Sick on da Where We Are Tour (Harry)

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Requested by: Beckyxx06


Harry's pov

Touring with your best friends, meeting fans and singing for them, i almost would say its the best time of my life. well, our lives, im sure the others think the same.

but there are also disadvantages. there have been some viruses among the band members, including me, but I don't remember ever feeling as sick as now.

well, it's not too bad when I think about it. a little cold, sneeze and sniffle.

Louis thinks it's cute, but he's my husband after all. he already stares at me with heart-eyes when I am sneezing, claiming the sight is adorable.

can't say i agree with him but oh well.

can see he doesn't like to see me sick though. he constantly asks me if I need anything, when all I really want is his presence and hugs that he also luckily gives me.

tonight there is another concert and Louis thinks I should sit it out. i'm not really sick often so management shouldn't complain. but then when I think about how disappointed the fans can be, I just want to sing, sick or not.

at that point the other 3 come in. I lie with my head on Louis' lap and watch some TV while he plays with my hair.

the rest sit down "still not feeling well hazz?" liam asks, getting a bit worried.

liam is just like louis. both caring and like a father. the only difference is liam has that with everyone, louis only with me ...

(i have to say louis does care about others though, he just has a soft spot for his husband 🤷‍♀️)

louis rolls his eyes "obviously he isn't feeling well, see how he's acting" i calm him down by kissing his chest, the only thing i can reach with the position im in.

louis realizes it was pretty rude "sorry li, im just worried"

"It's just a cold lou, probably caused by the rain from the last concert" i shrug

"You can, but that can make you feel sick. Are you sure you want to sing?"

I nod "if there is something I will tell you"

zayn laughs "yeah, we know you hazz, you're a stubborn little shit. You won't tell us"

Niall nods "Louis too, by the way, he'll just take over I guess. Lets just keep a eye on him tonight."

"you get it when you've been married for 2 years" louis says proudly and kisses my forehead.

the rest make a puke sound "do that later lovebirds, we have to go to Lou for our hair"

Louis helps me stand up and wraps an arm aroud my waist "love you"

"Love you" i smile and we make our way to Lou and Lux

Time skip to concert

I feel like shit. The whole time im sneezing in between the singing and the boys had to sing some of my parts cuz i was having coughing fits. I can tell i look like shit also, but i don't care honesty, i have a man already anyway.

Louis checks on me once in a while just like the others. Liam throws water bottles at me and Niall just stand next to me, cheering me up. Zayn makes funny faces and lou is mainly asking me if i need anything.

So as you can see they take care of me, but still i wish i was in my warm bed and could close my eyes.

Well, guess i just hafta sit out my time.

After the concert

"That was awesome!"



I also want to say how nice it was to see the fans but when i open my mouth only sneezes come out.

"Aw babe its getting worse ey?" I nod and place my head on his shoulder

"I think we need to get that checked out, that cough doesn't sound too well"

"Coughes aren't supposed to sound well" i croak out and Louis lifts me up "well sassy ass, were going to the hospital, if you like it or not"

I huff and am taken to the doctor.

Turns out its brochitis, pretty bad i must add. The doctor told me i can't sing for the next two concerts! Its a bummer. I will sit on stage though and just communicate with the fans, i love them and they make me feel better.

"How do you feel love? Any better after those pills?" He points at the meds the doctor gave me.

I shake my head "they didn't kick in yet i think, im just feeling bleh"

"Lets go back to the hotel and get some sleep, tommorow we have a concert"

"Sounds like a plan" i nod and louis helps me to the car.

Time skip (again, i know i know 😂)

"Hello Tokyo!" Louis yells into the microphone and i smile. The concert began and all the fans are screaming already, the first song didn't even started yet!

It makes me so happy!

"Hey lad, need anything?" Liam stands next to me and gives me a water bottle. I take a sip "no, thanks mate"

"No problem" he pats my shoulder and continues singing.

The next few hours are alright. Due the meds i can handle it a bit better and even try to sing sometimes, something the others aren't too happy about.

"Babe don't sing please, spare your beautiful voice" louis gives me a sad smile and i pout "i just want to" i sigh.

He gives me a quick kiss "i know, but its for the best"

I nod and wave to some fans which cheers me up a bit. Zayn takes a seat next to me "here i brought you a towel, its bloody hot in here"

I thank him and place the towel around my shoulders.

The rest of the evening went smoothly and before i know it we said our goodbyes to the fans and made our way to the tourbus where we would sleep for the night.

"Tommorow we have some interviews" liam announces and yawns.

"Yea that tommorow, lets sleep for now, im dead" louis replies

"Ha your dead? Im dead" i joke and hug him.

"Its that i love you" louis laughs and pecks my lips

"Love you too"

It will be fine, we will be fine, a fineline to be exact...

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