Sick after fight (Harry)

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Requested by: YellowMeerkat


"You had one job, one fucking job Harry!" Harry looks to the ground while Louis rages on him.

Louis had a difficult meeting today and it was all a bit too much for him. He knows he shouldn't take it off on Harry but he can't help it right now, the last weeks we're so stressfull!

Harry lets it go, this almost never happens and everyone gets angry sometimes, but Harry hates it when these moments happen.

The lights in Louis's eyes are gone and his gaze could kill everyone in his eye sight. With his hands on his hips he's complaining that Harry has forgotten to walk their dog, Clifford.

You can't blame Harry to be honest, it was raining cats and dogs!

And now? Well now there is a puddle on the floor and Clifford is lying in his fluffy basket with a guilty look.

Damn Cliff, this is your fault!

Harry looks at the dog with a 'are you kidding me' look and Clifford barks once as if he's trying to reply.

"......You could just walk 5 minutes and you would have been home! It wouldn't be too hard and why didn't you just do it?! To spare your precious hair?!"

Harry is so done at this point and slams his hand down on the table. He listened to Louis for a while now and he's done with it all. "Shut up Louis! I didn't walk Cliff and im sorry okay! It was raining like hell and i wanted to wait and yes, the pup peed inside, so what? You also peed your pants when you were younger!"

He grabs Clifford his leash and gives Louis a last glance, mentally smirking when he sees Louis' face. His jaw is almost on the ground and a guilty look is appearing on his face "I will walk MY dog. And yes its mine now, i needed to take responsibility huh? Stick your shit up your ass, Louis"

He walks to the door and puts on Cliffords leash grabs his jacket and leaves the house. Its still raining but he couldn't care less to be honest.

Its cold and Harry wishes he took a thicker jacket with him but oh well, it doesn't really matter.

He hopes that by the time he comes back Louis has cooled down a bit and he has to say that he also needed the space for a while.

Will he go back home at all today? Or is it wise to stay the night worse? He honestly doesn't know, Louis and he hardly ever argues.

He decides to visit Niall for a moment and return home after dinner.

Once there, Nialp greets him kindly and lets him in. Harry tells him about the fight and Niall listens carefully.

"I understand both of you Hazz, only he could have been a bit friendlier" he says after Harry has told the story.

Harry takes a sip of his tea and sighs, looking at his cup containing Louis' favorite tea, Yorkshire ... "i know but i get why he acted that way, i could have walked with Cliff"

He pets the dog on his feet and suddenly sneezes "well Harry, don't get a cold now ey" smiles Niall and Harry smiles sheepishly.

He hadn't told Niall, but since the fight he's been feeling a bit feverish. At first he thought it was because he hates arguing with Louis, but now that his nose is filled with snot and his head is about to explode, he fears he has a cold.

Niall must have seen Harry force a laugh because he furrows his eyebrows "what's up?"

Harry looks at him and snorts, feeling quite congested "nothing to worry about"

Niall rolls his eyes "I have known you for years hazz, you are getting sick ey?" Harry's shoulders slump and he nods "just a cold"

Niall shakes his head and doesn't want to hear about it "lie down, the guest room is free" Harry sighs "im fine Niall, honestly" he wants to get up but stumbles and can just grab himself on the chair "yes, I see that, come with me i will pay attention to cliff and will call you when dinner is ready, i will make some soup" Harry is too tired to struggle and sleep for a while does not sound so wrong.

As soon as his head hits the soft pillows he's fast asleep....

When Niall notices Harry fell asleep he decides to call Louis and give him a piece of mind along with the situation. He feels kinda sad for his friend when he hears the cracks in Louis' voice, he must feel guilty.

Niall invites him over and talks with Louis for a while "i know Niall, i had to control my anger and talk with him, he didn't do anything wrong, let me talk to him make it up to him" Niall nods with a smile on his face "don't have sex in my guestroom please!"

"Can't promise anything!" Louis chuckles and makes his way to the guestroom.

Louis sits down next to Harry on the bed and runs his hand through his husband's hair. "Hey hazza" he says when he sees Harry's eyelids flutter.

"Lou" Harry smiles seeing his husband's face.

"Im so sorry baby, instead of talking with you about my frustration i ended up screaming and that wasn't the plan, forgive me please?"

Harry gives him a kiss and nods "you will walk with cliff for a month though" Louis chuckles "i think i deserve that"


Bit quick written but hope it was nice to read!

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