Falling down the stairs (Liam)

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"But zaynie we can't do that, papa and daddy always tell us we cant go downstairs by ourselves" liam looked at his brother.

"Yeah yeah but daddy and papa are still sleeping, you dont want to wake them do you?"

"Ehm no but can't we just wait here?"

"You wanted to watch tv right? And i want to drink something so come on"

"Why do i hafta go first zaynie?" Liam pouted at his brother. He didn't want to disobey his parents, but he really wanted to see spongebob so he had woken zayn up and asked him what to do.

Harry and louis always told theire kids not to go down the stairs by themselves, because it could be dangerous if you fell. They placed a stair gate before it but since liam grew older and zayn already knew how to unlock it it was just for niall.

"You arent a chicken right? You know how to walk so be quick!" Zayn whisper yelled at his little brother. He didn't mean to yell, he just hated that he was woken up on a saturday morning just cuz his brother wanted to see his tv show.

Normal by that time his parents would be up, but zayn heard dad say papa had a late meeting at school and dad would wait for him, so they would be gone sleeping late.

Liam hesitated, he always was the one who was shy and didn't want to be the steriotype bad boy his brother brother was. He knew that disobeying his parents wouldn't be the best thing to do.

But yeah like the young boy he is he wanted to show his brother he wasnt the 'chicken' like zayn said he was so he slowly made his way to the first step of the stairs. (After zayn opened the stair gate)

His brother was still up and watched his little brother slowly walking down.

After the third one liam felt he slipped due his socks and before he could realise what happened he was down the stairs, hearing a crack in his ankle once touching the ground.

He immediately cried and looked up at zayn who looked at him in horror. Zayn saw what happened and sprinted to his parents room but harry and louis heard a bang so they stormed out of theire bedroom once hearing it.

They both looked at zayn worried "what happened?" Louis asked while harry walked futher, seeing his son down the stairs in a lot of pain

"L-liam fell" he said and that was all louis needed to hear.

He followed his husband and kneeled by the boy's side "hey shh bug calm down its going to be okay alright?" Harry tried to shush him but the boy wouldn't have it.

"Can you tell me what hurts?" Louis gently asked and liam pointed to his left leg that was a bit swollen now.

Harry and louis shared a look "you go i stay here with zayn and niall alright?" Louis asked his husband who nodded.

"Alright lil one, im going to lift you up alright?" Harry asked the sobbing boy who shook his head 'no'

"Hurwts" he sobbed and harry gave him a small sad smile "i know li but we have to let the doctor take a look at you, after that we can get some yummy ice cream for you if you're showing ur a big boy alright?" Louis said and saw harry shooking his head a bit, laughing about the fact his husband always managed to let them do anything when they would get ice cream.

The boy nodded so harry gently lifted him up in bridal style

"Zayn go to you're room, we will have a talk later" louis said and gave harry a kiss, stroking liams hair and after theire goodbyes made his way to theire youngest who was crying now.

Harry setted liam in the passenger seat since his leg would have more space and drove to the hospital.

"Hello my son fell down the stairs and is in much pain" he said to the receptionist once inside.

"Name?" She asked

"Liam James Tomlinson"

"Alright please take a seat and a doctor will be there soon"

"Thank you"

Harry sat down with liam in his lap and waited, in the meantime reading a story to liam who was sniffling softly.

"Liam Tomlinson" the doctor called after half an hour making harry jump up, following the man.

"Hello im Dr. Blake, what seems to be the problem?"

"We woke up from hearing someone cry and took a look seeing him down the stairs with a swollen ankle" harry explained

"Alright anything else that is hurting liam?"

Liam shook his head

"Okay can i take a look at it then?"

The boy shook his head no and clinged onto harry, gripping his shirt.

"Liam the doctor just wants to make you better" harry tried seeing the scared boy on his lap

"What if papa is reading you something while i take a quick look at is, is that alright?"

Liam now nodded so the doctor grapped a book and gave it to harry who began to read. After a while the doctor spoke up "im pretty sure its broken but to be sure we will make an x-ray. "

Harry nodded and followed the man to the room.

After the pictures we're taken the doctor came back in "yep its broken so we have to cast it and he has to keep it on for the next 6 weeks"

So liam's ankle was casted till the knee and of course he had chosen a sparkled, bright pink color, his favourite. After getting some meds for the pain they made his way to the ice cream shop like harry (well louis) promised and they made theire way back home.

By the time they arrived liam had fallen asleep so he carried the boy inside "hey hazz broken i see?" Louis whispered once seeing them.

"Yeah let me carry him to bed, he must be exhausted" he took the boy to his room and tucked him in making his way to the livingroom where louis sat.

"Where is niall?"

"Doing a nap, he wouldn't sleep until i told him a thousand times liam wasn't broken" he chuckled but then turned serious.

"Also had a conversation with zayn" he told harry


"Apparently he kind of forced liam to go downstairs after he woke him up and liam slipped" louis explained, tears in his eyes. "If we just got up earlier th-"

"Louis it was 6am! We never wake up that early so dont you dare to blame yourself" harry told him and wrapped his arms around his husband

"Liam is okay, we're all okay and liam told me he was sorry in the hospital and i told him it was alright but that he have to listen to us next time"

Louis sniffled "thanks hazz"

"Of course boo. Now what kind of punishment are we going to give zayn?"

"Well he wasn't the one who let liam slip but he didn't had to force him so 2 weeks no phone, ipad and tv?"

"Sounds good"

They called zayn downstairs and explained to him it wasnt good what he did, which he understood. After 6 weeks a cast and 2 weeks no internet for zayn, it was all as usual again. And liam? He forgave zayn after he gave him a candy bar. Like father (louis), like son.


Suprise! Anotherrrr update! Just beacause im bored tbh haha. Any requests? Dont hesitate to text me! 💜

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