Burned badly (Both) Part 1

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Hiya! The other requests will be out as soon as possible, it just takes some time since my priority right now is school, but it's worth the wait I believe!

Here a 'me' fic, like all are written by me but I just felt the need to write this and yeah, enjoy!

Disclaimer: entertainment purposes only, my sass used in this one shot isn't to offend or indicate anything, the audacity just needs to be let out at times hehe <3


"Do you also smell that? Like Molly ate something she wasn't supposed to and now she tries to kill us with her deadly farts?"

"Wha-? Don't insult the cat, Louis." Louis shrugged and nudges his sleepy husband.

"Hazz I'm serious, I know I fart but at least it doesn't smell like when I have to cook for us and it turns out horrible." He hears his Harry chuckle.

"Oh damn this is real bad, where is that ball of fur?" The moment he says that the alarm in the apartment is going off.

The two glance at each other and don't hesitate to quickly put some clothes on and search for the kitten.

They soon find the small kitten and Harry swept her up into his arms.

"Alright got your phone? Don't panic, we need to go outside." Harry nods and agrees and they sprint outside, both frowning when the whole appartement complex is one big chaos.

Louis scoops the kitten up over from Harry's arms and holds his hand as they make their way outside.

Smoke starts to replace the air all around the corridors as everyone tries to make their way down the stairs, pushing others to be there first and be safe.

Once outside there are fire fighters, police cars, two ambulances and many people.

"Alright head count! We need to know if there still is someone inside!" A police man calls out and the rest takes the orders and starts counting.

"Ah Harry, Louis I didn't see you yet, glad to see the both of you are also alright, and Molly of course." The landlord and a good friend of them, Nick comes to stand next to them as the fire is spreading around the building.

"Yeah, what's happening?" Harry drapes his arm around Louis who is shivering from the cold, the both of them having only shorts on and bare naked chests.

Louis pets the kitten who purs happily and seems to be alright as well.

"They believe there was a explosion or something, the pipes had something going on, with gas or electricity and yeah now we're fucked." Nick sheepishly smiles and rubs the back of his neck as the three of them stare at the building which was surrounded and burning down in flames.

From a distance it would have been quite the sight, multiple people just standing there in robes, undies or shorts, watching as their homes were engulved by flames.

No one seemed to be in a panic or worries though, probably glad everyone seemed to be alright and in a bit of a shock, not fully realising what was happening.

They stand there for a while before Louis realises something as he looks around. "Hazz, where is Mary?"

Harry's eyes widen as he lookes around the area for the old, sweet lady who lives next door and is a heavy sleeper.

They mostly hand her the mail when they get their own as she isn't really able to walk much no more and almost always they are asked to stay for a little while and talk while sipping on a cuppa.

The boys really adores her and made sure to make some time free to listen to her interesting stories from the early days.

"Louis, I don't see her." He swallows hard and starts walking to the fire fighter who tries to calm down the un organized chaos, how did he even think it was going to go well by letting five boys who aren't probably even nineteen to get out the massive fire while they seem to be shitting their pants, no offense but yeah, even Molly would do a better job.

Louis hands Nick their kitten. "Take care of her or you will burn with your own building, and it won't be pretty." He smiles and Nick rolls his eyes, pretty used to the boy's sass by now.

He follows Harry and notices Harry's upset face, almost yelling as he tries to explain to the dude that whatever is happening isn't working the slightest.

"I agree to disagree! Mary needs to be out of that building or she's going to die!"

The man shrugs. "She's old, nice life we could say, right?" Harry's eyes are only flashing anger, nothing other than rage.

"No! Are you out of you god damn mind?! For gods sake where did you graduate, the poop academy for toddlers?!"

Louis takes that as his cue as he wraps his arms around Harry's waist from behind, Harry instantly relaxing in his touch as Louis slightly smiles, he taught the boy so well.

"What's up, love." Louis softly speaks up as the man is still staring at Harry dumbfounded.

"He-," he waves his finger in front of the man his face as he almost touches his face as he's pointing into his direction.

"He's delusional! They miss one person here and obviously it's Mary, you don't need to be sherlock to see that, even Molly is smarter and she can't even speak, maybe we should stitch up your dirty mouth because you only talk crap-"

Louis shushes him but watches him with a fond look as he takes a look around himself, frowning and getting slightly worried when indeed Mary is nowhere to be seen.

"Hazz calm down sweetheart, are we sure she's still in there? Because in that case there is no time to lose right now."

Harry sighs, calm as he speaks to his husband, Louis never fails to calm him down, with just a glance at that beautiful face he relaxes immediately.

"Yes, I'm sure. I counted myself before poop academy told me they won't do shit and I wanna do her justice."

Louis humms

"Humour me for a second, why?! Just why?!" The last part he spits out at captain stupid, the man almost folding himself into a ball at all the insults directed to him, flying over his head.

The boys didn't care though, they are nice but they care about Mary and would do anything they could to save others, innocent people shouldn't have to suffer, in general no one should.

Well anything, it isn't always a good thing to do literally anything for others, and so their next move wasn't the smartest.

When the man just said, 'It's too dangerous.'

Louis replied with, 'It's your job you fooking losah!' And didn't hesitate to walk towards the building, ducking under the tape, Harry on his heels.

"Louis it's too dangerous!" He called out, panic in his voice and eyes.

"Don't worry, I will be safe, I won't leave you behind, I won't go." He squeezes his hand.

"In that case, let me go with you."


Part two coming soon!

Probs will edit this later again read it over but yeah for spelling mistakes and so on but wanted to give you this fun story written by the one and only meeee haha.

What time are you reading this? You should be in bed! *scolds with a smile* ♡

Love the references about 'what you want for xmas lou, a robe' if you know you know and of course the iconic 'that's your job you fooking losah!' Aaa lives in my head rent free.

How's everyone?

Don't forget to check out my other stories if you're interested and gimme a follow if you didn't already, spread the love and content, all the love to all of you!

I'm in a sassy mood, could you tell? Haha

Anyways it's getting late, catch ya later! Stay safe and get some rest, you deserve it just as much as others do!

I'm going to read some books myself, me time :)

Louis with glasses and a book reading to hazz, I'm melting in a cool way, sobbing in Harry and Louis and the boys in general.

Until we meet again!


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