Falling for you (in front of the bathroom door) (Louis)

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It was late in the evening. The wind was blowing hard outside so that the branches hit the windows once in a while.

normally louis would have been very scared, but he was with harry so the sounds for him were really nothing more than background noise

they were playing the game 'risk' and louis was winning. Well, Harry actually let him win because Louis's smile when he won was more important to Harry than winning. it made him feel good even though he was the loser. he didn't care, he was already bad at risk anyway.

"I won! I won!" Louis sang when he won for the third time that night

"I don't get it" murmured harry fake disappointed but couldn't hide a grin. louis saw that
"You don't mean that, did you let me win on purpose?" he asked, hitting harry playfully.

"What can i say, youre smile is already a win win situation for me. You won the game, i got to see your lovely smile" he kissed louis' cheek, making the short lad blush.

Even after 4 years of marriage both the lads could make each other blush by simple flirting. It was adorable to see and they both loved it.

"Ur such a sap" louis chuckled and and put the game in the box, putting it in the closet. when he turned, harry stood before him

did you really think you could leave so quickly? I wanted to see that smile, but that wasn't enough" he whispered

louis giggled but that stopped quickly when harry hit him with a pillow

"pillow fight!" he yelled, throwing Louis on the sofa. Louis laughed until he could hardly breathe and tried to get the pillow out of Harry's hands which of course didnt go as plan.

after a while they both ended up on the couch, louis almost falling off laughing. they watched some TV and went to bed, tired of the day.

it was later that night that things didn't go so smoothly anymore.

it already started with louis waking up in the middle of the night, which is of course not very bad but also not very normal.

and for the record: he had to pee. so he took harry's arm from his side and got out of bed as quietly as possible so as not to wake harry. he yawned, eager to sleep but knowing that it wasnt possible with a full bladder.

normally the hall was lit by a small light so that if they were very tired there was no chance of falling

only today it was not on, had been broken since last week. Harry wanted to buy a new one yesterday, but he was working overtime at work and came home late, the shops were no longer open.

louis knew his way around the house, of course, even in the dark so it wasn't really a problem he thought.

only he had forgotten that he had kicked out his VANS in front of the bathroom door after the pillow fight.

so you can guess it. He fell over those shoes and hit the bathroom door with his head. it was not extremely hard, but enough to give you a massive headache and letting you see stars.

harry heard it and was soon with louis "hey babe what happened?" he asked, looking around for signs of the situation.

louis held his head tight and his jaw clenched "I fell over those stupid shoes and bumped my head at the door" he said, pouting after.

harry took his hand and looked at his head "no blood or anything, just think a mild concussion at worst, do you feel nauseous too?"

louis shook his head "no just a nasty headache" harry nodded and lifted him up to take him back to bed

"hazz" louis smiled

"what?" he replied, eyebrows raised.

"I still have to pee"


Thankyou so much for the 11K

Lots of love -N

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