question is where you will be later, and that is somewhere where the sun does not shine." He wants to hit the man again when Louis and an employee along with the boss of the shop intervene. "Stop this!" Harry raises his hands to show that he is not the culprit.

The boss takes the man by the collar. "The surveillance cameras showed what happened, you are going to the police." The boss takes the man outside.

The employee looks at Harry guilty. "Sorry this happened, can I somehow make it up to you?" Harry looks at Louis. "Are you okay, babe?" Louis nods and stands next to Harry, who puts an arm around his waist.

Then Louis smiles "Can I get those pink shoes for free?"

°𝑳𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔/𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔° ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now