I'm going to work if you like it or not! (Louis)

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Louis pov

Its late evening. Hazz and i are watching tv. Normally on sundays we go out and have a date night, but this time im sick.

It all started yesterday when i woke up with a fever and well, lets not give details of the rest.

So currently im laying with my head in harry's lap and a blanket wrapped around my body while were watching 'The Simpsons' on my request.

Tommowrow im supposed to work at the local flower shop where im manager of area of the building, but im pretty sure Harry wont let me.

Harry's always quite concerned when its about health and of course that isn't wrong, but with a lil throwing up i will manage to survive the day at work innit?

I sigh which got harry's attention "whatcha thinking about, lou?"

I give him a kiss on his cheek "i want to go to work" he shakes his head "sorry lou but you can't, you're sick and you know Barbara wont mind you calling in sick" Barbara was a sweet old lady who is the boss of the flower shop, aka my boss.

"I know but i still want to go, what am i supposed to do here?" Harry rolls his eyes and rubs my tummy "im also here babe, we can have a movie day"

How nice that sounds i still want to work. I really love those flowers and i need to see them everyday, well when i work. Its not a obsession, the flowers just make me happy and when ur sick, you want to be happy.

"Okay" i whisper but in the back of my head im planning on goin anyways, if he likes it or not...

My plan is discontinued for now when i feel myself getting tired and in no time i fall asleep...

That night

When i wake up i notice im not in the livingroom anymore, nor in harry's lap. Im in our bedroom, he must have carried me here. I glance at the clock and see that its 6AM, perfect.

I look next to me and see harry laying there fast asleep, little snores leaving his mouth. I smile and now notice how hot im feeling. I touch my forehead with my hand. Yepp, still a fever.

Well at least i woke up at the right time, let the plan begin. I might regret it later, but when i want something, i go for it.

I gently shake off harry's hand which is wrapped around my waist and quietly make my way to the bathroom.

There i brush my teeth and make the best of my messy bed hair. I turn off the light and walk into the hallway, but not before grabbing my phone off the nightstand.

I give harry a kiss and close the door behind me, making my way to our walk in closet. There i just dress up in some joggers, one of harry's hoodies and some red Vans.

I tip-toe to the kitchen and drink some water, not wanting to eat anything. I hear harry's voice in my head saying i must eat but hey, he's not here and wont know. And what he wont know wont harm him right?

I grab the car keys and glance at the clock, 15 min before my shift starts.

I hesitate for a while but decide that im now already too far to go back and step into the car, driving to the shop.

Once there i greet Barbara "hello louis" she turns around "my god louis, are you sick? You look so pale"

I shrug and feel the urge to sneeze but keep it in "im fine" i fake a smile and walk to the back of the store, starting to organize some flowers.

After a while i start to feel sicker and sicker by the minute and i really wish i listened to hazz, but its my own fault after all.

I sunk down to the ground and rest my head in my hands. I sit there for around a half an hour when i feel a large hand on my shoulder. I look up and see my husband with a worried look on his face "loubear, what did i told you?" He isn't mad i see, thankfully.

I jump into his arms and hug him tight "i-im sorry! I d-didn't mean t-to!" He shushes me and rocks us back and forth. "My little flower couldn't stand being away from the flowers huh?" He pecks my cheek and i blush.

"Im sorry hazz" i tell him when i calmed down. He shakes his head "its fine, we all know ur a stubborn little shit" he teases me and i give him a weak smile, too tired to say anything.

"Just dont do it again, louis. Promise me?" I nod and rub my eyes "promise, carry me?"

He chuckles "i already carry you babe" i roll my eyes "to the car!" I whine and feel him ruffle my hair "of course hun"

I hear him saying goodbye to Barbara "feel better soon louis!" I give her a smile and let hazz carry me to the car. "Hazz?" I then ask once in the car.


"How did you know where i was?"

"You already told me you wanted to work and i know you so i could guess it to be honest but hoped you would sleep in and be late anyway. When Barbara woke me up by calling and told me you looked sick i knew what was going on"

I kiss him "you know me too well"

"Yea, and i love you" he smiles

I lay down in his lap and yawn "i love you"


36K! YAY!

Can we reach the 130 followers? If yes a update will be here!

Also dont forget to check out my other book: The Earl And I!

Lots of love -N

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