Tooth problems (Zayn)

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Harry is daddy
Louis is papa

Liam is 18
Zayn is 12
Niall is 8


"Breakfast is ready boys!" Harry yelled from the kitchen. He set down some plates with pancakes on it, something the boys loved.

"Daddy, daddy can i have da spiderman plate?" Niall asked, storming into the kitchen like a tornado.

Harry chuckled "sure love" and switched the tiger plate with the right one.

At that moment louis came downstairs followed by liam and zayn. "Goodmorning dad" liam said while zayn just nodded. Harry noticed zayn had a painfull expression on his face. "Are you alright love?" He asked the boy who jumped up in his chair and nodded.

Harry and louis shared a look and louis mouthed 'just wait a sec'

They ate the breakfast harry made and talked about what they we're going to do today "i go play with Connor and Mikey! With da cars!" Niall yelled, shoving some more food in his mouth.

"That sounds lovely monkey but please use you're inside voice" louis smiled at the enthousiast boy who nodded " sorry papa"

"What are you going to do Liam?" Harry asked and liam shrugged "have a biology test today oh and dad can you pick me up from football practise today? Eric is sick so can't pick me up" he explained and harry nodded "6 right?" Liam nodded

"And what are you going to do zayn?" Louis asked the 12 year old, who hadn't eat anything in the past minutes. He shrugged "i dont know" he said and squeezed his eyes shut. Harry looked at louis and then back at zayn "what's hurting darling? We can clearly see you're in pain"

At that moment zayn began to cry. His tooth started hurting last week but he is so affraid of the dentist, he didn't say anything.

Louis walked to his seat and gave him a hug, setting him on his lap. Zayn hid his face in louis' neck, feeling embarresed his brothers saw this.

Harry sensed that "boys please go to the livingroom, its not a punishment" he said and niall walked away immediately. Liam stood up "i have to go to school anyway, see you tonight?" They said theire goodbyes and soon enough it was just the three of them.

"Whats wrong now buddy?" Louis asked the teenager who sat on his lap.

"My tooth hurts" he whispered

"Aww love for how long now?" Harry asked. They didnt need to ask why zayn hadn't tell them, they both knew how scared zayn was for the dentist. They didn't know where it came from, liam was alright with it and niall even loved it since he always got a sticker. Also louis and harry didn't had promblems with going to the dentist but could imagine how it was for zayn.

"A week" zayn replied and harry already grapped the phone, leaving the room so zayn wouldnt know harry called the dentist office.

"Zayn you know you're going to the dentist now right?" Louis gently spoke, knowing the fear of zayn.

The boy began sobbing in louis' chest, really not wanting to go.

"Its no big deal at all bug, you dont want it to become worse innit?" He said and zayn shook his head 'no'

"Are you going with me papa?" He asked and looked up at louis who stroked his hair "of course love and besides i have no choice, you're not 18 yet" he chuckled.

At that moment harry came back in "11 he can let it check, i already called you're work and the school" he smiled and louis thanked him.

"I will take niall to school and go to the office then alright?"

"Sure hazz" he gave his husband a kiss and niall a hug, wishing him good luck.

"Well buddy its just you and me now, i want you to eat something and then we can watch some tv alright?"

"But papa eating hurts!" Zayn told him, his eyes forming tears again

"I give you a banana, love. Its soft and easy to eat" louis grapped a banana from the fruit bowl and gave it to his pouting son "come on zayn, do it for me"

Zayn sighed and ate the banana, making louis smile.

Soon enough it was time to go to the dentist and zayn grew more and more nervous. Louis reasured him it would be fine but zayn wouldn't have it.

Once there louis talked to the receptionist and sat down next to zayn in the waiting room. He hoped the boy didn't need a filling but he knew there was a big chance for it.

"Zayn Tomlinson" the dentist spoke after a while and zayn grapped louis' hand, whimpering a bit.

He sat down in the chair while the dentist putted on some gloves and a mask "hello im Drake Jones but you can call me Drake, what seems to be the problem?" He looked at louis who explained the whole situation.

"Alright lets take a look shall we?" Zayn opened his mouth, silently crying. Louis held his hand and made soothing patterns on his palm with his thumb, knowing it would calm the boy down a bit.

"Yeah on his left side is a hole which needs a filling" Drake explained once he was done with looking. Zayn sobbed and asked to sit on louis' lap which of course louis didn't deny.

"Is it going to happen now?" Louis asked him, it would be easier if it was just done right away, seeing zayn is scared.

Drake nodded

"Can he sit on my lap?" Louis asked then, knowing the boy wouldn't move away soon.

The dentist nodded and collected all his stuff before standing in front of a whimpering zayn "its going to be fine kiddo, you won't feel that much from the needle" by the world needle zayn began to sob even more. Louis calmed him down by rocking them back and forth before it was time to get over with it.

1 hour later

"That went pretty well zayn, im proud of you" louis looked next to him where zayn sat. They we're driving home now after they went to get some ice cream (no explanation needed).

"Tfankws pwapa" zayn said, well tried to say. He still had anesthesia so he was not very good to understand, but louis could understand it.

It went really well if you asked louis. Zayn had just watched tv which hung on the ceilling while louis whispered soothing things. Zayn had cried a bit when the needle touched his mouth but with some words from his father it was soon enough done.

Once home harry also was there and made sure to praise zayn about his visit. They cuddled on the couch that evening and zayn fell asleep by the second movie they watched, exhausted from all the emotions.

"He is looking like you hazz"

"Sleeping or the dentist visit" harry smiled and louis laughed "dentist ya stupid frog"

"Hey! Im not looking like a frog!" Harry pouted

"Whatever ya say hazz, whatever ya say" louis chuckled, kissing harry's pout away.


the end didnt made sense but sometimes nothing makes sense so fair enough i think😂 and well larry fluff so thank me later 😏😁

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