Sick but not telling (Zayn)

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Important A/N on the end!

Long chapter btw! 😁


Math, of all the subjects zayn had, was math his worst. Every week tutoring lessons after school, his dads helping him but still, not much progress.

He sighed, tommorow there would be a big test and he had been studying since last week, trying to get a good grade once. He knew that this time there had to be one, since he studied like his life depended on it but he wouldn't be suprised if he got a F again.

His dads weren't worried, saying he would learn it soon enough but zayn couldn't help and worry, liam was almost better in math then him and the kid was 6!

He glanced at the clock seeing it was 12pm. He had gone to his room at 8pm, feeling really tired and having a bit of a stomach ache, ending up falling asleep until 10.

He closed his books and rested his hands on his belly, who felt quite funny. Maybe some sleep would do him good, he thought so stripped done his clothes, got into some comfy pajamas and layed down in his bed. Within minutes he was asleep, a pained expression on his face.

Louis woke up at 5pm from Niall's cries, so walked to his youngest and saw him, crying his little heart out, his stuffed dog 'spot' clenched to his chest.

"Hey hey hey, what's wrong lil monkey?"

"Cwant sweep daddy, nightmware" he sobbed, stretching his arms out.

Louis picked him up and settled him on his hip "shh lil bug, you're a big boy, no silly tears  alright?" He bounced the boy a bit, a thing that always calmed him down.

After a while niall had fallen asleep on his fathers hip so louis layed him back down in bed. He quietly walked out of the room, on his way to his own seeing light coming through zayn's room.

That's quite odd, since it was a bit after 5, louis thought and slowly opened the door, seeing a sweaty zayn with a pained expression on his face. Louis decided to leave it, maybe it was just a bad dream.


Unfortunately it wasnt. As soon as Zayn woke up he felt like throwing up and had a bad stomach ache, but studied so hard for that math test so decided on still going to school.

He made himself ready and walked downstairs, already smelling some pancakes one of his fathers made, which made him nauseaus.

"Hey Zayner, slept well?" Harry asked his eldest, a bit of a worried tone in his voice. Louis had told him this morning what he noticed this early morning, so Harry could keep a eye on him.

"Yeah" zayn lied. Harry finished cooking and set down a plate in front of him.

At that moment louis came downstairs with liam by his side and niall on his hip.

"Goodmorning love" he said to harry and gave him a kiss while niall and liam turned theire face in disgust. The two fathers laughed about that.

After setting niall in his high chair and sat liam down next to him he looked at zayn "mornin cub, how did you sleep?"

"Good" he lied and then glanced at the clock "papa can you drive me?" Sometimes zayn wanted to go with the buss to see his friends, but he knew today the noices wouldn't do anything good for his head

"Sure, you have to fisish eating first though" harry told the boy, who shrugged.

"Not hungry" zayn grapped his phone and backpack, followed by his jacket and shoes.

"Are you sure you want to go love? You look a bit pale" louis said, trying to get him admit he wasn't feeling too good.

"Im fine, see you later!" He quickly gave louis a hug and made his way to the car.

"Zaynie no kissie for niall?" Niall looked at louis with puppy eyes, his brother always gave him kissies when he had to go!

"He isn't feeling too good monkey, soon enough you will get ur kissies again" Harry promised the little boy.

"Keep an eye on him and make sure his teacher knows yeah?" Louis told his husband. It was pretty easy to communicate since harry worked at the boy's school 3 days a week.

"Will do, bye love" he kissed louis again and ruffled the other boy's hair before following his son to the car.

Arrived at school harry told his eldest again that if we wanted to go home, he was just a few classes away. Zayn just nodded and slowly made his way to his class.

It was now a couple of hours later and zayn was outside with his friends, having lunch. His friends Kyle and Ryan noticed he was quiet.

"Are you okay zayn? You look a bit sick" Kyle looked at his friend worried.

Zayn wanted to admit he was feeling awfull, but after lunch they would have the math test, so he just lied for the third time that day.

When it was time to go inside (zayn hadn't even ate anything) his stomach started to hurt more and the nauseaus feeling became worse. He rushed to the toilets and kneeled down, breathing heavily.

His friends had followed him and Ryan kneeled down next to him, rubbing his back while zayn was throwing up his dinner from last night.

"Go get Harry please" ryan told kyle who now ran off to search for harry. They all had to say mister styles, but for the 2 boys it was normal to say harry, they almost saw him everyday after school when they came over and played at Zayn's house.

After a while harry came in followed by ryan. "Oh bud, i knew you we're sick, why didn't you tell me?"

"Math test, worked soo hard" he cried and burried his face in Harry's chest

"Aww bud we will reschedule them, im sure you're teacher will understand. Lets get ur stuff and go home, have a nice cuddle huh?"

Zayn nodded but didn't made a move to stand up

"Want me to carry you bug?" Harry asked his son, hiding a smile. His son wasnt carried anymore since he was 7, but it was no problem at all to held him since the boy was really small for his age and besides, harry loved to carry his kids around.

Zayn blushed against his fathers chest but nodded "its alright zayn, we understand ur feeling poorly" ryan said and kyle nodded, agreeing.

"Alright here we go" harry stood up with zayn in his arms and walked to Zayn's class.

"Dad will pick you up soon yeah? I called him already"

"Want you" the boy wined and harry sighed "i know cub but i have a class, i will be home before you know"

They walked to the teacher and explained the situation to her. She of course understood and they waited for louis to arrive before Harry made his way to his own class again.

That afternoon louis spoiled him and gave him lots of cuddles.

After a week of vomiting and sleeping, zayn was his old self again and managed to get a C on his test, which his parents were very proud of.


Today 5 years since zayn left the band...

Luckily the band is still here, just without one of the stars.

Its a moment to realise that someone is missing, but also a moment to realise how strong the other 4 are... 🔥

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