Multiple Personality Disorder (Harry)

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*warning* some people might see this as a triggering chapter, so if your sensitive for that i would suggest to skip it 😁

Disclaimer: i don't know everything about this subject so forgive me if i got something wrong.

otherwise there is no intention to hurt people by writing about it, it is simply to create a story and let people know about it

I also changed Louis' mum her name, out of respect (i don't say people who use it are disrespectful)

Requested by: LillianBogart


"Mom I'm going to see Louis!" I shout and open the front door.

"Alright honey! I'll call you when you have to go home!"

I say goodbye and get in the car on my way to my boyfriend, Louis.

he is really amazing with his blue eyes and his brown hair that hangs a bit before his eyes.

we've been in a relationship for two weeks now but it feels like we've been together for years. we already were friends for a long time before, best friends to be exact.

I know everything about him and he knows about me. well, one thing he doesn't know and that is that I have multiple personality disorder.

I discovered it when I was 15 years old and I am now 17. We got medication from the doctor and now it is all fine, as long as I take my pills every night.

I simply didn't tell Louis because I'm ashamed of it because who has this? It makes me sad to think about it.

i get out of my trans when i find i am in louis his street. I get out and am greeted by his sisters who play in the garden "hi Harry! you are there for Louis, arent you?" I smile "you got that right Daisy"

she points to the house "he's in his room" she says and I nod, thank her and walk into the house.

I already hear music coming from his room and stand in front of his door, listening to his georgeous voice singing something from Lady Gaga.

After a while i knock and hear the music stop. "Hey hazz! Come in!" I step into his room and take a seat on his bed "you heard me singing didn't ya?" His cheeks turn a light pink.

I kiss his forehead "i did, and i loved it" his cheeks are now bright red and i chuckle. "Wanna watch a movie?" He changes topic and i nod.

I let him decide and we end up watching 'Harry Potter'


"Its raining pretty bad hazz, wanna stay the night?"

"I live 2 blocks away lou"

We laugh "don't you want to be with your beloved boyfriend?" I smile and give him a kiss "alright alright, i will stay if your mom approves"

He nods and calls his mom while i text mine

From Harry: hey mom! Can i stay at louis' for the night?

From mom: sure! As long as Angelica is fine with it. The hospital called me in for a emergency so i won't be home till tommorow. Gemma is at a friend her house.

From Harry: alright! Good luck!

I put my phone away and see louis walk into the room "she said it was fine, she will take the girls to our grandparents so we will be home alone" he winks and i giggle.

"My mum said it was fine, thanks for asking that also" i roll my eyes but smile.

"Does she has a shift again?" He asks

"Yea emergency or some and Gemma is at a friend her house"

He hums and takes a seat next to me, cuddling into my side "lets watch the movie"

"What about changing into comfortable clothes first?"

He groans "i don't want to get up!"

"Too bad"

I end up wearing a oversized sweater from louis, which was originally mine anyway. Im here so often i have the half of my stuff here.

When im walking out of the bathroom lou is snoring lightly, tiny puffs leaving his lips. I watch him for a while in a non creepy way and think about what i did to get so lucky. He's so adorable. I kiss his cheek and spoon him from behind, falling asleep myself soon after...

When i wake up again i notice its dark outside and i feel...weird. a familiair feeling. Then i know it, i forgot to take my pill!

Before i know it my disorder takes over my body and it gets red before my eyes. I vaguely remember louis waking up and asking me what's wrong before i close my eyes and are surrounded by black...


"Hazz, ya awake darling?" I groan and open my eyes. In front of me is Louis with a worried expression on his face.

"W-wha happened?" I ask and rub my eyes, looking around and notice im in louis' room.

"I woke up and saw you acting weird so i checked on you and you screamed at me to get out."

I gasp "im so sorry lou" i say and swear i can cry from feeling bad.

He kisses my cheek and gives me a small smile "don't worry darling, your mum explained the situation, also why you hid it from me"

I look down, not meeting his eyes "sorry, a relationship is all about trust and i failed with that" i feel him grab my chin with his hand, gentle though "no love, its alright. Im not mad, we all have something we don't want to tell, but know you can tell me anything yea?"

I nod "i know, and i will tell you the next time i have something going on" he pulls me closer and hums a song, both feeling relieved its all sorted out...


Hope ya liked it! My other book 'The Earl And I' reached the 500 readers! Nicee.

Soon '5 Times Trouble' will be out on Webnovel lads! Im exited!

Lots of love -N🦋

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