Broken ankle (Louis)

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This story is based on something that actually happened to me 😂 (well kinda, i didn't had a loving boyfriend like Lou) 😂


"Im so excited! I love Dodgeball" Harry yells

All the boys are in the dressing room. They have a dodgeball competition soon, its something that's part of PE.

Louis dislikes it, no, he hates it. All those foam balls flying around and people screaming to pass the ball, its nothing for Louis.

He also always ends up being last men standing, since he takes position in the back and mostly front is being out first.

His boyfriend, Harry loves it though and that's why Louis tries to do his best. Harry knows he hates it, but well he also knows Louis loves to see him in those tight PE shorts he always wears so its a win-win situation.

"Let's go Lou, we needa win!" Harry wraps a arm around his boyfriend his waist and leads them to the field.

After they did some warming up the competition finally begins.

After some more competitions their team won, but also lost some but they still have some more to go, so there is still hope.

Well that is, until louis ends up being last man standing, again.

Harry was cheering like a personal cheerleader at the sidelines and louis smiled, that boy always manages to lift the mood.

The opponent had more players in field, but it didn't made louis scared. Someone behind him called his name and in front someone threw a ball at him, making his brain chaotic.

He turned around but his feet stayed at the floor, making him twist him leg. With a hiss he fell to the ground, hearing a 'crack'.

He clutched his painfull ankle and was sure it was broken. Harry soon was next to him, a worried expression on his face. "Shit lou, are you okay babe?" Louis shook his head, that pain was a bitch.

"Ankle, hurts" he croaked out, not wanting to cry.

Harry helped him stand up and he leaned his weight on his boyfriend, who helped him to the dressingroom where they could sit on the cold, hard benches.

Once there Harry grapped his jacket and putted it below his ankle "here, you need to keep it higher then your knee.

A teacher also arrived now "well louis, that was a nasty fall innit?" No shit sherlock

"Yea" he just said, not really feeling like talking.

"Its swollen and bruising, he needs to see a doctor" his caring boyfriend then states, gesturing to the blue ankle.

"Yes that's a good idea, let me call them and also your parents, Louis. Marvin, grab a ice pack please!" He called to the boy who was standing in the corner, god knows why.

Soon enough the doctor was called and they could go and see him. Harry looked at the teacher "can i go with him please?" The teacher nodded, he was a chill lad.

Once at the doctor its being inspected "yea that seems broken, no xray needed" they are sended to the hospital and louis gets a red cast "6 weeks" the woman says, giving him some medicine.

That evening Harry and Louis spend watching movies, chilling and cuddling. Harry takes good care of his boyfriend and louis is thankful for that.

Oh well that pain is a f*cker, but at least he has Harry, his wonderful boyfriend.


Thought 'lets make another chappy, was a long time since the last one'. Any requests? Dont hesitate to comment down below! 😁

By the way this is a story based on what happened to me, but it was a bit different since i will get a surgery for my ankle soon.

So that means i don't exactly know when there will be updates but for sure ya all won't be waiting for too long.

Stay safe! -N🦋

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