Concussion (Louis)

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"Well lads, tonight is gonna be a night to remember" Liam said to me, Zayn, Harry and Niall. We all sat around in a circle on the floor. Every friday the boys would come to me and Hazza's house and we would do fun things together.

"What are we going to do?" Niall asked

"Truth or dare maybe?" Zayn suggested and the rest included me nodded

"Alright i will start" harry spoke up "liam truth or dare"

"Truth" he answered instantly

"Cough wimp cough" niall laughed and liam slapped him playfull

I saw Harry couldnt think of a question so i smirked at liam and whispered something in Harry's ear and he grimaced

"What do you think of Daniëlle Liam?" He said and immediately Liam blushed

"W-well she's a nice girl, really s-sweet" he stuttered and the rest laughed

"Nothing more then sweet Liam?" Zayn smirked and Liam rolled his eyes but still blushed

"Its one question Zayn"

"My turn now" liam stated and looked at Niall

"Truth or dare"

Niall didn't even had to think about that "dare ofcourse!"

The rest shooked theire heads, laughing

"I dare you to eat that left over chicken hazz made yesterday in one bite"

"Alright, nice!" he cheered and ran to the kitchen to get it, already coming back 2 minutes later.

"Louis, truth or dare" niall said, still chewing some chicken


"I dare you to climb in the tree from you're garden" he said and i gulped. That tree was pretty high, but i did climb trees earlier so im able to do it i hope. I didnt even know if i was sure or just trying to convince myself.

"You're coming lou?" Harry questioned, standing by the door. The others we're already outside, standing by the tree

I nodded and he just glanced at me "you don't have to do it babe, just say if you don't want it, they will understand"

I appriciated what he said, but i felt like i had to do it so said it was fine, and followed him outside.



Louis now stood nervously by the tree, trying to search a right place to start climbing. I knew he was nervous, but he is stubborn so i just let him be.

"You can do it love!" I almost yelled when he was almost at the top and he smiled at me, giving a thumps up.

I must say i was also nervous, seeing him standing really high. I was scared he would fell, but i just prayed he would be fine

"I think i can't climb higher Niall" he said once he was like 5 meters high and i sighed, this was already high enough!

"Yeah you can come down louis" liam said and i gave him a thankfull smile, showing him i agreed

Everything went really quick that moment. First he was still standing there and the next he layed on the ground, screaming in pain.

I rushed to him and kneeled down "hey hey, keep you're eyes open darling. What hurts" i asked.

"My head" he groaned, closing his eyes

"Zayn call a ambulance!" I yelled, rubbing louis his arm

"Its going to be fine louis, try to stay awake" daddy direction said, sitting on the other side of louis

"They will be here in 5 minutes" zayn said bringing a water bottle with him

"Here drink some" niall offered, setting it on louis his lips

"Thanks" he croaked, fighting to stay awake

Soon enough sirens we're heared and paramedics ran towards us, moving us aside.

They checked him over quickly "he probably has a concussion, we're going to take him to the hospital just to make sure" one of them said, moving louis on a stretcher

"Can i go with him, please" i almost begged, tears in my eyes.

"Sure you can sit in the back" the other paramedic spoke and led me to the ambulance

《《《 《《


The boys and i we're all sitting in a hospital room, waiting for louis to wake up. He was very lucky to only have a concussion, the doctor said and i couldn't agree more.

Niall felt very guilty, he was the one who wanted louis to climb in that tree. The boys and i of course explained that he didn't had to feel guilty, he didnt plan on letting louis fall.

I saw louis stir and gave his hand i held a squeeze. I looked at the other 3 who we're still sleeping, it was already past midnight so i couldn't blame them. I felt the same, tired or lets say exhausted and didnt want anything more then a bed, but i knew i wouldnt sleep knowing Louis isnt okay.

Slowly he began to open his eyes and smiled once he saw me "haz" he croaked and i squeezed his hand again.

"Yeah im here babe, how are you feeling?"

"My head hurts a bit but im fine" he said and i rolled my eyes

"My stubborn darling, youre not fine. You fell out a hella high tree and have a concussion and you say you're fine?"

Now it was his turn to squeeze my hand "really Harry, im fine. Probably the meds had kicked in." He said and looked me in the eyes, showing he told me the truth.

"Im still gonna take care of you once we're home" i said and smiled

"Whatever you say haz" he said but i could see he liked the idea


The next day louis was released and could go home. The boys all took good care of him and we're walking around like butlers, except for Harry. He had louis in his arms, holding him tight.

Little short lads i know, but i just wanted to end this chapter. Hope ya all love it! Any requests? Dont hesitate to text me! 💕

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