Football accident (Louis)

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Yea yea for some of you it may be soccer but here its football, lemme be 😂😂


Today was a important day for louis and his team. They were in the final of a tournament and all very nervous but also exited to play. The opponent was really good but they weren't scared, their team was the best of England.

Louis was doing a warming up along with his team. He was eyeing his teammates cuz hey, a good captain is there for his team and needs to see if there are any problems.

Secretly his eyes sometimes looked at the sidelines were harry stood. Harry always went to louis his games already since louis started playing and harry and him were just friends.

That is 8 years ago and now their happily married for 2 years. Harry was dressed in louis' old jersey which had 'Tomlinson 28' on the back. It was for supporting theire team and louis, but secretly it was also so people could see harry belonged to him.

Harry waved once noticing louis' stare and louis smiled. "Hey loverboy, game is about to start" liam laughed.

"Shut it payno, niall is otherwise also looking with heart eyes" louis rolled his eyes but smiled.

"Hmm the only thing i see is him eating a hotdog and annoying harry" liam pointed at hazz and nialler. They both laughed and walked to their positions on the field.

Liam was just like louis attacker and together they had scored multiple times for their team. It was great to see 2 best friends working so good together and knowing even without words the plan of the other.

yes they were very much attuned to each other.

The game began and it went very smooth. The opponent had scored once but louis already twice so they were winning.

That was until a big defender with ultra muscles came louis' way. He was dribbling the ball to the goal, passing everyone when number 9, the big man tackled him from the side.

Louis hadn't seen it, so jumped up, turning his ankle. he heard a crack but he couldn't think anything, it went so fast. he hit the ground with a bang, feeling pain immediately. he grabbed his ankle, hoping it helped.

He shut his eyes, seeing black spots everywhere. Soon a hand was rested on his shoulder "louis can you hear me?" It was the coach his voice.

Louis nodded, too much pain to get some words out of his mouth.

"alright boy were going to lift you on a stretcher and bring you to the hospital since ur ankle doesn't look too good" a other voice spoke. He opened his eyes quick and saw it was a paramedic.

He heard someone running and then hands grabbing his shoulders "are you alright boo? That was a nasty fall" it was harry, he knew that voice out of everywhere.

Louis opened his eyes "pain" he spitted out, squeezing harry's hand. "I know love but its going to be fine" harry massaged his scalp, trying to make louis a bit more comfortable.

Louis was buckled up on a stretcher and rolled into the ambulance which was arrived. Harry held his hand the whole way and made some crappy jokes, trying to cheer him up.

At the hospital they runned some tests and louis had a fracture. So he was casted up and had now a nice, green colored cast on his leg til his knee.

They gave harry some medicine and crutches along with a wheelchair and liam brought them home.

"That was me a day" louis spoke up, already a couple of hours home. Harry set the popcorn he made on the table and sat next to him "yea but luckily its nothing worse"

Louis nodded "and we did win" harry laughed "you sure did, even with a broken ankle you team managed to win without their captain"

"What can i say? Im just the best" they both laughed and had a chill day, louis cuddling harry and laying on his chest.

It was all good, as long as he had hazz...

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