Black eye (Louis)

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It was saturday.

Louis and Harry were out with the lads: liam, zayn and niall. They had that kind of day that they just were joking around and chilling, enjoying their time together.

They did it like almost every week and it never annoys them, they are like brothers anyway, well apart from larry and niam.

They were, requested by louis playing football (yea yea soccer whatever 😂). Zayn was in the goal and in a team with niall and harry, while louis and liam were in the other team.

It all went fine until louis was running on full speed. He didnt saw a rock who was in front of him so you can guess it, he fell over it and smacked his head to the ground.

Everyone saw it happen and harry was the first one to be by his side. "Louis! Ur alright babe?" He kneeled next to him.

Louis leaned on his arms and looked at harry, rubbing the mud from his face "yea im fine, my eye just hurts a bit" harry offered him a hand and helped him stand up. "Let me take a look"

He gasped seeing his husbands face "uh ur eye is swollen, love" liam came running towards them with a ice pack, handing it over to harry who gently placed it on louis' eye, making louis hiss.

"Its nothing big, you will just have a black eye for a week or some"

Louis glared at him "no shit sherlock" harry looked down which made louis realise how harsh that sounded "sorry darling, im just in pain"

Harry gave him a small smile and reasured him its fine. He lifted him up in his arms "come were going home, boys ya all want to come along?"

They shook their heads "no thanks, we will leave you 2 alone, unless you need anything?"

Harry politely decilined and carried louis home, by the time they reached it seeing louis fell asleep in his arms. "Sleep well my prince, love you"

Louis smiled in his sleep, lucky to have harry...


Short but good my lads 😂

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