Drop tower fall (Louis)

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Requested by: larryisrealbirches


"Oh im so exited!" Louis steps out of the car and looks at the amusement park in front of him.

Harry took him on a date and he did well seeing Louis' reaction. He smiles at the smaller boy "yea? Im glad" Louis hugs his husband "you know me so well"

Harry laughs "wouldn't be good if i didn't knew you" he interwines their fingers and they walk to the entrance.

They go to many attractions and want to eat when Louis sees a drop tower.

"Harry can I go in there before we have lunch? I'm afraid that with a full stomach i will throw up" He laughs and so does Harry.

"sounds good love, do you mind if i watch you? you know im affraid of heights" Louis pecks his cheek "don't worry, i will go alone, make sure to watch me though!" he waves and gets in line.

Harry scrolls a bit on his phone, the queue is short, but it will still take a while before Louis's turn.

After a while it is Louis's turn and Harry hears the man say "since it is lunch time he will close for an hour, you are the last to get in" Louis nods and gets in, he will be the only one this round because nobody stood behind him, most people are having lunch.

Louis sits down and the levers slide over his shoulders and click shut. a big grin is on louis' face, he is so looking forward to it!

Harry feels shivers down his spine seeing how high the tower is, but well, its an attraction and Louis loves it

The chair where Louis is sitting rises together with the other empty chairs. They are at the top and the attraction is standing still.

Suddenly it 'falls' again and the adrenaline rushes through Louis's body.

He screams with pleasure and Harry laugh too, seeing his husband so happy.

When the tower is almost down after a second fall they both hear a crack.

From that moment on everything goes fast. The chairs are on a platform that suddenly comes loose from the tower and falls down. Louis is in a safety bar, but the seats that drop forward cause Louis's ribs to clap against the bar.

Many people heard the bang and stand next to and around the attraction.

A few ambulances along with the manager of the pack run to Louis but before they get there Harry runs to them "let me go with you, I'm his husband" people nod and let him inside the gate.

They rush to Louis who is happily conscious. Harry crouches down next to him "Louis you're okay babe?" Louis groans and shakes his head.

The ambulance people gently push Harry away and get to work to check what's wrong with Louis.

After a while one man speaks up "Its a miracle he's still alive and only has several broken ribs, we want to take him to the hospital to make sure though and wrap up his ribs but he should be fine"

Harry sighs in relief and hold Louis' hand as he is loaded into the ambulance.

They drive to the hospital and Louis is checked up again while Harry has to stay in the waiting room. He makes sure to call Louis' family and their friends, telling them about what happened.

After a while Louis is coming his way, sitting in a wheelchair "oh boo im so glad you're okay" Harry gently wraps his arms around him, making sure not to hurt him or touch his ribs.

"Yea same here, i was scared i would die" Louis gives Harry a sad smile.

Harry fiddles his fingers "i feel a bit guilty since it was my idea to take you on a date to that park" Louis leans forward and lifts his chin with his index finger "and i wanted into that tower, none of us is to blame here, however i want to call the boss of that park to make sure the other things there are safe, don't want kids to get hurt" Harry smiles, his husband is always worried about others but he's right, this can't happen again.

"Can we pick up my meds and go home hazz? Im in need of a movie night with cuddles" Harry smiles and kisses him "you read my mind"

The rest of the night and the next days they are lazy and watch movies, enjoying each other's presence.

They called the boss who apologized multiple times. He told them everything is checked out again to make sure it won't happen again and he gave them a ticket so that they can come back anytime, not having to pay.

Oh well, at least they got something good out of it (:

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