Nightmares (Harry)

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Requested by: zoehellozoe Hope you enjoy reading! 💕

*Trigger warning*

Bit of a spoiler as well!

Mentioning of nightmares and dragging Harry down with words to try and make him feel insecure, if you can't handle reading it you can always skip that part, a * will let you know the beginning and end of the nightmare.



"I'm sooooo tired! Bet we will sleep really good after today!" Louis yawns as he pulls his husband closer to him on the bed.

Harry nods, fiddling with his hands. Louis looks up at him, noticing some discomfort by looking at the boy's face. "You alright hazza? You seem... nervous?"

Harry looks away, pulling the cover up to his chin. "It's nothing sweetheart, just tired, that's all." He smiles softly, trying to not make Louis worry about him.

Louis was right though, he is in fact feeling nervous. Over the last few days Harry has slept badly, lots of nightmares and a restless sleep overall.

He doesn't know why, maybe it's the stress of work and how much energy it eats from him? I mean he loves singing and touring with the band, but it just takes a lot of energy at times.

He looks beside him and sees Louis, lying on his side but still holding his hand, a soft smile on display.

His beautiful, amazing and even breath taking boyfriend...

What would he do without that beautiful boy?

He sighs and decides to try and fall asleep himself as well. Knowing tomorrow will be a busy day with lots of photoshoots, rehearsals and other amazing, but energy taking things.

To everyone their suprise Harry is soon fast asleep, and it's not until 2A.M. that the demons of his nightmares come to visit him...


"Harry you need to work harder! Do you really think we need a piece of shit like you in this band? You can't even sing, always tired, always clinging onto Louis." The voice spit out, making Harry feel vulnerable.

Harry looks around, where is he?

He's surrounded by a pitch black sight, hearing voices circling all around him.

"Yeah that's right! You're worthless! Louis doesn't even love you, but oh well, who even wants a man who can't even keep up with stuff at work?"

Harry starts hyperventilating and puts his hands out in front of him, trying to feel something to hold on to.

He feels sick to his stomach because of what the voices are saying. Is it really true? Is he so unnecessary in the band? And Louis, Louis loves him, doesn't he? They've been together since Harry was 16...

As if the voices can hear his thoughts they speak up again, this time even louder and more angry.

"Louis used to like you, you know? Until you became so stressed out due to the amount of work you couldn't take. It's a shame, just run away and never come back! They don't want you!"

Harry's breathing even faster now, his heart pounding in his chest. He feels so many emotions at the same time, and he can't take it...

"IT'S NOT TRUE! LOUIS LOVES ME, THE BOYS LIKE ME AND I'M NOT WORTHLESS!" He starts to sob loudly. "I-I'm l-loved, I l-love Louis and h-he loves m-me" He says to himself, trying to feel some comfort.

°𝑳𝒂𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝑺𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔/𝑯𝒖𝒓𝒕𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒔° ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now