Ear surgery (Niall)

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Niall always had hearing problems and his parents noticed to. At first they thought the toddler had a phase and just didnt want to listen, but after a while they saw theire son hadn't heard them when they asked him something, even tho they weren't that far away.

That was the reason the couple now sat in the waiting room of the hospital, Niall on louis' lap. They dropped the kids off by Anne, since it wasn't a great idea to take them to the hospital

"Papa scawed" Niall wined looking at Harry. The boy didn't like the idea to go to see a doctor and miss school! Louis and harry managed to shush him by saying he could play with his friends soon enough.

"Ni you don't have to be scared, the doctor is just going to look at you're ears and see if it is all good" louis told the scared boy.

In this situation he really looked like Harry. Harry always was afraid as hell for doctors and was crying if they only pointed at him when he was niall's age. Louis was the opposite of that, he could have a needle in his arm and just sass "can you be quick?!" When it was already done. he still could imagine how the boy felt, strange people touching you're ears wasn't a nice thought for anyone.

After sitting there for another half an hour the doctor called the 3 in. "Hello im Dr. Blaze, what seems to be the problem?

"Well lately my husband and i noticed Niall didn't hear us very well and we think its something that isn't normal." Louis explained.

The doctor typed something on his laptop before turning again to the three. "No that isn't very common, let's have a look" he said and grapped some supplies.

He sat down next to a whining Niall and tried to sooth him while looking in his ears.

"Well i think that the eustachian tube is not functioning properly, which produces less sound vibrations, which results in hearing loss. Dont worry it is more common in children his age" the doctor explained and louis looked confused, not understanding it all. Harry did and well, that was for louis enough.

"What can we do about it?" Harry asked, stroking Niall's hair

"A surgery where we going to make a way in the inner ear through which some air will enter, but i want to take a test to see how much he hears now" (A/N i dont know how it works but this seemed good).

The parents looked in sympathy at theire 4 year old. Neither of them ever had a surgery (apart from when Harry broke his leg once) but they didn't like the idea of seeing Niall in a gown.

The doctor runned some tests where niall had to repeat him while heaving headphones in and unfortunately you could see there clearly was a problem.

"As i thought, he is going to get tubes in both his ears. The left one has a bit more damage, but it isn't too much, nothing we can't fix" the parents sighed relieved and looked at theire son, who was playing with some blocks in the cornor of the room.

"When will he get them?" Louis asked. The doctor looked at his laptop and spoke up "it will be the best if its as soon as possible, is next week alright?"

Harry and louis shared a look and nodded "oh one thing, we have a thing here that a worker comes visiting 4 days before the surgery, to explain to the parents, child and his/her brother or sisters what is going to happen, do you have an interest in that?" The doctor asked and harry immediately nodded along with louis.

"Alright i will schedule it, i expect to see you next monday then" he shook harry and louis' hand and gave niall a sticker.

On the way home niall had fallen asleep after rambling how he got a sticker and liam and zayn not. Louis and harry talked for a bit when theire bug fell asleep.

"I have to admit im scared hazz" louis told him and looked at the road, driving.

Harry patted his shoulder "i have the same, but im sure he will be fine" he reasured his husband. Harry always was the calm one in these kind of situations.

"I love you hazz"

"And i love you, lou"


It was now the date of the surgery. Four days ago a nice older lady had come to tell the family what would happen (like the doctor said). Basically niall would get a mask, fall asleep and wake up when its all done. In the meantime the doctors would place a tube in each ear one, to create more space for air. He didnt have to stay a night, just a couple of hours to make sure it was all good.

"Louis ready to go?!" Harry yelled upstairs, getting his shoes.

"Yes love, do you have his backpack?" Louis came down the stairs with a sleepy boy on his hip, who was dressed in some toy story jammies. He would get a gown once there, so harry and louis saw no point in dressing him up.

"Yep and i called Jay once again, the boys we're still sleeping" he told his husband. It was now 6:30am and they had decided it was easier to let liam and zayn sleepover by Jay and Mark, louis' parents. Niall had cried he also wanted a sleepover, but with a promise of ice cream (guess who's idea it was, starts with a L) he was alright again.

The car ride went smooth and soon enough they arrived by the hospital. Harry checked them in and a nurse showed louis and niall the room niall would be staying in today.

After waiting an hour and making niall ready, it was time to start the surgery. They decided to let harry stay with him until he slept, since he (hopefully) could wait with crying until niall slept, unlike louis who now already had a few tears.

After louis gave him multiple kisses and told him he would be waiting for him along with Harry, the bed was rolled out of the room, leaving a sniffling louis.

Harry had to change in a whole hospital suit and was happy once he heard a little giggle coming from niall "papa look silly" he smiled, hugging his stuffed bunny 'bun bun' tight.

Harry cooed at him "papa does huh? Is my monkey ready to have a nap?" He asked the boy, who pouted. Harry was relieved the boy wasn't scared at all, him and louis looked more scared then theire 4 year old toddler. It was probably the fact they told him he was just going to have a nap like home, he was unware of the situation.

"Papa stay?" Niall looked at him with a couple of tears in his eyes, seeing all the doctors around him in scary suits.

"Yes lil bug, papa will stay" of course niall didn't know harry would leave the room once he slept, but that wasn't necesarry to tell.

He stroked Niall's hair once the masked was placed on his nose and within 10 seconds the boy was out. Harry whispered a few things to him and kissed his cheek before leaving the room, tearing up a bit.

Once he saw louis he broke down, for them this was a heart breaking sight. Louis calmed him down and together they waited for theire little monkey.

After an 30 minutes niall was back and the surgery went well. He woke up a bit later and was a bit fuzzy, but cheered up once louis showed him a 'cars' balloon he buyed when Harry was with him.

Jay and Mark had visited him later that day with liam and zayn and brought him many presents and drawings his brothers had made. Soon enough it was evening and niall was released, ready to go home.

He had to come back a couple of times for check ups, but his daddies we're happy to hear the surgery had helped. Niall was confused he could hear everything better and it sometimes gave him a headache, but with lots of cuddles it was soon enough a smiling boy again.


Heys lads! Everything alright? Hope its fun to stay home, not bored. Btw there could be some grammar mistakes in this chapter, im not a English lad 😂😁. But yeah hope ya enjoyed it!💕

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