Sick kid (Niall)

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Zayn is 10

Liam is 6

Niall is 4

Harry is called 'papa' by the boys
Louis is called 'daddy' by the boys


"Lou can you wake up zayn and Liam and make liam ready please? Then i will do Niall" harry asked his husband, standing at the top of the stairs.

It was a schoolday by the Stylinson family and all the kids would go to school.

"Sure love" louis replied and made his way to Zayn's room

Harry stepped into Niall's room and pulled his nightlight off, then grabbed some clothes for Niall and as last made his way to the 'car bed' Niall had, his whole room had the theme cars, Louis and Harry thought it was adorable.

"Little monkey, its time to get up, you have school today!" He said, shooking the boy's shoulder.

"Sweepy papa" the boy grumbled and Harry frowned, normally he would be jumping by now knowing the boy loved school and his friends.

"What's wrong lil bug, dont you want to see you're friends?" Harry asked, not knowing what was wrong with the 4 year old

"Papa feel sick" Niall replied and at that moment starting to throw up all over the covers, not that Harry minded but now it made sense, his son was ill.

Harry rubbed his back and told the -now sobbing boy- it was fine and that he would feel better soon.

"All done love?" Harry asked after a while, seeing Niall stopped

"S-sowwy p-papa" the boy kept on saying, his teary eyes staring up at Harry's green ones.

"Oh love, papa isnt mad, you're ill little one. No school for you today" he said and niall pouted

"No seewing fwiends?" He asked and Harry cooed at his pronouncing, kissing his forehead who felt like fire

"Sorry monkey, not today" he settled niall down on his hip and tickled the boy in his side, receiving a sad smile from the boy

He throwed the blankets in the washmachine and changed niall into some clean spiderman pyjama's before making his way downstairs

"Goodmorning boys" harry said to Liam and Zayn, giving them a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey hazz, Nialler. Why isnt he dressed Harry?" Louis asked, stroking Niall's hair

"Our monkey is sick, has a fever and just threw up" he explained, bouncing niall a little on his hip

"Aww love, thats going to be a relaxing tv day then" louis said while packing some lunch for the other 2

"Can you please tell his teacher he is sick when you bring the other 2 to school?"

"Yeah sure hazz, i also will call you're work and explain them the situation" louis answered

"You're the best" harry smiled, pecking his husband's lips

"I know" louis laughed, grapping his coat

"Boys we're going!" Louis yelled to the boys who now we're in the livingroom

"Alright" they both replied and walked to Louis, putting on theire coats and shoes

"Bye-bye papa and Ni-Ni" liam said to Harry and his brother, giving them both a kiss on the cheek

"Bye love" he said and niall just nodded, not bothering answering

After the teenager also said his goodbyes to his father and little brother the house was empty again

Niall had fallen asleep on Harry's hip so he brought the boy to the master bedroom and layed him down. He stripped down his clothes and left Niall in his pyjama's before joining his son, also feeling tired.

It wasn't long before father and son we're asleep


"Harry, babe get up" harry opened his eyes and saw his husband standing there, smiling down at him

"Good mornin" he croaked, turning around but not seeing Niall

Louis chuckled "its evening hazz, you 2 slept really long"

"Where is Niall?" Harry asked worried, looking around the dark room

"Calm down love, he's downstairs watching power rangers with Liam, i already ate dinner with them and Zayn is making homework in his room" louis said, kissing harry's lips.

"Thanks lou" he said while sitting up

"You're welcome hazz, now want to eat together. I waited for you" he smiled

"You can't cook louis oh god soon all the boys will be sick" harry laughed, earning a playfull slap from louis

"I brought pizza after work and i can cook!" He pouted, still smiling a bit

"Louis, you burned tea water once but its okay, i love you" harry said, kissing his husband

"Love you more"


The two walked downstairs to see indeed the liam and niall watching tv "hey li, nialler"

"Papa!" Liam almost yelled, jumping in Harry's arms

"How was school love?"

"Cool! We played with princess dolls!" He told harry

Thats another thing in the stylinson family, liam loved girly things. He often wore dresses, played with dolls and loved tiaras. Of course louis and Harry didn't mind, they loved theire son and found it adorable and cute.

"Sounds fun li, how are you feeling monkey?" He asked his youngest who was curled up in a blanket, sucking on his thumb. It was a bad habbit which louis and harry tried to stop, but the boy was sick so they let him be

"Bit bwetter papa" he said, putting his hands forward, wanting a hug.

"His fever lowered down a bit and he threw up once after dinner, even tho he didn't ate much" louis said, frowning a bit by the last part

"Maybe just a little stomach bug, i think we just let him stay home one more day and then see how it goes"

"Yeah good idea, wanna eat now?" Louis said impatient, already sprinting to the kitchen


That evening they all watched a movie, zayn eventually joining them. After 2 days of being tired and sitting a low fever out, Niall was his hyper self again, just like louis always was.

First -larry with kids- sickfic! Im very proud of this i must say, what do you think about it? And btw requests are open! 🔥

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