Sick kids (Liam and Zayn)

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Requested by: ziam_mayne__


"Liam i don't want you to be sick!" the six-year-old boy hangs on his 14-year-old brother's legs, not wanting his brother to go to sleep.

"kiddo i will be better in a few days, its just a cold." He sneezes and ruffles his brother's hair.

At that moment Louis comes in "daddy is at work, Zayn shall we do some homework?" Then he sees Liam standing next to Zayn "Liam! I told you to stay in bed, Soon Zayn will get sick too!" Liam swallows hard.

His father had said he should stay in bed, also because Zayn is no longer going to deviate from his side if he wouldn't.

"I'm going already, sorry dad." Louis gives him a sympathetic smile and Liam nods, understanding how and what.

"Nooooo!" Zayn tightens the grip on Liam's leg when Liam tries to walk away to the bunk he's sleeping in.

"Zayn come on let go of your brother." Zayn shakes his head furiously, tears in his eyes.

"Should I call Daddy? He won't like coming home for this." Everyone knows Harry isn't the strict parent of the two, but this trick always helps.

Zayn wipes away his tears and let go of Liam's leg, stumbling to Louis. He makes grabby hands "carry?" Louis sighs and smiles, lifting Zayn into his arms. He turns to Liam "call for me if you need anything yea?" Liam nods and waves before disappearing into the hallway.

Louis bounces Zayn once "shall we do some homework buddy? After that we can watch a movie!" Zayn sighs but nods, he knows he doesn't really have a choice.

Louis grabs the two papers of homework out of Zayn's backpack and places it on the kitchen table where Zayn is already sitting "here you go, try it yourself first yea?"

"Don't wanna" says Zayn and crosses his arms "and why not?" Louis asks.

Zayn sighs "I want Liam to be here." Louis sits down next to him "I understand that buddy but your brother is sick so he is going to sleep well so you can play together again soon."

Zayn stomps his feet "no!" Louis raises his eyebrows "excuse me mister?" Zayn looks at him "you heard me."

At moments like this Louis can laugh when he sees how much his son looks like him with his sass, but right now it only makes him more angry "that's enough, you're going in time-out."

Louis gently grabs Zayn's arm and takes the now screaming and crying boy into the hall where the time out chair is.

He puts him down on the chair and lets Zayn look at him "Zayn you sit here because you were being rude to daddy, when the timer goes off I will come and pick you up again." Without saying anything else he walks to the living room and sits down.

He rubs his face and occasionally looks into the hall where the sobbing boy is still sitting on the chair.

Zayn wants to get off, Louis knows that, but he also knows that Zayn will not get off of it before he comes for him, after all, he knows what happens when he gets off the chair without permission.

After six minutes Louis goes back into the hall and kneels so that he is at Zayn's eye level. "Zayn why were you on the naughty chair?"

Zayn pouts and looks up "cause i didn't say nice things to daddy, im sorry." Louis smiles and gives him a hug "you're forgiven, shall we go draw a picture for Liam together? Then you can give it when he wakes up."

Zayn wipes his tears and gets up, smiling "yes! I want to color a panda!"

Louis chuckles and follows Zayn into the kitchen. Parenting isn't always easy, but there are so many great things too...


The updates of all my books are going a bit slow but im hella busy these days so yea sorryyy 🤷‍♀️😂🔥

Btw have you heard the name of Zayn and Gigi's daughter yet? Khai, such a beautiful name! 😍😍

(Almost da 300 followers on watty!) 🥳🥳

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