Sick at school (Harry)

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Were goin a bit back in time. Louis is 18 and Harry is 16, both in UNI. (Lemme with my ideas 😂)

Here we go!


Harry's pov

Its a typical thuesday morning. Im waiting for Louis to come and pick me up with his car. Were always going together to school since well, he's my boyfriend after all and if you have a car, why let your boyfriend walk?

I must say i dont feel too well today, bit tired. Its kinda odd since im normally pretty hyper, even in the mornings unlike lou.

I shrug it off and wait for louis' car to appear around the corner. He honks a few times "hey babe, step in" i do as told and put my seat belt on.

He must sense my quiet behavior cause he asks "what's wrong?" I look at the trees outside and shake my head "nothing, don't worry"

I can tell he wants to ask me more but he keeps quiet, knwoing better then speaking up at the moment.

We quietly drive to school and when we arrive i open my door and make my way to the building.

Well, that was the plan. A hand grabs my shoulder "love, what's wrong?" He looks at me worried.

I decide to spill a bit "just not feeling too well, dont worry"

He hugs me "aw babe why didn't you tell me?" I give him a sad smile "didn't want you to worry, its just 3 lessons, i will survive"

"Tell me when you feel worse alright?" I nod and we make our way to class. Im pretty thankfull for the fact we almost have all of our classes together and im sure louis thinks the same.

He wants to be close to me, but he also likes it to take over my notes, the idiot never does his homework. That thought makes me smile a bit and soon enough im stuck in my own thoughts. The last thing i notice is louis playing with my hair before i fall asleep...

I wake up by someone shaking my shoulder. I rub my eyes and look up to see my teacher staring at me "Mr. Styles, i normally would give you detention for falling asleep in my class, but Mr. Tomlinson told me you weren't feeling well?"

That moment i notice how bad im feeling compared to this morning and i break down. Tears escape my eyes and i feel louis pulling me into a hug and guiding me out of the classroom, followed by our teacher.

"Your sick aren't you Harry?" She says and gives me a symphatic smile.

I nod and sniffle "Mr. Tomlinson can you bring him to the nurse and make sure he gets home safely? Get well soon Harry" I thank her quietly and guess louis nodded cause before i know it im on his back "just hold onto my neck yea?" I nod and drift off again, him lulling me to sleep with his humming...

When i wake up i notice im not on louis' back anymore but in his room. He then appears in the doorway "hey love your awake, how are you feeling?"

I rub my eyes and yawn "just a bit bleh you know?" I sniff and he hands me a wipe.

I thank him and blow me nose "dont get me wrong but why am i in your room?" He smiles "my mum called yours but she's on a businesstrip and Gemma has a sleepover at a  friend's house so you will stay with us for a while"

I nod "yea she went to America yesterday"

He sits next to me "you couldve told me she's out, we could have a sleepover and stuff"

I chuckle and it sounds weird due my cold but whatever "would be a legend sleepover with me being sick huh?"

He rolls his eyes and pecks my cheek "when im with you its already enough, just your company makes me the happiest man on earth"

"I love you"

"I love you more"



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