Sick Kiddo (Niall)

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Harry is daddy to the boys
Louis is papa to the boys
Liam is 12
Zayn is 8
Niall is 2

Requested by: VictoriaVanorden2


Its a monday morning at the Stylinson household.

Louis is packing the kids their bags for school and trying to make breakfast (failing, we all know Louis).

Harry is upstairs making sure the boys are ready. They all took a bath yesterday so its just dressing up and then they are basically ready.

Liam can do it all himself so Harry is not too concerned about that, the boy is 12 after all.

Since Niall has just turned two and is not going to kindergarten yet, he is home today and so Harry decides to let the boy sleep for a while and check on his other son.

"Zayn? You gotta go to school buddy, you're awake?" a groan is heard, making Harry chuckle, the boy hates getting up, looks like Louis.

He decides to turn on the lights and ruffles the boy his hear before walking out of the room, knowing Zayn will be out of bed soon.

He looks around the door of Liam and sees him dressed and standing at the door "Hey kiddo, you're ready i see?" Liam nods proudly and Harry kisses his forehead "go downstairs, daddy should have made breakfast."

Liam furrows his eyebrows and Harry smiles "it probably turned out to be a sandwich" Liam nods and smiles before making his way downstairs.

Then Harry walks to his and Louis' room, where Niall came in sneaky last night to sleep with them.

Louis and Harry don't mind it, Niall usually falls back asleep quickly anyway and the lil lad is two so they mostly let it slip, even though they are working on letting him sleep in his own room.

He opens the curtains a bit and immediately notices that the boy has quite red cheeks, is he ill?

Harry gently strokes his hair "hey monkey, wake up" Niall whimpers and that alarms Harry a bit.

He feels his forehead and concludes that he has a fever.

Soon their lil buddy is awake "daddy yucky" he croaks out. 'oh no, his throat must be hurting' Harry thinks and lifts the boy, placing him on his lap "what's hurting kiddo?"

Niall points to his ear and throat.

Yesterday Niall also mentioned his ear problems, but they had just had a bath so Louis and Harry thought it was just the water in his ears.

"I think you're ill buddy, shall we go see papa downstairs?" Niall nodded and Harry decided to take him downstairs in his pyjama.

He carries the boy on his hip and enters the kitchen where Liam and Zayn are already eating breakfast. "Morning babe" Harry says and kisses Louis.

"Hello beautiful and hello my lil monkey" he says and Niall makes grabby hands to him.
Louis lifts his son out of Harry's arms into his own.

"He's ill i think, told me his ear and throat hurts, think it wasn't the water as we thought" Harry then tells him and Louis' expression changes "aw is our kiddo sick" Niall nods and puts his thumb in his mouth.

Louis and Harry let it slip, the boy isn't feeling well so.

"Nialler sick?" They turn around and are met by a confused Zayn "yes bud, Niall isn't feeling too well so i think papa will bring you to school while daddy is going to the doctor with Niall" Louis looks at Harry for agreement and Harry nods, it seems like a good plan.

The two brothers tell their little brother to get well soon and after a while its time to go to school so Louis leaves with the two.

Harry already called the doctor and they can come there in half an hour so Harry is trying to let Niall eat something.

"Come on Ni eat a little for daddy" Niall crosses his arms and pouts, shaking his head. Why does his daddy wants him to eat when he's feeling yucky!

Harry sighs "do you want some warm milk? You need to get something in your system" Niall pauses and then nods, milk sounds alright.

Harry makes the boy a bottle which he doesn't finish but at least he drank something. The doctor is five minutes away so they can just leave a short time before the appointment.

Soon enough Louis is home and that's nice since they can go all together to the doctor. Harry drives while Louis is in the back with Niall, making funny faces to try and make their little boy laugh.

At the doctors the man checks his throat and ears out and comes at the conclusion its a ear infection and strep throat, probably just caused due the weather, its almost winter after all.

He gives them some medicine and the three turn back home.

Once there they know what's coming, Niall needs to take medicine, something the boy refuses to take.

"Come on Nialler here goes the train" Louis moves the spoon in front of the boy his mouth but Niall shakes his head "no papa"

"Here comes the air plane wooshhh" Harry tries to make a plane sound and Niall crosses his arms "no daddy!"

The parents sigh and then Louis gets a idea "hey Niall, you can get ice cream once you took the medicine, it will make you feel better" by the mention of ice cream the boy smiles and opens his mouth.

Harry stares at his husband with open mouth "You're a genius"

Louis chuckles "That's why you married me" he jokes, kissing him while they both laugh.

After a few days and much ice cream later, Niall was his old, bubbly self again...


Little Niall is so cute! 😍

Would ya all mind checking out my new book called: 'Social Media Mates'? If ya already did, thanks 😁

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